Okay, so i have no sideeffects from estrogen other than swollen wrists and ankles.. Which at first i attributed towards the Abombs.. but since i stopped those over a week ago and started 100mg of proviron hoping its AI poperties would assist me a bit.. but it seems like i am in just as bad of a situation as i was when i was on 100mg of Anadrol .. i am starting week 7 of a 12 week cycle and am thinking of adding some Arimidex .. how much should i take, as i only want to get rid of water bloat.. there are no other sides.. no acne, no gyno, nothing.. i just can barely fit in my shoes any more, and i can't wear my watch.. plus i imiagine ten of the 25 pounds i have added so far is water weight and slows me down a bit on the rugby field.. any input is appreciated..

Cycle is
400mg Deca week 1-10
600mg Test week 1-12
100mg Anadrol ED weeks 1-5
100mg Proviron ED weeks 6-12
250iu HCG 2x week weeks 5-14
PCT is Clomid and Nolvadex weeks 15-18

I have 30 pills of arimidex set aside in case i needed them.. but not sure how often i should take it if all i want to do is reduce water weight a bit..

Thanks guys