Thread: HGH/Test/Tren
10-02-2010, 09:04 PM #1
Hey guys.. new to the forum, but I've been around a few others. I'm hoping to get some advice and feedback on my next cycle. I'm 27 6'5" 207lbs and this will be my 4th cycle. My first cycles included mostly Deca /Sus and some Test. I came across some HGH and started my cycle a few days ago. I started at 1.5IU and ill be going up to 2-3 for the rest of the cycle. My doctor said that for my age going beyond this probably will not benefit me much (any advice on that?). At 2-3 IU's I have about 10 months worth. I was thinking about doing a test/tren cycle in about a month and wanted some advice and feedback on it. I've read that throwing in Dbol is great for bulking, but I don't have any access to any so most likely won't be including that. Has anyone had any experience with a cycle like this? Also, last but definitely not least, what should a proper PCT be for this cycle? Thanks for the advice guys!
10-02-2010, 09:41 PM #2
Out of curiousity, what were your 4 previous cycles and what did their PCT's look like?
If one is to start supplementing HGH,Tren , and Test, one should know what a proper PCT should consist of.
10-02-2010, 09:58 PM #3
10-02-2010, 10:10 PM #4
2 SERMS. Duration of the PCT will vary depending on the duration of the cycle. When I cycle a compound as suppressive as Tren , I tend to stick to a 5 week PCT including Tore/Nolva.
10-02-2010, 10:14 PM #5
I will be running the HGH throughout and after the cycle of Tren /Test.. when would be the time to start the PCT? After the Test/Tren and during HGH?
10-02-2010, 10:17 PM #6
You would PCT as if the Growth weren't even there, when the esters have dropped.
10-02-2010, 10:22 PM #7
The test will determine the PCT start time. If you run Test E, then you will start PCT 14 days after last injection. I would definately say your previous PCT's were horrible if you are that height and only just over 200lbs. I just finished my 4th and @ 5'9 Im over 220 and about 12% bf.
With tren , run a fairly agressive PCT as HP mentioned. 5 weeks for sure then get blood work to comfirm.
10-02-2010, 10:29 PM #8
So you think 5 week Tore/Nolva after the last TestE injection should be good PCT? I will definitely be getting blood work both before and after.. Any other advice on the HGH??--first time with it, but I've heard great things. Will 600mg Test and 400mg Tren be good?? Could anyone map out a good cycle for my size?
10-02-2010, 10:48 PM #9
5 weeks of PCT starting 14 days after last injection. Just making this clear.
As far as the GH, that is a great dose to be at. No real reason to pass 3IU unless you are going all out.
600 test with 400 tren are good doses. When I ran my first Test/Tren cycle it was 250 test and 350 tren and over 8 weeks I dropped half a dozen lbs of bodyfat and gained about the same in LBM... I was REALLY happy with that cycle.
10-02-2010, 11:04 PM #10
I always heard that your Test is supposed to be higher than Tren ??
Also, if you ran such low doses, should I do the same considering it is my first cycle with tren??
10-02-2010, 11:11 PM #11
The debate is always whether to run it equal to or not. There is no evidence that it needs to be run higher. Some like the feeling of running higher, me personally, I dont shutdown easily so I just used enough test to keep things functioning properly and let the tren do the work.
Mine was more of an experiment to see what I could do with low doses and I really enjoyed it. Lots of people told me "you need to run at least 500+ of each to see results" and I like to prove people wrong. My doses would never show massive gains, but I wasent going for that. I wanted to see how I responded to Tren and that was an easy way to get my feet wet with it. The next cycle I upped it to 450 and test to 600 and saw great gains in LBM.
When I advise a first time tren user I usually tell them try 400 test and 350 tren. Its a good compromise between a heavy bulker and a safe lower dose of a potentially harsh compound. If you like what you see, you can run higher next time around.
10-02-2010, 11:16 PM #12Banned
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Originally Posted by jonnyp22;53***94
BTW, if you're running the HGH for 10 months, I would start 2-3 months before the Test/Tren blast.
