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Thread: Sustanon injection frequency

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I think most people use at least 250mg of Sustanon twice weekly.

  2. #42

    Old Bump!

    Im new to this site, and I know this is an old thread but I wanted to thank the poster. Great info!

    Also, I have been BB for about 3 years now hard core and done my fair share... I agree I think everyone's body is different and the best thing to do is just try it out and see which works better for you. Personally, I HATE pinning... mostly because its hard for me to reach certain spots very well. If I had someone that would do it for me, that would make it a lot better, I don't mind the needle so much as I have a hard time doing it correctly myself... this forces me to pin as little as possible.

    However, I've also known a few guys who have done sust cycles and did a 21 day sust cycle of 250mg of sust every day! The results were great! But not something I'm comfortable with.

    Information is a powerful thing... but remember no one has the same body and no one reacts to things in exactly the same way.

    Anyhow, again, THANKS!

  3. #43
    Mega bump

    Pinning sus 2x a week instead of eod, what about blood levels? I was reading somewhere that if you do eod then you have more stable blood levels?

    Bout to start sus 250 and would much rather do 2x a week than eod

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    2012 bump?

    Are u fvcking kidding me??

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