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  1. #1
    ThisGameBlows is offline New Member
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    Sep 2010

    A few newbie questions

    This is my first post, I've been lurking around here for a bit now, and I thought I would ask a couple of questions.

    I'm 20, 6'3" 215 12-15%bf and I've been considering doing a cycle.

    My plan was just to run a newbie cycle of test e.

    I have a couple questions before though.

    I read in that taking a cycle before you were about 25, that you could permantly damage your HPTA. What is that?

    And why exactly is it bad to take a cycle only after you're 25? If there are serious risks involved with it, I won't do it, my diet and training alone are pretty solid, and I can get where I want without AAS, it would just probably take longer.

    Honestly, I just want to run one cycle of test e, and try and maintain as much of my gains as i can, then be done.

    Is it a stupid idea to run one cycle of steroids ? I don't want to be a long term user, I would just like to gain some size for the sport that I compete in.

    I don't want people to get the impression that I'm married to the idea of taking steroids. I saw alot of threads of people asking if they should take steroids, and members replying with "no" and the OP replying with "FU i'm doing it anyway." I want to weigh the pros and cons.

    Thanks for your opinions.

  2. #2
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    You always eventually loose the gains you get from a cycle. Thats why bodybuilders keep shooting themselves up. So basically, you can do one cycle, but then you will loose the gains from it. It may take some time if you do everything right, but in the end you WILL loose all your gains.

  3. #3
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThisGameBlows View Post
    This is my first post, I've been lurking around here for a bit now, and I thought I would ask a couple of questions.

    I'm 20, 6'3" 215 12-15%bf and I've been considering doing a cycle.

    My plan was just to run a newbie cycle of test e.

    I have a couple questions before though.

    I read in that taking a cycle before you were about 25, that you could permantly damage your HPTA. What is that?

    And why exactly is it bad to take a cycle only after you're 25? If there are serious risks involved with it, I won't do it, my diet and training alone are pretty solid, and I can get where I want without AAS, it would just probably take longer.

    Honestly, I just want to run one cycle of test e, and try and maintain as much of my gains as i can, then be done.

    Is it a stupid idea to run one cycle of steroids ? I don't want to be a long term user, I would just like to gain some size for the sport that I compete in.

    I don't want people to get the impression that I'm married to the idea of taking steroids. I saw alot of threads of people asking if they should take steroids, and members replying with "no" and the OP replying with "FU i'm doing it anyway." I want to weigh the pros and cons.

    Thanks for your opinions.
    hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis google it its an interesting read.
    this is the reason for waiting till older than 25.
    there is gonna be risks whenever you introduce chemicals into your body, however the fully developed endocrine system can yield less risk.
    if you can get there naturally, then do it naturally.
    enough said!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Some people continue to grow into their 20's. AAS can cause premature fusing of the growth plates causing growth to stop prematurely. Your endocrine system could also be thrown out of whack. What would happen if your body stopped producing testosterone ? You'd be or TRT for the rest of your life. 25 is generally accepted as the age where mature males have fully develope HPTA system and emotionally mature enough for an AAS cycle. Take your time. Maximize your natural potential. You'll have a much better experience with AAS if you do that first.

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