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  1. #1
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    anavar with sust

    Id really like to add an oral like anavar to the last four of my twelve week sust cycle.
    14-20 bf
    Second cycle.

    Started 1500mg sust/wk for five weeks, on 750/wk through end now. Twice weekly. Not sure of doseage for var. Heard 60-100 mg daily or 20 mg daily, let's just say opinions vary.

    Pct on hand nolva tabs and clomi tabs from legit source.
    Would really like to end this cycle with abang, so I don't feel so quickly to jump back on another cycle. If not anavar, id be doing a full pct and then jump into a 8 week test prop/ mast cycle.
    With anavar I feell like it would be ready for a 12 week plus two week long ester plus pct & bw break. It being my body.

    My gains have been incredible, probably cause I wasn't ready for this aas cycle accorrding Haw.Prides posts. My gains were huge, almost thirty pounds already, cause natty wasn't maxed.

    Any vets that would help would be so much appreciated.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    14-20% BF is quite the discrepancy, FYI.

    I guess the damage is already done, but yah you don't sound like you were ready to cycle.

    I'd take the time off after PCT and re-evaluate your diet and training before hoping onto another cycle.

    As far as the Var, I'd hold off. Adding more drugs to a cycle you already weren't prepared for isn't the best choice.

  3. #3
    _ripp3d_'s Avatar
    _ripp3d_ is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    14-20% BF is quite the discrepancy, FYI.

    I guess the damage is already done, but yah you don't sound like you were ready to cycle.

    I'd take the time off after PCT and re-evaluate your diet and training before hoping onto another cycle.

    As far as the Var, I'd hold off. Adding more drugs to a cycle you already weren't prepared for isn't the best choice.
    Go with that D7M said, wise guy.. Also I'm gonna throw in my $0.02. If you don't take anavar , which I recommended you can go into your PCT, get your diet and training re-evaluated like stated above and get even better results with anavar. If you take anavar now the results wont be as dramatic as holding off. The first time on the compound provides the best results. So either you can go against the advice and get little gains or wait, get everything in check and throw it in your next cycle and get better gains...

  4. #4
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    It's normally not a good idea to change dose mid cycle. I can affect your test blood level. It's best to keep the blood concentration level constant. I wouldn't run the Anavar right now. I'd finish, do a good PCT, get blood work and make sure you're back to normal before I thought about an Anavar cycle. Anavar is a mild oral but still liver toxic. It's recommend that the Anavar cycle be between 6 wks to 8 wks. As far as the dosage? I took 80mg/ed for 7 weeks and got results. Many take 60mg/ed and get good results. There seems to be a max of 100mg/ed. Anything above that doesn't seem to add a lot to the cycle. Be safe bro. Make sure you wait 21 days and do a good PCT. You got a lot of gear in you.

  5. #5
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    thanks, disaster averted

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    those stats are awful. How can you be so tall, bw so low, and have such high bf. Damn bro. I don't mean to poke fun but why did you feel the need to take 1500mg of test a week?

  7. #7
    timjitsu's Avatar
    timjitsu is offline Junior Member
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    6'4" 190lbs with 14-20% BF (so lets just assume 17%?) i dont know but this seems impossible to me? cuz im 6'1" and when i was 190 i had 9.5% BF and i was pretty skronny. i mean im a newbie to AAS but not fitness and these stats dont seem right to me.

  8. #8
    timjitsu's Avatar
    timjitsu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    those stats are awful. How can you be so tall, bw so low, and have such high bf. Damn bro. I don't mean to poke fun but why did you feel the need to take 1500mg of test a week?
    shoulda read a little more before i posted

  9. #9
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, bf was a shot in the dark, figure I'm really somewhere around 12% now after seeing the pic thread.
    I just throw it in there cause people ask, but like I said shotin the dark. I started at about 160 cause I got addicted to some shit when I got outta the army. So there was really no fat on me, but before that I ws about 180 yr rnd.

    1500 wasn't a frontload it was a mistake.

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