Rett Syndrome is taking my girl away from me, and she needs the cure available to her that has already been found to work in mice, but not yet FDA approved for humans yet. Rett Syndrome is considered the most severe form of autism in girls which usually kills boys in the Mother's womb because of how it is genetically caused. The only thing in the way of a cure is more funding and this is where Pepsi and you are stepping up.
We need at least a 2nd or 1st place spot to get the 250k Pepsi will give our researchers for a cure for Rett Syndrome which my daughter has and is a very life threatening condition. Her and over 30,000 other girls in the US are fighting for their lives while researchers find new ways to help them. Successful treatments have been found indeed, but it is expensive to get through the FDA approval process for approving the drugs that help.
Please help us by voting daily through September 30th. Every single vote counts as we saw last month when we lost by literally just a few votes and ended in 3rd at the very last 30 minutes of voting.
If you would like to help, please do so by taking 5 seconds of your life to vote which could mean changing my daughter's entire life.
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