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  1. #1
    opelcorsa is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    First timer - a few questions

    Hi all,

    I'm 26, 5'8", medium built, 163 lb (dropped 15lb after finishing a cutting program), with 7 years of lifting experience. I'm going to stack Sustanon and Anavar for 1 month, and only 1 month (as in, I don't want to keep using these roids). While on these I will be using the Bodi Detox patches + milk thistle to support the liver. I will also stop taking creatine and anything that causes liver stress. Afterwards I am thinking of taking something like Clomid but I don't know if 1 month is enough to cause any side effects -or is it? With the right diet I want to put on 10-15 lb but definitely not more.

    I'm wondering how my body will look like in 1 month. Is there going to be a lot of change in the skin, face, etc? My concern is that, I don't want to look as though I've undergone plastic surgery. But considering the mildness of these 2 roids, with only 1 time usage it may not be a concern. Also I don't really want to grow big and then drop to a peanut after I'm done with the roids. If I keep a good diet can I expect my body to stay almost the same after the cycle? I'm ok with my strength dropping though.

    As you may have noticed my goal is different than most people who go on roids. The whole point is getting a boost in my test levels + muscle mass while cutting some unwanted fat here and there. Afterwards I want to maintain what I gained. I also don't mind doing it just for the experience. So do you think it's worth doing this for 1 month? If I'm going to lose it all without ongoing cycles then it may not be worth it.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Aug 2009
    Your entire post screams: "I have no reason to use AAS and would only cause myself a bunch of grief".
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 09-19-2010 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    1 month cycle is rather short. It'll take a month for the long esters in Sustanon to take effect. If you want to do only a 1 month cycle with sustanon, it's better not to start. Then you won't have to worry about PCT. Stick with your good diet and train hard.

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