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  1. #1
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    A Tren and Deca cycle.

    I've never really seen people advocating that Tren and Deca be used ina cycle together. Why is this?

    What would the effect of a cycle with Sust, Deca and Tren be? Wouldn't it produce good results?

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    because you would grow tits faster then you grow muscle.

  3. #3
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Using two 19 nors arnt a good idea, for the above reason

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    and i know this from personal experience as well lol had 2 gyno surgeries to fix all the shit.

  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If thats you in the avatar your gyno sugeries went well, just curious what was the cost and how long was the recovery ( time before chest work was advisable) after your gyno surg?

  6. #6
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    first time i did not hit the gym for a year or so after. so cant tell you but it hirt for about 3 months or so after doing physical stuff the 2nd time i was lifting full force 2 1/2 weeks but i had been taking around 5ius ed of hgh for about 3-4 months prior to that. I dont know if it helped me recover or if it was something else just sharing my experiences. Yes that is me.

  7. #7
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    I see. So combining Deca and Tren is a big no no.

    Another question, if you get gyno from the Deca, will Nolva make it go away?

    Also, BJPennn, why didn't you use nolva/letro/caber to get rid of your gyno, instead of going to surgery?

  8. #8
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    There's nothing wrong with combining two 19-nor's in the same cycle as long as you're prepared to contend with the potential side effects. Not everyone is prone to progesterone related gyno and most can manage the side effects with a prolactin antagonizer like caber or prami. I'm currently running 360mg of Tren E EW plus 300 mg of deca EW (and 600mg of test cyp). I have had zero side effects that haven't been manageable. If my tits started getting leaky or sore I'd cut my dose of deca and bump up the caber. Failing that I'd stop running the deca altogether. It's not rocket science -- do your research, be prepared to deal with potential side effects, and have the common sense to know when to back off if necessary.

  9. #9
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    there is nothing wrong with it if you have ran both by themselves and are experienced. how do you know how yoru body is going to react? you dont. i would not advise you to run 2 19 nors at once unless you have ran them both separate.

  10. #10
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Well, that's a different story than your first comment. Your opinion was "you would grow tits faster then you grow muscle". That's silly and simply not true. You can get nice results and manage the sides of combining two 19-nor compounds. People do it all the time. I would certainly agree with you that doing so is a more advanced cycle that merits extra planning and consideration for side effects but a tren /deca cycle should not being getting the automatic "don't do it" that I see so often as the answer when the topic is brought up.

  11. #11
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    it is not silly at all. how could you say that. if you do not know how your body is going to react to a 19 nor then why run 2 and i am assuming plus test as a base. I was simply answering his question why he does not see a lot of cycles with both and the reason is what i stated.

  12. #12
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    It's silly and inaccurate because it's a blanket, broad-brushed statement indicating you believe anyone who uses two 19-nor compounds in the same cycle is going to grow boobs regardless of dose, regardless of cycle experience, and regardless of ancillaries used to combat sides. Indicating his tits will grow faster than muscle mass just isn't true. I understand that you're trying to convey there are extra risks to running both compounds and it's not a good idea to do so without proper preparation and experience, but there are legit reasons someone might want to run tren and deca together. Someone CAN do so successfully and doing so is not a grave error in judgement.

  13. #13
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoth;5385593[U
    ]I've never really seen people advocating that Tren and Deca be used ina cycle together. Why is this?[/U]

    What would the effect of a cycle with Sust, Deca and Tren be? Wouldn't it produce good results?
    I am commenting on this statement figure it out. That is why people stay away from it. get it?

  14. #14
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    any by the way ed since you joined this site 9 months you figured out your advanced enough to run tren and deca with test huh? 3 compounds for you first cycle huh? your profile says you have never touched gear. for someone who claims to have done so much research it really seems like you fell short in areas.

  15. #15
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    I am commenting on this statement figure it out. That is why people stay away from it. get it?
    Your answer to this question:

    I've never really seen people advocating that Tren and Deca be used ina cycle together. Why is this?
    Is this:

    because you would grow tits faster then you grow muscle.

    You seem to be really offended that I'm challenging your superior intellect. Feel free to continue to stick by it, but it's not a good answer and I've provided sound reasons for why it's not. If you simply would have said it complicates side effect management I'd agree with you.

  16. #16
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    he asked why he does not see people posting deca and tren cycles. now give me your answer.

  17. #17
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    any by the way ed since you joined this site 9 months you figured out your advanced enough to run tren and deca with test huh? 3 compounds for you first cycle huh? your profile says you have never touched gear. for someone who claims to have done so much research it really seems like you fell short in areas.
    So you want to make this personal now because I disagree with you? LOL. Feel free to be butt-hurt, dude.

