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  1. #1
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Where are all those Mod's now ??

    I know times change and people have lives to etc.....But when I joined this board last May , I use to see posts by Mod's out the gazoo at all hours of the day. The only ones I've seen recently are ...Rickson , Excess , silverfox , barbells79.......but where are people like.........

    Juice Junkie
    The Original Jason
    Lewd Tenant
    Bouncer aka Bouncer
    Full Intensity
    Cycleon...........and more.

    It almost seems this board is Mod-Less per say......I'm NOT complaining but just curious and I miss these good ole bro's and the experience , strength and hope they brought to the board. I've seen some of them on other boards and some even open up there own boards , but hell man....come on back guy's

  2. #2
    palme's Avatar
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    I see them all the time...

  3. #3
    G-S Guest
    I'm still wondering what happened to Mike. Seems alot of guys disappear around here....without a word, or a trace.

  4. #4
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Dude... I'm on here damn close to 12 hours a day and I have not heard from Pete235 , Nathan , Jason.....etc.
    Friggin Nathan is one funny S.O.B. ......Are you seeing them on other boards ?

  5. #5
    Pete235's Avatar
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    Sorry guys, I haven't been near as vocal as I have in the past. I usually check the board once or twice a day and comment occasionally. I am smack dab in the middle of a pre-contest diet (my first ever) and I'm 16 weeks in ( 6.5 weeks to go). It has really taken it's toll on me physically (I've lost muscle from dieting too hard and doing too much cardio) but more so mentally. Recently I have not been in the greatest of moods, so for now it's probably better that I stay the course and focus on what I'm doing....and also it's for the best that I keep my big cakehole shut as I'm very confrontational lately (just ask Swolecat ). On top of that I'm starting a new job so the additional time constraints make it even more difficult to be here regularly. But things will get a little better in a few months.

    My friend Silverfox has started a new job that does not allow him to access this board near as frequently as before. He does check the threads regularly as well however.

  6. #6
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Good to hear from you my were one of the guys who helped me enormously when I first looged on here. I since then changed my name from sick1 to Ozzy. The board is not the same without your confrontational posts bro Some of these younger guys need there ego's deflated and you were just the man for the job when you were shootin straight from the hip. Good Luck to you my friend on your Contest and new job !

  7. #7
    abstrack's Avatar
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    I have seen numerous posts by all the guys you have just mentioned in the last week. What are you talking about??

  8. #8
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abstrack
    I have seen numerous posts by all the guys you have just mentioned in the last week. What are you talking about??
    tell me you have seen a post by Nathan , Juice Junkie , PaPaPump , Bouncer aka Bouncer........I think NOT....!!.....Bro , I'm on here close to 24 hours a day and thaey most definitely did not post. What are you talking about?
    If you have been here since last May , you would definitely notice a difference !!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    abstrack's Avatar
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    ok last week cycleon and nathan going back and forth with pictures, pete 235 was just in a recnt thread talking to swole cat, want more?? Full intensity was in one of those and a few others. This is rather stupid to even debate.

    forget it, I am lying I was making it up to be cool and to be a post whore

  10. #10
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    1,388 the post and look over it REAL good. There have been no posts in the anabolic discussion section like there use to be by Nathan , Juice Junkie , Jason , PaPaPump and more in a long time. If Nathan was posting pictures over there thats fine. I'm talking about them giving feed back on the anabolic end of things. Bro your arguing with the wrong guy.... if you use the search button I will garuantee you they have been unheard of a lot lately and I did see Pete's post and he even stated that he was busy and he was sorry for not being around........Did you miss that ? He was admitting he hasn't been around. Were you here last summer ? There is a huge lack in the way the Mod's posted around here. Like I said ...if you read it...I'm not complaining !!!!!!!!!!!! I was stating an OBSERVATION and has anyone else noticed it. Go get your cup of coffee you grumpy @#%$ !! There was a time when a Mod responed to every single thread that was posted , if you have been here a while then you will notice the lack of participation by the "Some" of the Mod's I listed. I just hope they are all ok because there has been a drastic change in th way I use to see them. I'm not looking for an argument at all , just curious bro. Chill out !!

  11. #11
    mammoth's Avatar
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    I can smell the test seeping through your pores!!

    BTW Ozzy -- your original post didn't specifically mention not seeing the mods in the anabolic sections. NOT TRYING TO ARGUE SO PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!!

  12. #12
    abstrack's Avatar
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    ok look buddy i did read before you even start with calling me grumpy shit i personally will refrain from the name calling since it is childish. IF you read pete post he CLEARLY stated!! about he swole cat thread which was not last summer nor last month this was just recent. Yes he stated he has not been on here 24hrs a day. Anybody who reads his posts knows he is getting ready for a contest. I am gald you have concern for our mods as we all respect them and care for there well being. Good looking out, For one thing I am in no way stressed,grumpy, and even arguing with you. having a difference of opinions is not arguing it is simply discussing 2 views. You on the other have to turn things around start telling me who I should not challenge, trping in caps when I can clealy hear you find from where I stand. Again, this is very stupid to even be discussing. glad your looking out for out mods I am sure the board and the Mods appreciate this. Again I am done there is no reason to even further this discussion.

  13. #13
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    i am here life is fucked recently especially today i just moved across the world , i had 2 car crashes in a week, one was a stolen car crashing into me the other was an old woman on the wrong side of the road, its costing me a fortune, im super pissed off. I still check my pms if anyone needs to get hold of me. I will add more input soon as I have time to think all that comes along with having a full time job!


