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  1. #1
    alanator is offline New Member
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    looking for some advice

    sup guys im 23 looking 5'8 235 ive lost about 25 pounds since January when i started working out and im kind of starting to struggle to get any lower that i was looking into wini to help me out what would u guys suggest here is a pic of when i was around 245 ill try to upload something more recent

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    winny won't help you. You wouldn't notice any effects from winni unless you were 10% bodyfat or less. Best thing you could do is post your diet in the diet forum and your training routine here or in the training forum. Diet and cardio are the way to cut fat, thermogenics can help but should be used in a support role only. Lets see that diet and we'll get you pointed in the right direction

  3. #3
    alanator is offline New Member
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    Sep 2010
    thanx for the advice so i wont look into winy i would not mind weighing the same and just bulking up so anyone know what i should take instead of the winy

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    At your current bodyfat percentage it would be unwise for you to use any kind of steroid . More bodyfat means more converstion to estrogen and that means more ERSE (estrogen related side effects) Gyno (bitch tits) And with a lot of fat you probably won't even see the early stages. Also you'll be more prone to bloat and retain water. If you've only been working out since January you haven't built the proper foundation and strength in your tendons and joints to handle the strength gains you will get from steroids . This means you'll have a much greater chance of injury. Trust me a torn bicept tendon or knee ligament will set you back a long long way. I promise you that diet and training are your solution for know and when you get to where you need to be someone here will be glad to help you. There are thousands of years of combined expierience in diet and training here for you to read up on while you're working towards that point.

  5. #5
    alanator is offline New Member
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    ok thanx for the advice man i need to work on more cardio and sit ups i already bench press around 335 i just want it to show cause cant tell with all the body fat on my

  6. #6
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I used to be fat (300lbs) a few years ago so I know your pain. I dropped to 220 and am now up to 260.

    I am not totally against certain substances used as aids to help with weight loss if a person is truely committed to loosing weight AND doing the work (diet, exercise, etc) but stay away from steroids .

    I think you'd be better off drinking 2 full glasses of water before each meal to fill your belly so u eat leas at meal times. Or maybe buy some alli at a cvs or whatever, it's a pill u take with a meal that has fat in it and sucks like 1/3 the fat out of the meal and u shat it out rather than digesting it and having it become part of your new body fat. But things like these should be used sparingly, like for someone who is eating healthy 5-6 days a week and has 3-4 bad meals a week, then they can take an alli to help lessen the damage a little while they continue with their battle.

    4 years ago I thought it was IMPOSSIBLE that I would EVER be in any kind of reasonable shape again, for the rest of my life, period. I was like 40yrs old. One I changed my thinking from "I need to loose 80lbs" to thinking about mini goals i could do on a certain day like "skip burger king for lunch today and have a salad" my mindset started to change and I got the negative big picture of getting rid of 80lbs of fat out of my mind and got the positive imange of eating a healthy lunch in my mind. My mood improved. As a result my motivation improved. I'm not happy with my body yet, but I'm no longer a walking heart attack either.

    Slow and steady wins the race. If u slip u slip, get up and brush yourself off and take your next positive step. Believe me, givin the life I have lived, if I can do it so can you!

  7. #7
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Much respect Alan for the effort you obviously have put in to get rid of the 25lbs you mentioned. What you need to do is get your diet dialed in and stick with the cardio. Everyone wants to see results after a week or two and it will always take more time. What works for me is to set smaller much more obtainable goals, instead of thinking I have to lose 50 lbs I will say for this next week I will lose 1-2lbs and then the same thing next week. So on and so forth, that way you are not looking at this huge mountain but rather a small mound. GL!

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