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  1. #1
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Adequan protocol

    got some coming....hoping it will help with some knee and elbow discomfort (glucosamine/chondroitin oral supplement is not doing anything)

    was thinking about 125mg twice a week for four weeks

    how's the dose look?

    feedback from other users?

  2. #2
    upperhandy is offline Member
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  3. #3
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    wow.... nobody?

  4. #4
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    well, i thought i'd keep anyone interested updated.

    have done 3 pins so far each 1.25ml (more or less) = 125mg
    am doing this twice a week

    man it hurts like a bit*h! i mean with oil i feel nothing. with this stuff i can feel it the whole time i am pushing the plunger.... stinging....stinging....stinging....

    got to the point where i was laughing ... (anyone else laugh at pain?)

    anyway.... seems as though my knee pain has subsided a bit. i can sit cross legged and get up without too much discomfort
    and going up stairs is no longer painful

    i will continue this protocol for a month and let y'all know how it goes periodically


  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Sorry I never even saw this. Glad to see someone actually using Adequan. How much do you weigh? Typically it's dosed at 2mg/lb BW I believe.

    Other joint products for future reference:
    Hyaluronic Acid

  6. #6
    optionsdude's Avatar
    optionsdude is offline Member
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    Hawaiian Love the warning sign. Upperhandy thanks for posting your experience. I have had meniscus repair on my left knee and a piece removed from my right knee. My right knee has been acting up a little but the left one is doing great after 7 years. had a bucket handle tear and the doc stapled it down. Took about a year for full recovery non weight bearing for 9 weeks. Serious atrophy and loss of strength. I don't know if the adequan would help me since I have another piece of cartilege floating around. Doesn't bother me all of the time but when it does man does it hurt.

  7. #7
    mkt is offline Female Member
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    Interesting. I just had both knees scoped and am recovering. i give adequan to my horse and my cat and don't understand why it's not prescribed for people. what's the dosage protocol? and where do you shoot? I'm on light HGH which is a TINY shot, something tells me (maybe the amount I have to give my cat) that this would be a pretty big shot. yikes.

  8. #8
    mkt is offline Female Member
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    San Francisco
    Had my horse trainer shoot me with 100mg canine adequan on Saturday. the shot itself wasn't painful at all, was sore later and is now a silver dollar sized black bruise. I'm due for another today I think. I'm trying to follow the arteperon protocol. I plan to do 1cc every four days for four doses, then to 1x per month unless I feel that i can discontinue.

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