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Thread: after 35wks juicing i have to take a break...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    city of the winds

    after 35wks juicing i have to take a break...

    well after all and a long time, i didnt do so bad
    i was able to gained 16lbs,
    i'm currently at170lbs, i started like deca althrough decadick is not nice but, i found out deca alone gave more lbs than anything else,
    i went to doc my results were not bad but, he reccomended to stop atleast 3 or 4 wks he told that my liver is working too much and is leaning to the bad side and bfor it gets worth i'll stop,
    i will take a nice break to recover hoping all go
    right for me later guys....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    wait a second here....

    you've been on the sauce for 35 weeks and only gained 16lbs? and are UP to 170????

    Something is up here...

    As far as your liver...i'd also worry about your kidney's.

    What were you taking?

    Obviously deca, but what else....

    onder:hmmmm sounds like something is off here....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    35 week cycle I think is going overboard. Did you gains level off after 12-15 weeks due to your sites being saturated?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    35 WEEKS!!!! Surely not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    WTF, 35 weeks 16 lbs. Maybe it´s 16kg..?

    well, never liked deca anyway

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    haha, sorry bro but 35 weeks and 16lbs, I could do that natural with proper diet, I think most could too, are you sure your gear was legit. What dosages were you running??


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by painintheazz
    haha, sorry bro but 35 weeks and 16lbs, I could do that natural with proper diet, I think most could too, are you sure your gear was legit. What dosages were you running??

    my question exactly!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you cycled for 35 weeks, then I can almost guarantee you that the last 20 weeks of that you were just damaging your liver and doing nothing for you gains. Your body will adjust to a constant dose of just about anything... and if you're going to take a "break", 3-4 weeks is hardly enough time for you body to recover from 20+ weeks of abuse. By the way, what were you running?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Somethings not right here, 16lb's in 35 weeks???? Hell i put on 25lbs in just 10 weeks on my 1st cycle and at least 10lbs each on my others!!! Good luck in getting your nuts working again!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Lay out your entire cycle for us. Cuz obviousy u did something wrong.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Fif!!! your back?? where've ya been! i've not seen ya around in quite some time!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    city of the winds
    1stable for those who r helping, yes i did a veyr extended search looking for the right gear and the proper steps to follow so that i can get the best results, in a short terms i did all to help these cycles, gear wise t50,t100,eq,deca,
    D-bol,sust,enat, sten i tried different stuff and doses trying to get that one that fits my body needs however, sometimes things r not how u were expecting them, i have more than a basic knowledge to no what to do, i was really looking for body weight more than anything else, i couldnt anything else to force my body to give more than 16lbs,
    and 2nd for those replying in a sarcastic way, u no better than i do, u were not choosen 1 to be my judge and or my consultant to begin with,
    i'm old enough to make my decisions wether they can be wrong and or right, if 16lbs was my gain so be it, i'm not competing wiht anyone in here, so
    keep ur sweet comments to urself....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada

    Bro, if you want our help, you're gonna have to help us.

    I'd be very dissapointed if I only gained 16lbs off a 35wk cycle. Heck, my 1st cycle at 1 point I was up 40lbs. Of course 10 of that was water and 10 fat, but I still managed 20lbs muscle.

    I think this could be an educational thread for all of us and am very interested in your cycle.

    Please answer these questions for me:

    -What exactly did you take? How much and when?
    -What's your past experience with steroids?
    -What was your diet like?
    -What's your age and height?

    If we plan this right, you should be able to put on 16lbs in 10weeks with your next cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    city of the winds
    Originally posted by Got Gear?

    Bro, if you want our help, you're gonna have to help us.

    I'd be very dissapointed if I only gained 16lbs off a 35wk cycle. Heck, my 1st cycle at 1 point I was up 40lbs. Of course 10 of that was water and 10 fat, but I still managed 20lbs muscle.

    I think this could be an educational thread for all of us and am very interested in your cycle.

    Please answer these questions for me:

    -What exactly did you take? How much and when?
    -What's your past experience with steroids?
    -What was your diet like?
    -What's your age and height?

