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Thread: HGH vs Steroids

  1. #1

    HGH vs Steroids

    i was thinking of taking steroids for a while now but lately iv been thinking about taking hgh. my question is what do you guys recommend? iv done research on roids but i dont know too much about hgh, i know it doesnt really have any side effects but hows muscle building compared to lets say test e. help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2009
    well they are two complelty different compounds.

    What are your stats?
    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?
    Diet: ?

  3. #3
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    For nothing more than money reasons alone, Id say gear. However, more solid, lean, and keepable (relatively speaking) gains come from using hgh. However faster, more instant gains come from gear. It takes months, if not years for hgh gains to show as the same gains would show from gear in only a few months time.

  4. #4
    im 6 ft, 150, 20 year old, iv worked out but i got a really fast metabolism so i have to eat a lot more than your average person to gain weight, thats why im considering these options.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2009
    bro you need to work on your diet. Gain 40 pounds then when your 24-25 look into a cycle.

    Check out the diet section there is some great stickies in there that will help you.

    Good luck on your journey.

  6. #6
    lol i dont think you understand, i need to eat like 5000 calories a day to gain weight and i dont have the money for all that food plus im not trying to get roided up to 220 or something, im trying to get to like 175 and then do it natural from there. anyway im gonna do one of them either way.

    iv tried to eat like 3000 calories a day for couple weeks and barely gained 5 pounds while working out hard, i got 3% body fat if that tells you anything about my metabolism.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    lol i dont think you understand, i need to eat like 5000 calories a day to gain weight and i dont have the money for all that food plus im not trying to get roided up to 220 or something, im trying to get to like 175 and then do it natural from there. anyway im gonna do one of them either way.

    iv tried to eat like 3000 calories a day for couple weeks and barely gained 5 pounds while working out hard, i got 3% body fat if that tells you anything about my metabolism.
    No you dont understand. If you cant gain weight without steroids you wont gain weight with them. Surplus of calories = Weight gain, regardless of AAS use.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sector View Post
    No you dont understand. If you cant gain weight without steroids you wont gain weight with them. Surplus of calories = Weight gain, regardless of AAS use.
    ^^^ty ty

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sector View Post
    No you dont understand. If you cant gain weight without steroids you wont gain weight with them. Surplus of calories = Weight gain, regardless of AAS use.

    this is 100% correct.

    steroids will be a waste of money and do more harm then good to you.

    post your diet in the diet section people will assist you.

    wouldnt help to post training program too im sure that will be lagging too

  10. #10
    if i cant gain weight without steroids than i cant gain weight with steroids? what kind of load of shit is that lol. i understand you guys are trying to be wise and tell me to wait but come on, eating a lot while working out in 2 weeks=5 pounds, now im pretty sure eating a lot while working out a lot while on steroids = more than 5 pounds haha, but tell me im wrong.

  11. #11
    btw iv been on this site before and looked through all the diets and all that, and yes i know you have to eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight, iv known that type of stuff for years.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2009
    well you are wrong hardgainers need 1.5-2 at least

  13. #13
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    Oct 2010
    your metabolism is probably fast like you say, but there are different ways of dieting that can help you gain weight and are different weight training programs you can do that will help with mass also.....if you're at 150 now and are trying for 175 that should be attainable with just diet and weights....heavy compound movements and a gram n a half of protein per lb of body weight, low reps, heavy eating should do the trick....what is your weight training like now? Having a fast metabolism isn't a great reason to go w/the gear at age 20...everybody in here isn't just trying to wise they're being wise...20 is young and it's not recommended to do it before 25, sometimes 30 depending on the should check out some of the stickies in this forum...they're very helpful

  14. #14
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    Aug 2010
    From the sound of it you might be eating a hole lot but of the wrong types of foods.

  15. #15
    i eat anything and everything, it doesnt matter for me because i barely got any fat on me so for some of you who try not to eat doughnuts i can eat as many as i want cause it wont do anything for me. ok so no steroids but what about hgh? no one has talked about that yet, i know someone my age whos done one cycle and got a lot stronger in a bout a month.

  16. #16
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    Feb 2009
    you are so far from hgh and steroids spend your money on more food.

