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  1. #1
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    my 250mg x2 a week SUST cycle. Help for pct/anastrzole

    just took my first shot

    will be doing a 12 week course consisting of 2 shots of 250mg a week of sustanon

    now the other 3 ingredients i have are:

    PREGNYL - 5000u - after my course, but when?

    CLOMID - after my course, but when and how much

    ANASTROZOLE - Do i take this daily of 1mg?.....need help on this 1!!

    thanks in advance, have already learnt alot from my 1st mistake.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    You dont look like u know what ur doing

    Sust need to be shot EOD minimum

    HCG needs to be ran durring cycle

    Ppst up ur stats aswell

  3. #3
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    i thought 500mg would be good for a 1st cycle per week?

    HCG i thought was for pct???

    and ANASTROZOLE should be a daily thing yer?? should i take .5 or 1mg?

  4. #4
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    Dude u started this already and didn't have all your questions answered? Sounds like you already have botched this cycle.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Just because it comes in 250mg vials doesnt mean u have yo inject all of it

    This is exactly why i hate the thort of sust

    You need to stop what ur doing and learn what u need to do

  6. #6
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    should i be taking ANASTROZOLE dosage of 1mg daily? or ever other day?

  7. #7
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    training experience/cycle experience

    You can do sust 2x weekly at 250mg per shot say monday/thursday as I am with good results, but if I could go back I would have been doing EoD. If you dont understand why you arent ready for your cycle and should put the gear away and research. You need to spend a lotta time on here, and i mean a LOT....of time here, going through all the educational stickies and following other peoples mistakes so you dont make a similar one.

    Do you know proper injection procedures? You might wanna start with that as if you inject it into a vein you will likely die. This is all assuming you are the correct age and cant do any more with natural growth, but likely you havent gotten your diet in check, which if everything checks out here, posting that to be reviewed by a vet in the diet section would help a ton.

    Lets start with stats...

  8. #8
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    im getting a doctor to inject.

    im 186cm, 84kg, 24 years old - want to get to at least 90kg

    this my 1st cycle, been training close to 2 years.

    can you please explain why eod is prefered? i thought spacing it twice a week was normal...or is sust different?....

  9. #9
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by shennen View Post
    training experience/cycle experience

    You can do sust 2x weekly at 250mg per shot say monday/thursday as I am with good results, but if I could go back I would have been doing EoD. If you dont understand why you arent ready for your cycle and should put the gear away and research. You need to spend a lotta time on here, and i mean a LOT....of time here, going through all the educational stickies and following other peoples mistakes so you dont make a similar one.

    Do you know proper injection procedures? You might wanna start with that as if you inject it into a vein you will likely die. This is all assuming you are the correct age and cant do any more with natural growth, but likely you havent gotten your diet in check, which if everything checks out here, posting that to be reviewed by a vet in the diet section would help a ton.

    Lets start with stats...
    Shennen no offense but I do not think you are the best person to be giving advice. You will NOT DIE if you inject into a vein/artery, you will feel like complete ass for 10-15 minutes with a cough from hell and sweats but nothing that wont pass. As you stated EOD is needed for sust due to the short esters in it and if you are in the middle of a sust cycle you can change your pin cycle today to make the most of it. Denzel is 24 if I remember correctly and he DEFINITELY needs to do TONS of research. Also, we all appreciate you, shennen, giving advice when you can but just try to make sure it is accurate that is all.

  10. #10
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    looked into

    becuase of the short esters i should inject twice a week eod


    some people say to use hcg for pct -

    , some to use on cycle

  11. #11
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Look up sust under the steroid profile section, better if you educate yourself than take my word for it.

    Then goto the PCT section and get your doseage, start time, and knowledge on there.
    Make sure you do this after you read about sust so you know when to start the PCT and why.

    This site has a great search function. You can find endless amounts of threads on sust here, check some out.

    These are all critical steps, and youre gonna get bashed a bit for starting your cycle with no real knowledge of what youre putting in your body. Remember this is an extremely powerful drug youre using now, respect it.

  12. #12
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    found out why you say eod
    "If a steroid user uses a long acting testosterone (such as testosterone enanthate ), they will inject it once or twice each week. At the end of each week, the long acting ester has tapered down to its original levels and threatens to drop below that level if a new injection is not made. With sustanon , this is not the case due to it's blend of four esters, including the two short ones - propionate and phenylpropionate. As a result of these two shorter esters, more frequent injections are necessary to keep stable blood levels are make full use of all esters in the blend. If a user injections sustanon only once per week for example, full use is not as easily made of the propionate and phenylpropionate esters which release quickly and taper off at a faster rate due to their shorter half lives. The issue of sustanon injections remains heatly debated online. Many users claim that injection only twice a week or even once a week is sufficient for sustanon. However, from my experience, many of these same users are running high quantities of sustanon (as much as 750mg and more each week). The logical conclusion here is that sustanon can be injected only once a week, but as stipulated above, this is done only at the loss of the shorter acting propionate and phenylpropionate esters. Injection one gram of sustanon weekly will still take full advantage of the shorter acting isocaproate and decanoate esters which combined account for 64% of the total blend. 64% of 1000mg weekly is equal to 640mg of active steroid which, in my opinion, can be achieved through more frequent injections at a lower dose to optimize the effect of the short acting esters, accounting for a total use of 100% of the blend. Every other day, or daily injections is the best way to insure the maximum effects of all four esters in the blend.

    For use as a long acting testosterone, sustanon is a poor choice over enanthate of cypionate . For the purpose of front loading, sustanon may be an excellent choice to kick start a mass building cycle with other testesterons in the mix at a later date within the same cycle."

    so twice a week, eod is fine?????


  13. #13
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by shennen View Post
    Look up sust under the steroid profile section, better if you educate yourself than take my word for it.