    If we plan this right, you should be able to put on 16lbs in 10weeks with your next cycle.
    got gear bro, i'm not disappointed actually i feel good, i was 135lbs when i started my 1st cycle,
    i had done 4cycles and just ended my 5th 1 last week, i'm not a novice about steroids believe me,
    my doc monitored all my cycles pretty good and every 10weeks had a bloodwork done, my diet was pretty good also clean and fast food, workout routine good 1.5 to up to 2hrs, i'm 5'8.5 turn 37 this year, i'm not the only 1 with such problem there lots guys with worst situation trust me, i'm not making any bullshit bro ,,thanks for ur help guys...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada

    I believe you that you're not yanking my chain..

    OK, so you answered all my questions except the one about your cycle.

    What did you take, when did you take it, and at what dosages?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yeah Kunip, I'm back. When I got engaged, I decided against doing AS, for one she didn't like it, and two, it was breaking the bank. Anyhoo, I got rid of it all, but missed all the conversation on it. Though I won't be taking any, I've done enough research and been in school long enough to give my semi-educated opinion on it. Thanks for the wb.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    July it sounds to me like your diet was the problem here.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    His receptors were blew out after 12 weeks prolly.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You have done 4 cycles and still only weigh 170? Maybe you should reconsider your workouts also..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Sorry but Iam still a little confused bro? We have five cycles completed and 35 weeks (all in 35 weeks with maybe a little break or no break?) Break it down brother when and what? I am guessing maybe you just started testing gear out to see how it worked and switched them through out the 35 weeks that kinda sounds like the deal? 16lbs off just an average 10week deca cycle or are you saying 16lb gain for the whole 36weeks? We are here to help but the way your post reads is "I took juice for 35 weeks my liver is a little over-worked and I gained 16lbs." If thats the case something is wrong! Post your cycles.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    If you have something constructive to say please contribute if not please don't.

    I know many people who cycle year round at low dosages to stay lean and muscular. They prefer the male model look to the BB look and they eat and train accordingly. Don't assume someone else's goals coincide with yours.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    rickson, that would be an even better point if he hadn't said that he "was mostly going for body weight". Not just a cut up look. So yes, his goals in that respect are the same as most who have responded. Agree?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Look GTP, it's like Got Gear has said. We need a break down of your cycle and a brief history of your other cycles to even begin to comment. Also, you have stated your diet was good and clean but what was your diet? How many gms of protein and carbs each day? You also say you work out for 1.5 to 2 hours. Is that per week or per session? 1.5 to 2 hours is quite a long time for a 'hardgainer' if you are working out two or three times a week.

    GTP I'll make it easy for you, please provide the following . . .

    1. details of your 35 week cycle (what, how much, how often)
    2. details of your previous cycles and how much you gained from them
    3. a break down of your diet regime, how many cals, gms of protein and gms of carbs you ate each day
    4. your weekly training routine, how often you trained, how long and the split (which body parts)

    IMO four things that could have contributed to your lack of success with your cycle . . .

    1. Poor diet
    2. Badly planned cycle (inappropriate gear, saturation of your receptors, etc.)
    3. Fake gear
    4. Over training
    Last edited by FedSki; 02-20-2003 at 02:44 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    city of the winds
    bro's for all of u who had replied nicely,
    i dont want to disrespect ur position in this business by not answering all ur ?'s,
    i'm not complaining nor disappointed due to my results, from my point of view i think i accomplished alot, it wasnt what i expected but is not bad after all, i dont want sound in a negative way but, at this point answering ?'s wont do any good, i'm concern and preparing for my post cycle
    doing hcg and clomid then some time off to recover good as i can.. later guys

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    BC Canada
    Originally posted by JULY GTP
    bro's for all of u who had replied nicely,
    i dont want to disrespect ur position in this business by not answering all ur ?'s,
    i'm not complaining nor disappointed due to my results, from my point of view i think i accomplished alot, it wasnt what i expected but is not bad after all, i dont want sound in a negative way but, at this point answering ?'s wont do any good, i'm concern and preparing for my post cycle
    doing hcg and clomid then some time off to recover good as i can.. later guys
    OK, so be it.

    Just make sure you run your next cycle by us before you start. I'd like to oppertunity to comment and make change suggestions.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    He must have been on one of those weed/coke/herion cycles!!

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