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Thread: Bulk Cycle Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.

    Bulk Cycle Advice

    I am thinking about this cycle.

    about 10 weeks

    Test Enth 550 mg week
    tren enth 550 mg week
    masteron 550 mg week
    35mg/day dbol

    Taper off to winny and pct?

    I have also been told I can front load this stack with test prop. but I don't see how I could do this without having a gap between the prop and enth. Doesn't make sense but I picked some up anyway.

    I'm after bulk here, not really trying to cut. I am currently at 3400-3600 cal. a day and may up it after 2 weeks if needed. Please critique this, never stacked like this before. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    bump? Frontload with prop? save prop for a rainy day? save winny and dbol for a rainy day?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Can we get some stats?

    I dont see a need for prop if your going to run dbol. As for the dbol, I hope your only running that the first 3-4 weeks?

    Mast isnt needed in this cycle imo. Your bulking and Mast is best for sub 10% Body Fat. Test/Tren/dbol is moreeee then enough.

    Have you run Tren A before? Going to run HCG on cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.

    31 yrs old
    5'10 180 lbs
    3500 cal. a day except weekends I tend to cheat (only been on this intake for 2.5 months)
    lifting for last 5 years.
    BF probably around 8 percent but I'm not certain.

    I've run Tren A before, love it. Not planning on HCG. My premixed stack is Tren E, Test E, Masteron. I've got dbol, prop, and winny. Problem is that my source was out of prop which I planned on running prop and dbol together but my source is dry on prop at the moment and so I picked up the premixed.

    I'm anxious to run some of this stuff but I don't really want to jump the gun.

    Love Tren and Test, all time fav. stack but haven't run it in 5 years.


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