I have been running a bulking cycle for the past 7 weeks which went like this.
Weeks 1-7 test prop 100mg EOD
Weeks 1-6 tren acetate 50mg EOD
Weeks 3-7 anadrol 50mg ED
I am on hrt, and currently about 15% bodyfat, and just want to lean out to 10%, so i can maintain that till next bulking phaze and lean bulk. I will be nearing 7 weeks in a few days, and wanted to cut immediately after; I have actually never cut before and I know that I wouldn't need much gear for cutting, how does this sound?
Weeks 7-13 test prop 50mg EOD
Weeks 7-13 clen 100mcg ED
Weeks 7-13 t3 50mcg ED
Weeks 7-13 keto 2mg ED (before bed)
Would that be enough to maintain my muscle mass while cutting?
Currently 5'10, 203lbs, 15-16% bodyfat