  17. #17
    dude im not trying to get your size, understand that already, im not trying to get to 180-190 natural and then use steroids to get to 230. its so easy for you guys to say this type of stuff cause you simply dont get how hard it really is for me to gain weigh naturally. my dad is 175 and hes 50, he was my weight my age so in 30 years hes gained 25 pounds? yea he never worked out but still that should tell you what kind of genes i have. again im gonna do one or the other eventually lol so if you cant provide any help as to the advantages of either one then dont brother posting.

  18. #18
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    ok well we have told you our honest opinion. but it does matter to you what we say

    why it doesnt matter.

    cause you got it in your head you need to take steroids to grow.

    so basically your going to do it anyways.

    unfortunately your the not the first person in this situation and you wont be the last.

    hopefully you will make the right decision

    btw im not ripping you im telling you as i see it and im sure others do too

  19. #19
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    Along with all the obvious health risks,whatever you gain using steroids instead of nutrition will be lost as fast as it was gained for someone with a fast metabolism, youth etc the body will seek its "happy center" QUICKLY. Conversely by using strict diet and wieghtlifting you will have given your body a new assignment to which it will also adapt (by muscle mass gain).

  20. #20
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    OK maybe this will help you.

    I'm 27 and have done around 6 cycles. I posted almost the exact same question on here when I was 23 and I got all the answers your getting and I thought what a bunch of tossers i'm gunna go and do it any way.So i went away and did both Gear and HGH. When i started my first cycle i weighed 149 pounds and because i never put on weight i cycled and ate whatever I wanted and at the end of 10 weeks on gear, HGH and eating as much as I could I gained 15 pounds (at best) I looked mad in my opinion and the HGH made me look very lean and ripped and I loved it. Move forward to 5-8 weeks after cycle (same training and eating) and I was down to 154 pounds. Was the biggest waste of money and effort. But i still didnt listen to the advise I got so I waited 10 weeks and then went and cycled again and doubled the dosage, gained weight lost it and then did it a third time increasing the dosage to 3 times the original amount (1000mg test pw and 4i.u HGH per day - any who weighs 150-160pounds and takes that much is stupid) finished up looked mad at first and kept the weight but guess what - now I was 25 and a FAT C*NT from slapping my body with test when it couldn't take it. Its taken me two years to get rid of it and I've only just started cycling again with different forms of gear based on the advice I received here.

    I think you should stop worrying about these guys telling you not to cycle and listen to what your being told (they know your gunna cycle anyway) - they arent telling you not to cycle but just do it properly. Get the diet thing down pat, research the types of gear and HGH (FYI ridiculously expensive) and then time it correctly in terms of your age or take it from me brother I got none of the sides that people normally get (pimples etc) but I F*cked it up big time and it took me 2 years to fix my body all cause I didnt wanna look in the diet section and see if what I was being told here about my body not being able to put on weight with AAS etc etc was correct.

    Having said all of that - do as you see fit.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    lol i dont think you understand, i need to eat like 5000 calories a day to gain weight and i dont have the money for all that food plus im not trying to get roided up to 220 or something, im trying to get to like 175 and then do it natural from there. anyway im gonna do one of them either way.

    iv tried to eat like 3000 calories a day for couple weeks and barely gained 5 pounds while working out hard, i got 3% body fat if that tells you anything about my metabolism.
    You eat 3k a day and gain 5 pounds in a couple weeks? Thats not bad at all. I eat 4k a day (which I actually measure... so I know its 4k, and most people I have seen say these numbers who don't measure end up taking in about half of what they think they do) and I struggle to put on weight at all.
    Also, what kind of measurements were you using to conclude you have 3% bodyfat?

    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    if i cant gain weight without steroids than i cant gain weight with steroids? what kind of load of shit is that lol. i understand you guys are trying to be wise and tell me to wait but come on, eating a lot while working out in 2 weeks=5 pounds, now im pretty sure eating a lot while working out a lot while on steroids = more than 5 pounds haha, but tell me im wrong.
    If you eat less calories than you use for energy, you will not gain tissue weight. It doesn't matter if you are on 3 grams of test a week.

  22. #22
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    well this thread went the opposite direction I thought it was going to... LOL....