10-02-2010, 11:18 PM #13
Cool. Maybe I'll try the 400-350 for a while and see how it goes. It probably would be better because of my size as well. Did you gradually increase your doses in the beginning and gradually decrease at the end of your cycle or do the same throughout?? Also, the tren is in already and its Tren acetate 100, but the Test is still to be ordered. Which Test do you think would be best for bulking??
10-02-2010, 11:24 PM #14
No pyramiding doses, Im not sure who thought this was a good idea but the most basic principle of cycling is to keep test levels as stable as possible. Keep in mind it can take a couple weeks for test to stabilize at a specific dosage so if you bump it up, its not like the extra test is useful for a coupe weeks and that would be roughly when you cycle would end so all you are really left with is a higher test dosage to deal with while running your PCT cause the higher test will results in your body producing more estrogen.
Test E for bulking but since you have a fast acting ester like Acetate you will want to start the Test E 2 weeks before the tren as tren can shut you down quickly.
Ideally you want to run a short ester test like prop as it will not aromatize much if any so water gain is a non issue.
Tren Ace dosed @ 100/mL works perfectly to pin EOD as that comes out to that 350/wk dose.
10-02-2010, 11:29 PM #15
10-02-2010, 11:31 PM #16
10-02-2010, 11:47 PM #17
I'm pretty pumped for this cycle thanks for all the help! Just to wrap things up..
HGH 2-3 months (if i can wait that long)
Then start the TestE for 2 wks at 400-500mg(whichever I decide) consistently
Then run the tren at 350 with the TestE for the remainder?? Should I end them together and start the PCT 14 days after last injection?? or does it matter if I run the TestE a bit longer after the Tren.. sorry for all the detailed questions I just want to do this right being that I have this forum as a resource.. Appreciate the help!
PCT= 5wk Tore/Nolva
10-03-2010, 12:04 AM #18Senior Member
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I'm on a test cyp and tren cycle right now and loving it. Also taking anavar . I was doing some reading on different steroids and pct's yesterday and I think it was either test and tren or test/tren/dbol where a 6 week pct was recommended (actually I think it was the latter). My PCT will be torem and nolva. I am also using 250iu HCG 2x/week while on cycle.
Interestingly, I am shedding fat despite doing zero cardio. I initially thought it was the var, then when I added a ghrp-2/cjc preptide cycle protocol I figured it was a combo of these 2 being responsible. Now I'm thinking the tren might be aiding a bit as well.
My next cycle will likely also be test cyp and tren cycle but I will frontload with Test Prop rather than dbol to get the test up and running in my system quickly. I might throw another something in there but my next few cycles will be bulking so test and tren should have me covered.
I'd suggest looking into the use of HCG either on cycle or during pct. My balls are not shrinking because Im using the HCG and there are other benefits in helping you to get your system back to running normal post cycle if ur nuts didn't turn into little peas in the process.
10-03-2010, 12:15 AM #19
Wouldnt HCG hinder the bulking?? I'm not trying to lose my nuts either so maybe i'll look into this... running a tore/nolva PCT wouldn't be enough to save them!?
10-03-2010, 12:30 AM #20
HCG will not hinder gains.
10-03-2010, 12:34 AM #21
Would you suggest a couple hundred IU's of HCG during the cycle too then HP?? Would this change the way I run my PCT at all?
10-03-2010, 12:36 AM #22
I like the idea of HCG administration during pre-PCT on a 19nor cycle, so yes. It will surely make recovery much easier. What is your cycle going to look like in detail?
10-03-2010, 12:47 AM #23
I am still in the makes of that, but I have 1500 mgs of the tren so that gives me a little more than 4 weeks at 350mg per week. As I said before I will be getting the Test in the near future so the amount is open. I am thinking I will go with 400mg per week with that.. roughly my cycle looks like this..