  14. #14
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    i am here life is fucked recently especially today i just moved across the world , i had 2 car crashes in a week, one was a stolen car crashing into me the other was an old woman on the wrong side of the road, its costing me a fortune, im super pissed off. I still check my pms if anyone needs to get hold of me. I will add more input soon as I have time to think all that comes along with having a full time job!

    peace looks like life has dealt you a shit sandwhich Bro. I'm sorry to hear that , I hope you feel better !
    It's good hearing from you and that you have survived your heartship.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by abstrack
    ok look buddy i did read before you even start with calling me grumpy shit i personally will refrain from the name calling since it is childish. IF you read pete post he CLEARLY stated!! about he swole cat thread which was not last summer nor last month this was just recent. Yes he stated he has not been on here 24hrs a day. Anybody who reads his posts knows he is getting ready for a contest. I am gald you have concern for our mods as we all respect them and care for there well being. Good looking out, For one thing I am in no way stressed,grumpy, and even arguing with you. having a difference of opinions is not arguing it is simply discussing 2 views. You on the other have to turn things around start telling me who I should not challenge, trping in caps when I can clealy hear you find from where I stand. Again, this is very stupid to even be discussing. glad your looking out for out mods I am sure the board and the Mods appreciate this. Again I am done there is no reason to even further this discussion.
    You still did not get my point or I did not explain it well....either way , Peace

  16. #16
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Ozzy i do understand what your saying where mods on not on as much as they were, but hey have been here. Like you stated thay all have lifes and family's of there own so they do there best. I was not saying you ere lying but all i was saying is that they have been on and I have seen them here and there, I have read there post and pm'ed some of them. All the time i have got responses sometimes right away sometimes it takes ahwhile, but I do underatnd what you were saying. there not on as much as they were posting in the threads. Like I said good to have you here and have your concern for the board integrity and the mods/vets that help this great message board stay alive.  peace my brother!!!---abstrack

  17. #17
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    HELL - I got the last col
    Juice Junkie is now a deleted user... He had a few issues come up that required his attention...that is all that needs to be said on that.

    Cycleon, well he's simply scared of he's hiding. But seriously, him and nathan have a running thread making fun of everyone in the AR Lounge...

    PappaPump...I've not seen him around in a bit...i'm sure he's lurking

  18. #18
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abstrack
    Ozzy i do understand what your saying where mods on not on as much as they were, but hey have been here. Like you stated thay all have lifes and family's of there own so they do there best. I was not saying you ere lying but all i was saying is that they have been on and I have seen them here and there, I have read there post and pm'ed some of them. All the time i have got responses sometimes right away sometimes it takes ahwhile, but I do underatnd what you were saying. there not on as much as they were posting in the threads. Like I said good to have you here and have your concern for the board integrity and the mods/vets that help this great message board stay alive.  peace my brother!!!---abstrack
    Hey what are those boxes ? Now you got me paranoid thinking everyone can see it but me It probably says something like Ozzy really is gay...not that there is anything wrong with being gay , but I'm not...really man , I'm not Ok my friend...Peace !! I'm hear to have fun and learn along the way.

    Kinipshunfit...yea I got the word on JJ He's a good bro.
    As far as Nathan goes...he is one sick mofo ....I miss his humor on here. I remember he ate 3-4 day old oatmeal that was left on the stove and couldn't figure out what made him sick

  19. #19
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Im sorry I do not see the boxes now You have me freaking out whats going on in here?? the room is spinning
    gots to go I'm scared

    p.s. If you like boys it is ok--no just kidding but really it is:

    l8tr bro

  20. #20
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    Now my cover is blown and I'm gonna have to change my name again.......hmmm............Chesters a nice name

  21. #21
    mammoth's Avatar
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    How about Michael or just simply Mr. Jackson?

  22. #22
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Nathan posts on elite a LOT... he's on vacation or something now i heard.

  23. #23
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mammoth
    How about Michael or just simply Mr. Jackson?
    Hey , speaking of Michael Jackass...I mean Jackson. He's on TV tonight , that interview or something. The wife wants to watch it I don't ! Ok , I'll admit it cause if I don't abstract will be calling me a liar I want to watch it ! He's my idol and hero.....and embarrassing as it is, my trainer too. The Ozzy avatar is just a front
    Last edited by Ozzy; 02-20-2003 at 03:13 PM.

  24. #24
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    we're all here and there............

    some of us more than others as of late, but as you stated ozzy, we all have lives.
    im sure you all will be seeing more of us in the near future. this is an excellent group of mods, and they do the best they can looking out for all the members and the board in general.
    lets keep the bickering to minimum on this thread or im going to delete it..........hehe.

    peace bb79

  25. #25
    Aragorn's Avatar
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    I see them on most of the time too...they do the job the best they can.

    Cheers to the mods.


  26. #26
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by barbells79
    we're all here and there............

    some of us more than others as of late, but as you stated ozzy, we all have lives.
    im sure you all will be seeing more of us in the near future. this is an excellent group of mods, and they do the best they can looking out for all the members and the board in general.
    lets keep the bickering to minimum on this thread or im going to delete it..........hehe.

    peace bb79
    The bickering is over and abstract buried the hatchet. My only concern was that all you guys were ok ...and I miss you guy's being around like old times....ok , now I'm getting all sentimental and teary eyed , but like you said... this board does have a good "Mod Squad"

  27. #27
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    i was joking about deleting your thread bro.
    i kind of figured you and A got past your differences. youre a good bro, and an asset to this board. keep up the good work.

    peace bb79

  28. #28
    EXCESS's Avatar
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    I'm on every day. PaPaPumP is really busy right now.

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