Look what i found in my inbox a few seconds ago...
I'd stay away from this guy...and i'm probably not the only one who got this message?...
__________________________________________________ ____
This is a message from big## at Anabolic Review (
http://www.anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/index.php ). The Anabolic Review owners
cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.
To email big##, you can use this online form:
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mailto:bi####[email protected]
This is the message:
DYNABOLON 80,5mg. $8 [Italy]
PARABOLAN $10 [France]
This is what i have right now in my warehouse in California.
In the future i will have also
PRIMOBOLAN 100mg. $7 [Turkey]
DECA DURABOLIN 100mg. $5 [Organon-Holland]
SUSTANON 250mg. $5 [Nile-Company Egypt]
TESTEX 250mg. $6 [Spain]
TESTOVIRON DEPOT 250mg. $6 [Spain]
PERMASTRIL 100mg. $9 [France]
This prices i give you is for minim $3000 order,for less order you must add 50%.
minim order for the extra 50% in price is $300,shiping is for free.
Because i have good prices i am looking for guys that can buy big quantity.
.For huge quantitys i will reduce the price even more!!!
If you are very interested I can send you free samples from each product I have
in stock.
I need an adress for the samples.
In the near future i will have orals too.
Best Regards,
My e-mail address is big#@%[email protected]
If you will buy good quantitys we can keep in touch also with the telephone if
you want that.
I_m not afiliated with any governement agency like FBI, DEA or COPS
I am located in Romania.