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  1. #1
    DKbuilder is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Lower back pain / stiffness

    Hey everyone.

    I've had this lower back problem for some time. It is extremely weak! I can't deadlift because I have this odd sensation and pain when I bow down with my back straight.

    Most of the times I can't do the deadlift movement with a bar or weight. My lower back feels so tight and I reluctantly bend my back forward when I do the deadlift movement.

    I've had this for a while and I have been able to squat just fine, however, I can still feel my lower back hurting if I don't do it with perfect form. I am able to squat 100 kg (220 lbs) and I can't even do a deadlift with no weight.

    I've been doing hyperextentions to strengthen my lower back but I haven't been doing them for very long

    So the other day I decided to deadlift. I put around 110 lbs on the bar and did x5 reps with terrible form and my back hurt so bad and I continued doing reps because I wanted the pain to go away. So I ended up only doing 3x5 deadlifts with only 110 reps. Today I did legs and my lower back was very stiff and hurt even after squats with 100 lbs on the bar.

    I don't have any trouble with my lower back while sitting down and it is mostly in the right side that it hurts when I bow forward with my back straight. As I said - my lower back feels a very odd pain when I do the deadlift movement. It feels so damn tight.

    What is your opinion on this? I would greatly appreciate any input from you guys

  2. #2
    InknSteel's Avatar
    InknSteel is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Not really an AAS question, should post in the workout section instead. But regardless, have you seen a doc or physical therapist about it? Also are you stretching out properly before your workouts? I have a similar problem doing squats but with my shoulders not back, it seems to help (me atleast) to stretch before I go to the gym & at the gym and put on a heating pad for about 10-15 min before my workout, usually do it while i'm drinking my pre-workout shake at home. And after the gym I ice it for the same 10-15 min.

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