    Food for thought man, I was 145lbs at YOUR AGE!!!! Look at my avatar pic, THATS ME, it CAN be done with food. I didnt get to this size by steroids. I got there with YEARS of eating, eating and eating, THEN i starting using stuff to "shape" me you could say. You have to eat every 2/3 hours, period. Alternate meal, shake, meal, shake, ect. 6-8 times per day FOR YEARS. You said it yourself, you gained 5lbs of eating in only several weeks. Now multiply that by a year. Youre at your goal. Done.

  23. #23
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    Hey is the deal: at 20 you already have a ton of natural growth hormone production and to take HGH at this age could really really mess with your natural pulse and have a negative effect on your endocrine system for a long time which could lead to LOW IGF-1 levels which is counterintuitive to what you want....please try to wait until you need HGH which would be around age 30....this is way too risky...

    as far as steroids at age already have A LOT of hormones now...more than most members here...TAKE this edge and work with it naturally and you will come out way ahead with a great far as steroids at you want to potentially have ED at 20? I doubt it....this is a real reality with try to stay away from steroids until your mid-20's when you have fully developed .... you are still not totally formed yet believe it or not..

    I know you are anxious...I hear you....just think about what goes up....must come down...

  24. #24
    how big did you get before you started using and how old were you? the question is to vettewreck.
    Last edited by toms402; 10-11-2010 at 10:31 AM.

  25. #25
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    Toms you dont need AAS or HGH to reach ur goals

    You need food!

    Isnt that obvious, u gained 5lbs in 2 weeks, most guys dream of that

    Here is a simple formula for u to work by, it will work for everyone

    Want to gain weight = eat more
    Want to loose weight = eat less

    It is a never ending cycle, eat more, then u mist eat more and more and more etc...

    If u cant gain weight now with ur current diet any gains made on AAS's will be lost shortly after the AAS's are discontinued

  26. #26
    5 pounds in 2 weeks is not a lot, i know people who gained 20 pounds in a month naturally and didnt as much as i did. ok so imagine im 25, now can i get some different answers lol.

  27. #27
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    I think we are just wasting our breath on this one.. Obviously Toms has already made up his mind and despite the clear and on point advice given he will have to learn the hard way.

    It is simple, if you want to weigh 180 then you have to eat like a 180 pounder. Do you think you are the 1st person to come here and say "No matter how much I eat I cannot gain weight!"? I would put money up that if you posted an HONEST daily diet for yourself there would be many things wrong with it. The key to that statement is you being honest though, which we all know you are already biased towards using AAS. GL!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    how big did you get before you started using and how old were you? the question is to vettewreck.
    I got to 218lbs NATURALLY before. I know you dont want to get that big but you should clearly see my point. And 5lbs in 2 weeks is a ton. You have a very narrow mind and you refuse to look outside the box... based on all your replys ive read. Sorry bro just saying. Eating every 2/3 hours is key. Not "always" how much I ate today at 3 different meals.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    5 pounds in 2 weeks is not a lot, i know people who gained 20 pounds in a month naturally and didnt as much as i did. ok so imagine im 25, now can i get some different answers lol.
    5 pounds in 2 weeks is 10 pounds a month. Continue for 1 year and thats 120 pounds of weight gained

    Lets even consider that the gains will eventually slow, we'll cut it down to .5 pounds per week
    Half a pound a week- in 2 years that will still be 52 pounds gained. Thats incredible, and a pace that any of us would dream of.
    You act like your situation is bad, but it just isn't man, be happy about it.

  30. #30
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    I weighed in at 175lbs wet in HS...... I ate everything under the sun..... i'm talking $30 worth of McDonalds food every other day and I couldn't gain anything.... not even fat.

    Once I started eating the right foods..... my body exploded. It took me a little while to get to 200lbs but I did it. I also ran a couple cycles before my diet was up to speed and i put on some weight but I lost every single pound of it once I stopped.

    I'm not going to tell you that you can't run a cycle.... you can do what you want. What happens to you because of your lack of reasoning is none of my concern - it's not going to make me lose sleep at night. Is it a good idea for you to cycle? Nope..... Because you don't need steroids to reach 175lbs. That weight can be easilly obtained naturally by MOST people. It just takes time and dedication......

    If you're hell bent on running a cycle - then so be it but don't be too proud to come back and tell everyone how it went. It's a great influence whenever someone goes against the grain..... fails..... and then comes back to help teach the correct way.


