Hey guys I wanted to give you a little background info before I posted my cycle. Basically when I was in high school my coach wanted me to get bigger for football my senior year. He suggested going to max muscle and I did so with some fellow friends and to make a semi long story short, my friends and I were sold a tren clone and reversitol for afterwards. Didn't do any research on it because I thought the guy at maxmuscle new his shit. Anyways I got very minor gyno( only I can notice it) in the forms of little fat deposits. After reading Cbino's thread on gyno I came up with this cycle.
Age: 26
178 lbs
8~9% bf using calipers
Been training since High School
Diet I have in check
wk 1-8 Bold 200 600mg Ed
Weeks 1-4 Rpn havoc 30/30/30/30 ed
Weeks 1-8 letro @.25 Ed
Supps on cycle:
Kre-alkalyn 3caps morning and after workout
Cycle support
Fish oil
On protein
Waxy maize
The thing I'm unclear about is when I should start the havoc. I was going to use it at beginning to kickstart my cycle since the bold takes 3 to 4 weeks to kick in, but I heard that since havoc does suppress you having at the beginning will make the bold useless. What do you guys think? Also I know havoc is a dry compound that doesn't aromatize but I want to be sure that something that isn't noticeable doesn't become something
Very noticeable. Thanks guys