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  1. #1
    flexshack is offline Member
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    gyno, soft or hard??

    hey guys
    wondering if gyno makes the nipples soft or hard?? is it like a rock or is it really squishy? thanks.

  2. #2
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool Squishy???

    Actually, gyno makes them soft and supple.

    But I don't want to joke too much, since this is a concern for a lot of guys on AS. Therefore, for an accurate answer we look to The Merck Manual - Home Edition (the everyday language version of the primary diagnostic manual used by physicians). (It's a great resource - you can surf to it, as well as to the actual physician's version of The Merck Manual and The Merck Manual of Geriatrics through The entire texts of all of them are online free of charge.)

    Anyway, gyno is mentioned in several chapters, but the most comprehensive explanation of it is at:

    Breast Enlargement

    Breast enlargement in males (gynecomastia ) may occur during puberty. This enlargement is normal and transient, lasting a few months to a few years. Similar changes may take place in old age. Male breast enlargement also may be caused by certain diseases (particularly liver disease); certain drug therapies, such as treatment with female sex hormones; and marijuana use. Less commonly, this condition results from a hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by rare estrogen-producing tumors in the testes or adrenal glands. If this type of tumor is suspected, the testes are examined using ultrasound scanning, and the adrenal glands are examined using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    One or both breasts may become enlarged. The enlarged breast may be tender. If it is, the cause probably isn't cancer. Breast pain in men, as in women, usually isn't a sign of cancer.

    Generally, no specific treatment is needed. Breast enlargement usually disappears on its own or after its cause is eliminated by treating the disease or withdrawing the drug that's responsible for it. Whether hormone treatment is beneficial isn't clear. Surgical removal of excess breast tissue is effective but rarely necessary. A new surgical technique, which removes tissue through a suction tube inserted through a small incision, is becoming increasingly popular and sometimes is followed by cosmetic surgery.

  3. #3
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    I have found in general since doing my cycle my nipples have become a little larger and softer but are not sensitive or sore and I have no lumps at all.

    Gyno will make the nipples more sensitive and sore and that is generally the first signs,keep checking even if you do feel a freak as I did! It is worth checking though

  4. #4
    ibiza69's Avatar
    ibiza69 is offline Senior Member
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    from my experiences if the nipples get a little puffy, sore and itchy then its gyno you got, its usuallay not hard but everybody is different. go see a doctor if its hard, they should know what it is.

  5. #5
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ended up with a hard pea size lump.

  6. #6
    flexshack is offline Member
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    thanks for all the responses
    btw, i keep reading that gyno will eventually go away after the cause of it is stopped or taken out of the picture. is this true?? from what i have read here on the board, gyno doesn't go away on its own. you must have surgery. which one is correct? thanks

  7. #7
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: mine

    Originally posted by eye_candy
    Ended up with a hard pea size lump.
    EC, this doesn't sound like gyno, it sounds like a subcutaneous cyst. If so, it can be removed by a dermatologist right in the office, and it's best to have it checked out.

  8. #8
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool Both are true . . .

    Originally posted by flexshack
    i keep reading that gyno will eventually go away after the cause of it is stopped or taken out of the picture. is this true?? from what i have read here on the board, gyno doesn't go away on its own. you must have surgery. which one is correct? thanks
    Really, it can be either - it depends on the cause of the gyno. For gyno that has "spontaneous resolution" (it goes away itself), it will not happen overnight, any more than the onset of gyno necessarily happens overnight. But gyno can be caused by things other than AS (or any other drugs), and this is often resolved surgically. Every case has to be treated individually.

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