    I had done zero gear when I joined back in February. Guess I need to update my profile so I can have a proper internet dick measuring contest. I have been on TRT since early this year, ran my first cycle of test and deca for 10 weeks during the spring/early summer, and I'm now running test/deca/tren . It's going quite well, thanks for asking. It's going well because I planned well and did my research.

  18. #18
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    he asked why he does not see people posting deca and tren cycles. now give me your answer.
    Pretty sure we're in agreement as to why you don't see it recommended. I have no problem with that. But telling people they're going to grow boobs and couldn't possibly run a cycle combing the two successfully isn't a good answer.

  19. #19
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    your splitting hairs man, you are the one that came at me. I am done arguing with you about this. internet deck measurement contest? haha thats funny how about you post a pic of yourself and you can look at mine. get over it man. we like to give advice on the more conservative side on this site. i answered his question and that is why the sides can be drastic. get a clue.

  20. #20
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    You look great! No shit -- I'm not trying to be a jerk. I, personally, have a long way to go. I've seen some really good days and I've been to some pretty low valleys in regards to my health. But I'm getting there. I'll post some shots with full frontal nudity just for you when I get down below 12% BF.

    There's nothing wrong with giving advice on the conservative side, and we actually agree on that point. I do, too. But I also don't just talk out my ass. If I have something to contribute I do so based on my own experience. The reason I'm being so adamant about my point is because I debated this very issue long and hard when considering my current cycle. You know what I found? A LOT of people with answers just like yours. Cart blanche statements about it being taboo and destined to be a disaster without any details about why. Why is it a bad idea to run tren and deca together? It took a long time before I found a few people who could speak personally about running both in a cycle and none of them had any sort of catastrophe in their life because they did. The only complications people with REAL EXPERIENCE running both had were side effects that were easily managed by ancillaries. There are plenty of people who couldn't manage the tren, but there's really no account I've found of anyone who bailed out of their cycle or got unmanageable side as the result of the combined effect of tren/deca.

    I wanted to run deca again because it helps tremendously with my knee arthritis. So, based on the FACTS I found I decided to run a reasonable dose of deca with my tren, along with having all the ancillaries on hand to mitigate the sides. I'm 5 weeks into it and, like I said, it's going great. No new boobies for me -- I'm sorry if you're disappointed.
    Last edited by Epic Ed; 10-10-2010 at 10:26 PM.

  21. #21
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    No new boobies for me -- I'm sorry if you're disappointed.
    dang, i was looking forward to it.

  22. #22
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    BJpennn, could you pleae answer the questions I asked above? It would be great for my knowledge. Thanks!

  23. #23
    boxin23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    You look great! No shit -- I'm not trying to be a jerk. I, personally, have a long way to go. I've seen some really good days and I've been to some pretty low valleys in regards to my health. But I'm getting there. I'll post some shots with full frontal nudity just for you when I get down below 12% BF.

    There's nothing wrong with giving advice on the conservative side, and we actually agree on that point. I do, too. But I also don't just talk out my ass. If I have something to contribute I do so based on my own experience. The reason I'm being so adamant about my point is because I debated this very issue long and hard when considering my current cycle. You know what I found? A LOT of people with answers just like yours. Cart blanche statements about it being taboo and destined to be a disaster without any details about why. Why is it a bad idea to run tren and deca together? It took a long time before I found a few people who could speak personally about running both in a cycle and none of them had any sort of catastrophe in their life because they did. The only complications people with REAL EXPERIENCE running both had were side effects that were easily managed by ancillaries. There are plenty of people who couldn't manage the tren, but there's really no account I've found of anyone who bailed out of their cycle or got unmanageable side as the result of the combined effect of tren/deca.

    I wanted to run deca again because it helps tremendously with my knee arthritis. So, based on the FACTS I found I decided to run a reasonable dose of deca with my tren, along with having all the ancillaries on hand to mitigate the sides. I'm 5 weeks into it and, like I said, it's going great. No new boobies for me -- I'm sorry if you're disappointed.
    What are you doing cycling with body fat that high....guessing you are closer to 20%. And i'm not trying to join you and BJ's argument...I'm just asking a real question.

  24. #24
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    I answered you via PM to keep this thread on topic.

  25. #25
    Harry Manback's Avatar
    Harry Manback is offline Junior Member
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    Epic ed nailed it in his first post. With anything, if done right, can be successful. Prop, tren ace and npp here. I love it. As long as you know what you're getting into, enter at your own risk...

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