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Thread: Semi Noob help

  1. #1

    Semi Noob help

    I have been training with different levels of intensity for over 20 years. I am 36yrs, 6ft, 218 not sure BF levels as I have never checked. My question is I am thinking of doing another cycle, it has been 5 years since i did my last cycle Test C and dbol- I didnt ramp or down but i just did a 6 week cycle when i was at a serious plateau with my gains first I changed my diet where I serious;y didnt eat anything but Chicked brown rice and broccili for 4 months supplemented with whey. Any way my question is should I look at just doing similar cycle type but I was thinking of going with a 12 week cycle, my chief goal is to gain back some lean muscle mass and help lose a little fat too I have already lost 30lbs and put on some muscle gain been training pretty hard for 9 months again- my diet fluctuates between really low carb hi protien to crap I go low carg for a month or 2 then fall off and when I fall off my training slips too.

  2. #2
    any suggestions on what type of cycle I should consider?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    What is your question?

    I suggest you make sure your bf% is 15 or lower before starting another cycle, any higher and you run the risk of bad side effects.

    as regards to a cycle you can run, i suggest you read this thread and spend some time increasing your knowledge -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    If you can't stay on a steady diet or or training regimen then you're not ready for aas. Your last cycle was crap. The test wouldve just kicked in when you stopped your cycle. Did you do pct after your last cycle?

    Figure out you're diet. Become dedicated in the gym and then consider aas.

  5. #5
    Thanks guys
    No I didnt do ant PCT last time but did put up some huge gains in strength and size for such a short cycle

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