Hey Bros
I've been reading this message board for a few months now, finally decided I would join and ask a few questions. I've read the educational threads, done searches and tried to research on my own, now I need your help to clear up a few things. Bear with me this might get long, I've got a couple of questions.
all this is from my research, correct me if I'm wrong on anything:
I'm interested in Deca. I read that gyno is a possibility but not much of one in low doses(200-400mg/week)
I've also read that Deca aromitizes into Progesteron, not estrogen. So it seems to me that this would make proviron, nolva, or any other anti-e's worthless. Is an anti-e even needed for low doses of deca(lets assume this is a deca only cycle)?
Can proviron or a similar substance help out with "deca-dick"?(I know test will)? And, will proviron(or similar substance) help reduce water retention?
Here's a bit about me to help you bro's out:
I'm 22 years old, 6ft 3in, 175lbs. aprox. 11-12% BF. I've been lifting recreationally for a few years, decided to get serious about my body in the last year. I started researching diets, and cleaned mine up.
I'm taking in 5000cal/day (clean cal's) and 250-300g Prot. I lift heavy 3 times a week. I don't do cardio at the moment b/c I'm already skinny and am trying to put on more muscle mass.
Right now I'm natural, taking only GNC type supps. I have given some thought to a light cycle. I've considered EQ, Whinny, and/or Deca.
I don't want to blow up, just want to get some medium gains and stay cut up.
I'm considering Deca alone, with proviron to keep water retention to a min. I am looking into something like this:
Wks 1-10 Deca 300mg/week
Wks 1-10 Proviron 25mg/day
Wks 8-10 Clen, building up to 120mg/day
Clomid therapy 3 weeks after last Deca inj.
Note: I will run more clen if needed, in the 2 wk on/2 wk off fashion.
Like I said, I'm tall and skinny, my metabolism is very high. I have a hard time putting on mass with my dimensions. I don't want to explode but I would like to gain some solid muscle mass I can keep. I play a good many sports and would like this to help my athleticism, its not just for looks.
Please understand when advising me that I'm not going for a bodybuilder look, just some athletic, keepable gains. Thanks for your help bro's.
I know this was long...but one more thing...
How much of a risk is there for stretch marks on a cycle like this?
Thanks again for any help.