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  1. #1
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2010

    Caloric increase? How much?

    My stats:
    Age - 31
    Height 6'2"
    Weight 201 lbs
    Lifting experience: nearly 4 years
    Typical bench press workout: 225 lbs, 4 sets of 8 reps
    Bodyfat: 12.5% (caliper)
    Cycle experience: zilch

    I'm now planning my first cycle. I want to incorporate Var with the cycle for the extra strength gains and the fat burning benefits. I believe it will be:

    Weeks 1-10 150 mg Test Prop EOD with a-dex
    Weeks 3-10 80 mg ED Anavar
    Weeks 5-10 HCG 250 mg EOD
    Weeks 12-16 nolva and clomid (dosages per recommended in other threads)

    Here are my goals for the cycle: add 10 pounds of lean mass and lose as much fat as possible in the process. 30 minutes of cardio ED is a given. 5 good lifting sessions per week is a given. My average daily intake of calories now is at 3,500. I'm roughly split 40% carbs / 30% proteins / 30% fats in my current diet.

    Here's the question: how much should I increase my caloric consumption to accomplish said goals while on the above proposed cycle? Thanks.
    Last edited by SomeLiveForTheBill; 09-23-2010 at 10:32 AM. Reason: dosages

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    how long have you been at 3500 cals, has it become maintenanc intake or are you gaining

  3. #3
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2010
    Perhaps it would have been better to ask, generally speaking: what % of increase in calories does the body require on such a cycle? Thanks

  4. #4
    SomeLiveForTheBill's Avatar
    SomeLiveForTheBill is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    how long have you been at 3500 cals, has it become maintenanc intake or are you gaining
    I think it's pretty much maintenance at this point.

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    That question is very individual bro...some people can add calories and be no problem while others will put on fat..i would ramp my protein and carbs slowly and see how your body can always add a bit of cardio to keep metabolism going...

  6. #6
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Mar 2010
    try adding 1 full meal to your day somehow
    you can also add a casein shake just before bed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    Try to cut some fat and add some protein. I'd like to see you at a 40/40/20 split of carbs/protein/fat. Caloric intake is highly personal. I can cut fat weight and gain strength very well at 3,500 a day without steroids and I'm heavier and stronger than you (not busting on you, just stating a fact). It's very metabolism dependent. I'd suggest experimenting over the first month of the cycle. Keep it the same the first two weeks and track weight and strength. If both are stable add 500 calories/day in week 3 and see what happens. If you gain weight but not strength you may need to cut down calories, but if you stay stagnant in weight and/or strength then you need to add until there is change. The issues you are going to have is water retention from the test, and the fact that the test won't kick in for a few weeks. The way you've staggered the Anavar you will probably see it start working about the same time as the test, maybe a week or two later. The bottom line is this is going to be tough, you are aiming for a moving target, and its going to require some experimentation on your part to see what works.

    Also, I think 5 weeks of PCT for a light 10 week cycle is overkill. 4weeks at 100/50/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 for Clomid and Nolva respectively should be plenty. Start two weeks after your last pin.

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