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Thread: my cycle so far. any suggestions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Lightbulb my cycle so far. any suggestions?

    Here's what I'm on right now. I am 5 weeks in.
    week 1-10 1cc 300 mg deca per week
    week 1-3 1cc T-200 per week
    week 5 d-bol naps 3 per day (15mg)
    week 6 d-bol 4 per day (20mg)
    week 7 d-bol 5 per day (25mg)
    week 8 d-bol 4 per day (20mg)
    week 9 d-bol 3 per day (15mg)
    Should I use liquidex or clomid @ the end of this cycle? Also what dosage should I use? Also I have about 15cc's of maxigan 50 mg eq, and some fina on hand but since eq is so similar to deca and fina should not be used in conjunction w/ deca I guess I will hold off. Although I would love to throw in some winstrol in towards the end of the the cycle if I can get my hands on some. LMK what u think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    You should have ran Liquidex .5mg ed from the start of the cycle and that cycle is all messed up bro. I would have done a lot of things different , it should look like this...........
    wk 1-4 d-bol 25-30mg ed (if your new)
    wk 1-10 t200 400-600mg ew Mon. & Thurs. 200-300mg on those days
    wk 1-10 Deca 300mg ew Mon. & Thurs. 150mg on those days

    I would like to know how the wang is working with the cycle like you have it ? Do you have clomid and bromo ?
    clomid 300mg/100mg/50mg

    Bro you should have posted that cycle before you even began
    Obviously there was no research done with the way your running your cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    The way my cycle was structured all had to do w/ what i had and what i could get at the time. I had a 10cc bottle of deca 300mg, a bottle of fina, and about 15cc's of 50mg eq from a few years ago. I had not even planned to add the d-bol in until lucked up and stumbled across some. The t-200 was given to me by a friend and there was only 3cc's left in the bottle. So I ordered my cycle (which was researched to hell and back and would have been a wondrful cycle) from my source who fell into a coma for 2 months and died 3 weeks ago so i did the best with what i had at the time considering the circumstances. I think scoring gear online is a big ass joke and don't have any connections here.(SOL) So right now I am just working w/ what i have and yes my wang is functioning normally. This is my first cycle in three years and planning is great and all if you can get what you need which i cannot. My thing right now is i take what i got when i got it and if i luck up and can score something else i will throw it in. If i waited until i could get what i need i would be waiting forever. Stupid steriod control act. This board is great as far as knowledge and experiences and I appreciate people taking the time to help one another.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Bro , just keep hanging around and good things will come your way. You've heard patience is a virtue...well in this business it's very true. I would focus on exactly what compounds you want in your cycle and persuing it until you have your entire cycle in hand and then and only then start your cycle. The rewards and success of having a well planned cycle are far better than doing a grab bag type of cycle. Peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    clearwater fla
    plex4flex i am pretty new to this site also, and i agree that you do the best with what u got, waited 6 months for a bottle of test cypionate.
    have friends going to great locations but really dont feel good about asking the to take a risk bring the stuff back here. what everyou do dont order from europe mine was grabbed by customs. they catch a same amount i order of aas, but let millions of keys of coke get in lol

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