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  1. #1
    tsidriver is offline New Member
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    3rd cycle, need suggestions


    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 215 lb
    BF: 15%
    BMR (K&M method): 2035
    TDEE (Mod. Active): 3155
    Training: Off and on for 6 years. Serious last 2.

    Check out my diet here:

    cutting diet, please critique

    I ran that diet with a cycle of Test Prop, Winny, and Clen for about 10 weeks. It was meant to be a cutter, but I was running too much test (750mg /wk) and ended up gaining ~15lbs, but was ok as it was lean mass. I don't care what I weigh, I just want to look defined. For the Winny I was running 65mg ED for the first 5 weeks then I doubled to 130mg ED. Not sure if the Winny was bunk because I wasn't feeling that much of a kick from it. This was all at the suggestions of my source (surprise, he is very high priced too), which is why I am here trying to get suggestions from you all.

    I had a back injury doing dead lifts so I had to stop working out for quite awhile. There are still lingering affects from it but I am looking to get back into the swing of things.

    I am basically trying to do the same thing here with this cycle. After the 10 weeks I was down to about 9% bf (clipped at the gym), but I still didn't look cut and my abs weren't showing and didn't have any real overall definition.Think that is just my body being stubborn there, so I need to try something that is gonna work for me. My first cycle was dbol and test E and I had good gains in lean mass that I have kept on. I would like to add some more lean mass but cut the bf down enough to look cut, which apparently means lower than 9%. Hard to believe, but that is the way my body works I guess.

    I will keep in the same diet but I think I will cut the calories down some more, maybe 2000 - 2300. My bf has gone back up because of the injury/inability to train. I have been talking with my source about different things to try. T3, anavar , test prop, winny, clen, tren , and mast have all came up. T3 for example, he's saying not to worry about running T4 with it, but I thought you want to. I don't know what info to trust anymore. I'm just trying to get some good suggestions on what you guys think would work best for me. I have also had bloodwork done and thyroid function is within normal range.

    Really appreciate the info guys and if there's any quesitons let me know.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    You should really be able to see your abs at 9% bf.

    How much cardio are you doing?

    Prop and and oral (Var) with plenty of cardio and strict diet should get you where you want to be.

    I doubt you'll need T3, but there's plenty of threads here on it, search for cytomel .

  3. #3
    tsidriver is offline New Member
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    I know! I couldn't believe it when the trainer said 9%. My body is stubborn. I don't know, bad genes I guess. Makes me feel like I will never be able to look how I want to look. I did 4 P90X's in a row and still didn't look at all cut like some of those guys after 1 run through. Which is why I'm here.

    Anyway, I was doing 5-6 cardio days per week. On lifting days (MWF) It was45 min of moderate HR (~133-140 bpm) in the morning on an empty stomach. On non-lifting days (T,Th, & sometimes Sat) I did higher intensity cardio (~155-160bpm) for 30 min in the evenings.

    Any suggestions on dosages for the Prop and Var?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Last edited by tsidriver; 09-22-2010 at 09:35 AM.

  4. #4
    tsidriver is offline New Member
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    Bump for dosage suggestions?

    After reading around some other Prop/Var posts I'm thinking Prop 100mg EOD and Var 80-100mg ED?

    Thoughts? Would upping the Test to 150mg EOD be too much?


  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Quote Originally Posted by tsidriver View Post
    Bump for dosage suggestions?

    After reading around some other Prop/Var posts I'm thinking Prop 100mg EOD and Var 80-100mg ED?

    Thoughts? Would upping the Test to 150mg EOD be too much?

    No it wouldnt be too much...the cycle sounds fine the way it is bro...bust your ass in the gym and get strict on your diet...dont expect the aas to do it for you..they will help but you will be the the one to work and reach your goal...

  6. #6
    tsidriver is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply Bigmax. I will definately be putting in the gym time and have before. It just sucks sometimes when you change your life so much to incorporate the hours in the gym and don't see the results you were hoping for, know what I mean? Thanks for the advice everyone.

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