I bought a 200mg 10 ml vial of Deca and decided I would do a 10 week cycle. Keep in mind I had the "got an opportunity to take juice, get jacked" goggles on and totally wasn't using my head. On Monday, Sept. 20, i took my first 200mg injection. While at work my friend and I were wondering if I could up the dosage. While researching this, I found out things that my dumb ass should of found weeks ago.
Side effects such as acne, balding, gyno, etc. None of these really scared me, but the real scare was the depletion of testosterone and lowered libido. Pretty much impotence and sexual dysfunction. Reading past threads on this scared the s**t out of me. I've read that my natural levels could get screwed up and should use so test to balance everything out. I have been working out hard for a year. I am 6'5" 220 pounds and 26 years old. I feel stupid that I didn't research as mush as I should have. Like I stated above, I was just pumped to get on a cycle and make some big gains. Now I feel like a complete idiot for not looking on this site first. I do have some questions that if you guys could answer, would be a big help and put my mind at ease.....
After injecting just one shot of 200mg, should I worry about my natural testosterone levels and take a PCT like novldex or even any other type of supplement/vitamin?
Will my sex drive be effected my just one injection?
Where should I go from here as far as taking AS?
I'm very happy I did some research and found this site. It has been incredibly helpful so far, and I look forward to getting more and more information from experienced guys. I feel like a complete dip s**t for jumping into this without prior research. Thanks for all the help.