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Thread: Question about my cycle

  1. #1

    Question about my cycle

    Hey guys I wanted to give you a little background info before I posted my cycle. Basically when I was in high school my coach wanted me to get bigger for football my senior year. He suggested going to max muscle and I did so with some fellow friends and to make a semi long story short, my friends and I were sold a tren clone and reversitol for afterwards. Didn't do any research on it because I thought the guy at maxmuscle new his shit. Anyways I got very minor gyno( only I can notice it) in the forms of little fat deposits. After reading Cbino's thread on gyno I came up with this cycle.

    Age: 26
    178 lbs
    8~9% bf using calipers
    Been training since High School
    Diet I have in check

    wk 1-8 Bold 200 600mg Ed
    Weeks 1-4 Rpn havoc 30/30/30/30 ed
    Weeks 1-8 letro @.25 Ed

    Supps on cycle:
    Kre-alkalyn 3caps morning and after workout
    Cycle support
    Fish oil
    On protein
    Waxy maize

    The thing I'm unclear about is when I should start the havoc. I was going to use it at beginning to kickstart my cycle since the bold takes 3 to 4 weeks to kick in, but I heard that since havoc does suppress you having at the beginning will make the bold useless. What do you guys think? Also I know havoc is a dry compound that doesn't aromatize but I want to be sure that something that isn't noticeable doesn't become something
    Very noticeable. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Test only for your first cycle. Test should be the base of all of your cycles to keep your libido and junk functioning. Not to mention Test gains smash Bold gains... If I were you I would attempt to take care of your Gyno before you cycle, letro should not really be used as an AI on cycle because it kills ALL estrogen and you need some estrogen in your body. Do a little reading and trust me when I say you need to listen to what you read on this site in regards to begginers.

    Edit - on a site note, your 6 foot and under 180lbs? I definatly feel like you could and should hit 190/200 before you choose to cycle. AAS should be used once you hit your genetic potential or are very near it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    By bold he is referring to the PH, not the injectable AAS.

    With that being said, I still think you have room to grow naturally before supplementing PH's personally. Bold was so so, I've heard better reviews from Havoc personally.

    Consider your diet and training habits before jumping into this. Obviously something isn't right if you are still in the 170's at 6 feet tall.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    By bold he is referring to the PH, not the injectable AAS.
    Well now I feel silly :P

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I've gotten fooled on other boards too don't worry.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Very poor cycle, as mentioned, you should stick to test only and thats if you have built a solid base which at 6' and 178lbs you obviously have not... work on your diet and training and add at least 20 more lbs naturally and then maybe consider cycling. In the meantime, I would do a lot of research on a proper first cycle so you have a good idea in mind including your on cycle AI, PCT and the kind of diet you should have while cycling to attain your goals.


  7. #7
    has anyone heard of elements from canada i bought some sust 250 and deca from it and they look like the same color oil .. like a light yellow....did i get ripped off

  8. #8
    Sorry about taking so long to reply guys, I was at work all day. I appreciate the advice, and I have been doing a little research here and there. Nothing is bought or set in stone, I just thought this would be a pretty mild starter cycle since i don't consider my first one a real cycle since I didn't even know I was taking a PH. Also i tried getting rid of gyno as stated from C bino's thread and it went down a good 50%. I'm just weary of Test since it aromatizes and I feel like sticking with something that doesn't aromatize would be better for me. Then again I don't know nearly as much as you guys haha. Pinning would be somewhat a problem since i'm currently living with my parents because I'm saving up to buy a house of my own. If i did a test cycle I wouldn't have a sterile place to "hide" the pins or be able to put Hcg in the fridge without them knowing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    San Francisco
    dont mess with PH's bro

  10. #10
    Yeah, i'm starting to see why not too. I think i'm going to try the slingshot training and see where that takes me and maybe in a year or so when I hopefully have my own place to live i'll set up a proper cycle.

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