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Thread: Need advice on my first cycle

  1. #1

    Need advice on my first cycle

    My stats:

    160 pounds
    4 years training 30 pounds gained naturally
    my goal is to reach 180 pounds off of first cycle

    This is my first cycle. I will be taking sustanon 250 2x a week at 500mgs. I know its better results with EOD, but not into the needle things too much and I really dont want to inject that much so 2x should be fine results. Its a 10 week cycle. For PCT, i was planning on using nolvadex 3 weeks after last injection at 40/40/20/20. I was told 10 weeks of test isnt such a harsh cycle so just some nolvdex on hand should be fine. I mean, everybodys body reacts different but thats why im starting with a simple test cycle to see how my body reacts. Does this cycle sound okay? Any tips and opinions would be great guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Other than being 23 the cycle seems ok. I would run a single estered test instead of a blend. But then again i would also wait two years untill i were 25.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Patsfan073 View Post
    My stats:

    160 pounds
    4 years training 30 pounds gained naturally
    my goal is to reach 180 pounds off of first cycle

    This is my first cycle. I will be taking sustanon 250 2x a week at 500mgs. I know its better results with EOD, but not into the needle things too much and I really dont want to inject that much so 2x should be fine results. Its a 10 week cycle. For PCT, i was planning on using nolvadex 3 weeks after last injection at 40/40/20/20. I was told 10 weeks of test isnt such a harsh cycle so just some nolvdex on hand should be fine. I mean, everybodys body reacts different but thats why im starting with a simple test cycle to see how my body reacts. Does this cycle sound okay? Any tips and opinions would be great guys!
    it looks like you have made excellant progress so far, why do you feel the need to start with AAS?

  4. #4
    Well I know alot of people who are either on cycles or have taken them. And Its just something I want to try out. I didnt think i would lean this way. When I was first starting the gym i was actually against aas. But then i just got into the whole gym thing and now it comes to my mind. Why not? A little test is not going to kill me. People seem to make it such a risky life threathening thing it seems like. If you know what your doing its fine. And so what if I'm 23. You think I want to wait till I'm married and almost 30? I'm not trying to being a professional bodybuilder. Come on, have fun while your young, get the body you want, get the females an live it up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    middle of US
    well the thing is that your body should be making good test on its own.. most people recomment that you shouldnt start till your 25 just because your natural test levels start to go down...

    But if you are insisting that your gonna do it.. why not go with either test E or C for 12 weeks 500mg/week.. and a good pct??

  6. #6
    Yeah I was really thinking about test E for my first cycle. Is the sus too strong for first cycle? I heard good stuff about sus but i know its gonna hurt like hell because of the prop in it. I dont know, i mean when i tell people im gonna do sus my first cycle they look at me like woah ur nuts lol why is that? and they do recommend either test e, test pro or test cyp

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Patsfan073 View Post
    Well I know alot of people who are either on cycles or have taken them. And Its just something I want to try out. I didnt think i would lean this way. When I was first starting the gym i was actually against aas. But then i just got into the whole gym thing and now it comes to my mind. Why not? A little test is not going to kill me. People seem to make it such a risky life threathening thing it seems like. If you know what your doing its fine. And so what if I'm 23. You think I want to wait till I'm married and almost 30? I'm not trying to being a professional bodybuilder. Come on, have fun while your young, get the body you want, get the females an live it up!
    These are not recreational drugs its not a decision that is made because everyone else is doing it dont be a sheep. This is about your endocrine system not being fully developed and the host of problems you could have if you do damage to it. Think about all that puss* you cant have because you cant get it up, you have made remarkable progress so far and winter is comeing, look at it this way you have a good 5 or 6 moinths to put on more muscle and look jacked for next summer...natuarally! Your test levels are at peak at 23 how do you think it was possible for you to make the progres you have already made...think about that!

    listen your a pat's fan you already made one bad decision dont make

  8. #8
    Haha i understand what your saying. And half the people on here say the same thing but most I bet have taken a cycle before the age of 23. But yet they make it so negative to take it before that age. And the people who do regret taking it that young are the ones that make weightlighting their career OR the ones are do cycles all year round. Am I right?

    And goooo pats! hehe

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Patsfan073 View Post
    Haha i understand what your saying. And half the people on here say the same thing but most I bet have taken a cycle before the age of 23. But yet they make it so negative to take it before that age. And the people who do regret taking it that young are the ones that make weightlighting their career OR the ones are do cycles all year round. Am I right?

    And goooo pats! hehe
    you not gonna win an argument with the vets over this issue.... but i guess i felt the same all my friends were boosting with confidence, muscles, bitches etc... so i said i'd do the same.
    it sucks really badly now shooting blanks

    all those sexy cassanova pals of mines lost all their gains and are struggling to build muscle naturally due to a ****ed up endocrine system.

    if you want bitches... get them drunk

    but on the other hand... it also depends on when you matured, if you matured at like age 11 or 12, then i persaonally believe that your endocrine system is fully developed at age 23.
    i have other friends who didn't do it for the fame and glory, but took aas purley for building muscle, ran proper pcts diets etc, they were 22 at the they say that if you do it properly, you might get away with it.

    i say wait 1 more year.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    i wish you could wait, but you are gonna do what you want in the end. so if you do the cycle just make sure you have your pct lined up. what does your pct plan look like?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    never mind just re-read your op. pct is not very well planned do more research and repost

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    never mind just re-read your op. pct is not very well planned do more research and repost
    Good point about the PCT. Most guys focus 100% on the cycle and forget that what happens when you go off is no picnic if you don't plan properly for it. That being said, you seem like you are gonna do the cycle anyways. I would use the nolvadex on the cycle as well as part of the PCT. You definitely need to do some more work on your PCT.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    Your goals are easily achieved with diet and proper training. There is no good reason to take steroids yet. First, natural test is at peak at your age.

    Second, as noted endocrine system is not fully developed until 25. I don't care if you matured early. I was shaving when I was 13, but I still would not run the risk of taking steroids before 25. Unless you have a legitimate, doctor diagnosed situation like low test, which given your recent progress I highly doubt, there is no reason not to wait another couple years.

    Third, humans can still gain mass and strength until well into their 40s, without drugs. Until you are close to 190lbs of lean mass (weight minus fat weight) you are not at your genetic limit yet. Using steroids prior to reaching that limit naturally is a waste. You are taking drugs to achieve what you could have with training and diet. If you can't achieve it with training and diet you will never maintain it after you're off the juice.

    Reconsider this idea. Wait two years, learn about diet and training and supplements. Come back after 25 if you still have the bug. Everyone else is doing it is the mantra of the sheep. Buck the trend and in two years you'll be laughing at those guys who have lost their size and can't get it up.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    see i told you to wait

    lets take a look at your diet, whats your daily intake now, and what do you plan on changing when on the gear.
    for example show me minimum 240-300g of protien a day and i dont mean shakes.if you want to keep your gains show us how you intend to do it
    Last edited by MBMETC; 09-22-2010 at 01:59 PM.

  15. #15
    Okay so nolvadex at 40/40/20/20 3 weeks after last inject isnt a good PCT? This was the advice I was given from many people. What do you guys think for a pct?

    And if you guys really dont recommend the sus then what stuff would help me put on some mass that would much safer to use at my age. For example, i heard of some product by hydrol called halo. People say that put on 8 pounds with this stuff in a month.

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