Because I really believe you guys when you say EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE!!!!! For anyone who is new to this (as I am) I believe paying 29.00 and listening to you guys is priceless!!!!! (if you can't afford to educate yourselves, your in BIG trouble)
I started a cycle of trenbolene (150mg every 3 days) along with Primoblan S tabs and per you advice, it was a bad cycle, so I stopped!
Mick Hart suggests a beginner cycle like this one.
wk 1 - 3dbol 1 nov
wk 2 - 5dbol 1 nov
wk 3 - 8dbol 1 nov
wk 4 - 10dbol 1 nov
wk 5 - 10dbol 1nov
wk 6 - 8dbol 1 nov
wk 7 - 5dbol 1 nov
wk 8 - 3dbol 1 nov
what do you guys think of this? Isthis a safe beginner cycle? I am nervous about taking that many orals...If I decide to do the injection, can I just take a couple of injections week of dbol? and from what I've learned on this board, I should also take test pro along with it? How then do I add this into my cycle and what is the dosage of dbol per week?