2 mths HGH 2.0iu ED
2wks TestE 400mg, HGH 2.0iu ED
4 weeks TestE 400mg, Tren ace 350mg, HGH 2.0iu ED
2-3 weeks TestE 400mg, HGH 2.0iu ED
HGH2.0 iu ED as long as I can afford it
14 days after last Test injection starting the post cycle discussed earlier and probably including HCG during the cycle as discussed before, 200-250iu 2x per week (when should I start and end this?)
Also, is 4 weeks of Tren sufficient?? If not there is always more
Please critique and give feedback!
10-03-2010, 12:52 AM #24
So 8 weeks of Test E and 4 weeks of Tren A. Don't like it really.
I would extend the Testosterone to at least 10 weeks, and the Tren to 8 weeks.
If you stuck with your original plan, you wouldn't even need HCG , and your results would be less pleasing guaranteed.
10-03-2010, 01:04 AM #25
What do you mean by less pleasing?? Not much size at all?? I'm looking to add 15-20lbs and am following all the proper diet as I know that is the biggest factor. However, I am open to changing to your suggestions... more is the suggestion i'd prefer anyway
Hows this look:
2 mths HGH 2.0iu ED
2 wks TestE 400mg, HGH 2.0iu ED, HCG 200iu 2x per week
8 weeks TestE 400mg, Tren ace 350mg, HGH 2.0iu ED, HCG 200iu 2x per week
HGH 2.0 iu ED as long as I can afford it
Nolva/Tore 14 days after for 5 wks
10-03-2010, 01:13 AM #26
Not necessarily size. Size is the only thing that comes with Tren and Test
Anyways, if you have enough experience with anabolics, you'd realize that a 4 week cycle of any short acting injectable AAS really wouldn't do much of anything besides raise libido (if it were test) or shut you down to a degree if it were something else. Strength gains would be minimal at best and I highly doubt you'd grow or gain weight besides a tad bit of water, maybe a few spots of acne, increase or loss of hair depending on the compound, so on and so fourth.
I like that plan a bit better. If I were in your shoes though, I would really re-address my diet. At your height, being just above 200lbs, really isn't impressive.
I'm 5'11 and if I were 200lbs I wouldn't be that big either. Knowing you have had 4 previous cycles shows me that they didn't do you much good probably due to lack of proper nutrition. Get your diet sorted out quick, then consider cycling.
10-03-2010, 01:14 AM #27
hawaiian what would be the benefits of running GH at 2iu? I thought it needed to be a bit higher at about 4iu to notice effects? Would he experience just generalised fat loss at that dosage for that time period?
10-03-2010, 01:19 AM #28
When other hormone requirements are met, that amount can produce nice fat burning effects especially over a certain duration. If you have any more questions post them in a visitor message so we don't hi-jack the thread.
10-03-2010, 01:21 AM #29
I was up to 225 after my last cycle which was when I was 21. Since then I've been in college living on my own and I wasnt exactly eating the best diet and not enough of it. My diet consisted mostly of pizza and vodka to be precise... you can see why I shed off every lb that I gained..
I am glad to say I am graduating in December and will be moving back home (where the meals are infinite) until I can find work and move out again. I figured this would be the best time both financially and time wise for my cycle.
10-03-2010, 01:26 AM #30
Congrats on finishing school, this cycle would be a nice present to yourself and should deliver results. Keep the necessary ancillaries on hand and make sure your PCT is sufficient.
10-03-2010, 01:31 AM #31
Thanks a lot man, I'll be keeping you guys posted throughout.. i'm definitely keeping a detailed log on this cycle.
One last question and 40plusnewbie probably could message me and let me know this but I was looking up HCG and found that it comes as a dietary for fat loss in drops and I am presuming this one is not the one I want haha... can someone answer this without breaking the rules?Last edited by jonnyp22; 10-03-2010 at 01:38 AM.
10-03-2010, 01:38 AM #32
Nope, not the real HCG .
10-03-2010, 01:41 AM #33
I'd like to find out more about HCG i'm going to open up a new thread and see who has used it and how they used it.. i'm completely new to that topic and its not relevant to this one anymore
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