    Then goto the PCT section and get your doseage, start time, and knowledge on there.
    Make sure you do this after you read about sust so you know when to start the PCT and why.

    This site has a great search function. You can find endless amounts of threads on sust here, check some out.

    These are all critical steps, and youre gonna get bashed a bit for starting your cycle with no real knowledge of what youre putting in your body. Remember this is an extremely powerful drug youre using now, respect it.
    /\ x2, well put.

  14. #14
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyPeaches o.O View Post
    Shennen no offense but I do not think you are the best person to be giving advice. You will NOT DIE if you inject into a vein/artery, you will feel like complete ass for 10-15 minutes with a cough from hell and sweats but nothing that wont pass. As you stated EOD is needed for sust due to the short esters in it and if you are in the middle of a sust cycle you can change your pin cycle today to make the most of it. Denzel is 24 if I remember correctly and he DEFINITELY needs to do TONS of research. Also, we all appreciate you, shennen, giving advice when you can but just try to make sure it is accurate that is all.
    Was a scare tactic actually, as I assumed he was gonna post a much younger age and I have to disagree, i think im a prime example for giving advice on this subject, to the extent that I have given it, and as far as what ive learned through my experience here and being on the same cycle, another opinion really couldnt hurt. Ill leave the real stuff to the vets but i said nothing so outta place that it shouldnt be considered before continuing. Would hate for someone to make my mistakes is all. I will make sure my information is on point.

  15. #15
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    so i should be doing smaller doses, say 3 times a week??

    since a doctor will be doing it

    mon, wed , fri be ok??

    since im going to the doctor for the injectors i really wanted to go every monday and thursday of 250mg - this is a big nono???

    Last edited by denzel; 09-14-2010 at 10:17 AM.

  16. #16
    Sector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shennen View Post
    Was a scare tactic actually.
    You serious? We dont want to scare new members we want to educate them and let them interpret the risk for what it is.

  17. #17
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by denzel View Post
    so i should be doing smaller doses, say 3 times a week??

    since a doctor will be doing it

    mon, wed , fri be ok??

    since im going to the doctor for the injectors i really wanted to go every monday and thursday of 250mg - this is a big nono???

    Why r u going to a doc to shoot, just do it urself!

    Empty ur amps out into a sterile vial 10or 20ml then u can dose it easily EOD

    Sealed sterile vials are easy and cheap to buy online, where do u live??

  18. #18
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    not confident to inject myself.

    im an aussie.

    research shows my blood levels maybe a little off with a twice a week approach, though i should still gains? just not optimal?

  19. #19
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    got it all figured out, i think

    PCT =
    Chomiphene (Clomid)

    Day 1: 300mg (this may be excessive to some, you're probably better with 200mg)
    Day 2-11 (10 days): 100mg/day
    Day 12-21 (10 days): 50mg/day

    Week 1: 100mg/day
    Week 2: 50mg/day
    Week 3: 50mg/day

    for Sustanon .........................3 weeks wait........3 weeks on.

    HCG -

    either you run it during the time when the ester clears(for example during the 2wks phase after your last jab of test e/c or 18days for sustaton) OR you run it during cycle at 500-750IU everyweek(split it into 2 injections per week).

    BUT found this:
    Sustanon is a blend of four testosterone esters. Contrary to popular meathead belief, there are not four "different kinds of test" in sustanon. This type of talk fosters inaccurate drug information. Sustanon was made with the intention to yield an even blood testosterone level rapidly, yet for a prolonged period of time. If you have already read the sections on esters and/or the propionate drug profile, you already know better.

    A rather silly practice that many individuals do is to inject sust every other day or so. The thought is that you will take advantage of the quick acting propionate each time you do this. This is false and goes against modern science of drug depot action. The prop may be metabolized by three days or so, but the three other longer acting esters of test in sust are still releasing. As long as you have some in your system releasing, you are in the safe zone with regards to anabolic effects from the drug.

  20. #20
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    my reccomendations from what i have learnt;

    HCG run from 2nd week of cycle run up untill day before PCT
    HCG EOD or E3D 150 - 250 IU's per shot


    Nolvadex and clomid 5 weeks

    Clomid 100-50-50-50-25
    Nolva 40-20-20-20-20

    AI during PCT if one was not run on cycle

  21. #21
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    with the arimdex

    if price isnt an issue (not for me) how much should i be taking

    currently im taking 1mg every 3rd day.


  22. #22
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    0.25 EOD or E3D is often reccomended

    May not nee it may need more

  23. #23
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    on some forums people use at as a "cutting" agent to help with their cycle

    i know there are pro's and con's

    some say it hinders gains

    some say not to use it all if you can

    while others say if price isnt an issue, go nuts ( as long as you still have some estrogen in ur system)

    confusing. With dosages all over the place from .25 to 1mg

  24. #24
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    for my pct

    ill be waiting 3 weeks to start my clomid.

    in those 3 weeks should i still continue with the arimdex??

    and then when i start my clomid do i stop or continue with the armidex also?

  25. #25
    denzel is offline Junior Member
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    starting to get sore nipples... what should i do, just up my anastrozole (arimdex) ???


  26. #26
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Up your Arimidex dose to 0.5mg EOD and take 10mg Nolva untill nips arback to normal

    I have no experience with gyno or sides but this is what I would do

    Any other reccomendations???

  27. #27
    jojomcgo's Avatar
    jojomcgo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    0.25 EOD or E3D is often reccomended

    May not nee it may need more
    ^ pretty much says it all but for me my self im getting ready to swich to tamox.. i dont like the adex, i get head ache's and to many sides from it as where i have run tomax with good results while on cycle .. This was my first time with it i didn't want the bloat ect but with the head ache's im getting from it i can't wait to feel bloated again..

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