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    and then comes back to help teach the INcorrect way.

    Fixed it for ya lol

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    5 pounds in 2 weeks is 10 pounds a month. Continue for 1 year and thats 120 pounds of weight gained

    Lets even consider that the gains will eventually slow, we'll cut it down to .5 pounds per week
    Half a pound a week- in 2 years that will still be 52 pounds gained. Thats incredible, and a pace that any of us would dream of.
    You act like your situation is bad, but it just isn't man, be happy about it.
    we all know the gains eventually slow down, just cause i gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks doesnt mean its gonna continue like that, everyone knows that.

  33. #33
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    true, but youre so far behind your growing curve, yours wont slow down for a long time. Why do you continue to argue with everyones point on here and why do you continue to not look at this from anyones point of view but your own? Even if it takes just a measily 5 months to slow down, youre still up 40-50lbs. I mean wtf do you not get?? Im not being mean but dude open your mind, stop being so close minded.

    Oh and I was about 24y/o before I started using. And looking back, I was TOO YOUNG.
    Last edited by vettewreck; 10-11-2010 at 03:00 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    how big did you get before you started using and how old were you? the question is to vettewreck.
    I am thinking of doing my first cycle... i am 5'4'' and 161 pounds... i need to get at least 170 to start a cycle... you are 6' and just 150 pounds WTF????? Learn to eat for 3/4 years then come back and ask question on AAS...and listen to these guys they are experienced users...

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    I am thinking of doing my first cycle... i am 5'4'' and 161 pounds... i need to get at least 170 to start a cycle... you are 6' and just 150 pounds WTF????? Learn to eat for 3/4 years then come back and ask question on AAS...and listen to these guys they are experienced users...
    there they go again, you dont know me dude, i probably eat just as much as you do.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    true, but youre so far behind your growing curve, yours wont slow down for a long time. Why do you continue to argue with everyones point on here and why do you continue to not look at this from anyones point of view but your own? Even if it takes just a measily 5 months to slow down, youre still up 40-50lbs. I mean wtf do you not get?? Im not being mean but dude open your mind, stop being so close minded.

    Oh and I was about 24y/o before I started using. And looking back, I was TOO YOUNG.
    the fact that you think i can gain 40, 50 pounds in 5, 6 months is beyond ridiculous. i maybe could gain that much with steroids, and thats a big maybe. look you dont know my body and you havent seen many people with my type of body just like you havent seen 6 ft 20 year olds that are 400 pounds. why dont you stop trying to convince me already? iv been this weight since i was 15 and i cant stand it, iv worked out for 3, 4 months at a time before taking protein and barely got any gains but lost them when i stopped working out. all i wanted in this thread is some help with hgh, im not naive man iv done research on both and i know its not gonna do any harm to me, yes i know its better if i wait a few years but i know 1 cycle of either one especially hgh isnt gonna **** me up lol. i just wanted to see if any of you have used hgh and to explain from your point of view.

  37. #37
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    go to the HGH forum...and see what they tell you.....I bet...the SAME! TOO EARLY!!!! way too EARLY! nobody here is going to advise you to take HGH at 20 years old.....

  38. #38
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    If you can afford REAL HGH then you can afford your own personal chef...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    look you dont know my body and you havent seen many people with my type of body
    I was you. I already stated that. Infact, I was 6' and 145, 5lbs SMALLER than you.
    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    im not naive man iv done research on both and i know its not gonna do any harm to me
    Umm... LOL... Clearly youve done NO research.
    Quote Originally Posted by toms402 View Post
    i can gain 40, 50 pounds in 5, 6 months is beyond ridiculous. i maybe could gain that much with steroids
    Again, clearly youve done no research. You will NEVER gain 40+lbs even on gear.
    Last edited by vettewreck; 10-11-2010 at 03:48 PM.

  40. #40
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    Have you had X-rays done to see if your growth plates have fused? If not.... how do you know the HGH wont do any harm?

    You're not going to get advice on how to cycle..... you are too young and you don't know how to eat or train properly..... hence your problem gaining weight. I was in your situation also..... you can't bullshit a bullshitter.

    Go ahead and acquire your gear.... run a cycle..... and fvck yourself up. Then lose all your gains..... and come back here to ask us what we think went wrong. You've been advised..... now be on your way.....


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