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  1. #1
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks in Advance

    ...To all the vets out there for any help with this.


    Height 6'2
    Weight: 212#
    Fitness Career: 2003 Competed in University sponsored BB contest. Received
    2nd place (natural)
    2005 KY state Powerlifting Competition: 1st in 252 weight class with 450 bench (pretty puny I know) 675 Squat and 808 Deadlift for a total of 1933. (I do have some residual injuries from that comp. Anyway Am thinking of doing a local NPC comp next winter or possibly 2 winters from now, depending on if I think I can hang or not. I have much knowledge about the chemical prop of most compounds spoken on this site. Training is a no brainer. Here is what I was thinking for first cycle after some reading and even hitting some of the ex phys text books from undergrad:

    My goal is to not bulk too much at this time...I am for one just trying to see how my system handles this. I can bulk VERY easily. Did it naturally all the way to 269 in my previous career. Competed in BB contest at around 198. I would like to be a lean 200 or so.

    8 week cycle
    400mg Test Ent/ or Cyp
    Arimidex ED 1 mg while ON

    PCT starting after last inject
    100mg Clo ED Day 1-30
    20mg Nolva ED Day 1-30

    Thoughts? I only have one main question...I know En and Cyp are BASICALLY the same chem, however some say Cyp is better others say En....not too keen on injecting every day so I would like to inject as little as possible, but any experience with running one vs the other?

    Thanks. Apologize for the lengthy post up front.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    You may want to extend your cycle a bit. You'll only be getting the full advantage of the compound for 4 weeks at minimum which won't deliver the results you may be looking for.
    Why so high on the AI? .5mg EOD for prevention purposes will do just fine in most cases.
    PCT start time is off. You don't begin treatment the day after your last injection but when the ester has dropped.
    100mg of Clomiphene for 30 days would arise many nasty sides with me but if you can handle it more power to you. If you can tolerate lower dosages and still get away with full recovery I'd advise this option.
    Nolva looks away if you keep the Clomid as planned.
    Only real difference between the two other than opinions from word of mouth is the carbon length. You will not tell a difference between legitimate Cypionate and Enanthate .
    Pinning 2x per week will suffice.

  3. #3
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks. My reasoning for keeping the cycle short was to cut down on sides. How long should I go to get gains with least amount of sides? AI I was going off one of the stickies. I am all about less is more theory and I will go with .5mg EOD as I could always raise it should something arise. So the ester usually for the two compounds mentioned is about 2 weeks am I correct?

    I was looking at one PCT for test and it showed 50mg of clo along with 20 mg Nolva. Thoughts?

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Just lower the dosage to minimize sides. It'll take about 4-5 weeks to really kick you the beans so a lower dose over a prolonged period would yield better results.
    Stick with what I suggested on the AI. Don't wait until the side effects arise. Prevention is better than treatment, also this will reduce water retention.
    A nice PCT for a test only can simply be put as C50/50/50/50 N40/40/20/20. Wait 1.5/2 months and get blood treatment done to see where you stand. Also, pre cycle blood work for a baseline comparison.

  5. #5
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Appreciate the advice. How does this sound?

    12 weeks
    350mg Test Cyp Injecting 1x a week
    Arimi .5 EOD while ON

    PCT starting 18 days after last inject
    Clomid Day 1-30 50mg
    Nolva Day 1-30 40/40/20/20.

    Also I have read that some people do not really come completely "off" in their off cycle, a few take 10-20 mg of var during their off phase. Thoughts? I was thinking I would let the blood work do the talking in that case....

  6. #6
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetSwole83 View Post
    ...To all the vets out there for any help with this.


    Height 6'2
    Weight: 212# (Age?, bf%?)
    Fitness Career: 2003 Competed in University sponsored BB contest. Received
    2nd place (natural)
    2005 KY state Powerlifting Competition: 1st in 252 weight class with 450 bench (pretty puny I know) 675 Squat and 808 Deadlift for a total of 1933. (I do have some residual injuries from that comp. Anyway Am thinking of doing a local NPC comp next winter or possibly 2 winters from now, depending on if I think I can hang or not. I have much knowledge about the chemical prop of most compounds spoken on this site. Training is a no brainer. Here is what I was thinking for first cycle after some reading and even hitting some of the ex phys text books from undergrad:

    My goal is to not bulk too much at this time...I am for one just trying to see how my system handles this. I can bulk VERY easily. Did it naturally all the way to 269 in my previous career. Competed in BB contest at around 198. I would like to be a lean 200 or so.

    8 week cycle (Test e or c you should run for 10 weeks man)
    400mg Test Ent/ or Cyp
    Arimidex ED 1 mg while ON

    PCT starting after last inject
    100mg Clo ED Day 1-30 (Run then clomid @ 100 for 2 weeks then drop down to 50 for the remaining two)
    20mg Nolva ED Day 1-30 (40mg novla for 1st 2 weeks then 20mg for remaining two)

    Thoughts? I only have one main question...I know En and Cyp are BASICALLY the same chem, however some say Cyp is better others say En....not too keen on injecting every day so I would like to inject as little as possible, but any experience with running one vs the other? (Both test e and c should be injected every 3.5 days, its prop thats injected ED or EOD, test e has more active % of testosterone but buy very little, test c or e doesnt matter to much)

    Thanks. Apologize for the lengthy post up front.
    Answers in bold

  7. #7
    big_ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetSwole83 View Post
    Appreciate the advice. How does this sound?

    12 weeks
    350mg Test Cyp Injecting 1x a week
    Arimi .5 EOD while ON

    PCT starting 18 days after last inject
    Clomid Day 1-30 50mg
    Nolva Day 1-30 40/40/20/20.

    Also I have read that some people do not really come completely "off" in their off cycle, a few take 10-20 mg of var during their off phase. Thoughts? I was thinking I would let the blood work do the talking in that case....
    You are talking about bridging with var, i wouldnt suggest it, as it will still shut you down a bit, run full pct and then take time off before your next cycle

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Bridging interferes with metabolic homeostasis, I would not recommend it. Split the dosage twice per week.

  9. #9
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Bridging interferes with metabolic homeostasis, I would not recommend it. Split the dosage twice per week.
    Thanks guys. My age is 27 and my BF is approx 12%. You are saying split the dosage of the test twice per week?

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No need to bridge with var, come off and recovery completely,

    Go with 0.25mgs eod a-dex, that will be enough to balance things out you can always increase it if symptoms appear.

    I would also go with 400mgs per week, 200mgs on Mon and Thurs

  11. #11
    GetSwole83's Avatar
    GetSwole83 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for all the advice guys. I appreciate it.

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