"DO NOT use nolva or toremifene or similar drugs synthetic estrogens even clomid with 19nors (deca, npp, tren) or a short time after u drop them. 19nors are progestins, therefore they increase PgR receptors in breast tissues. nolva, being an estrogen, binds to progesterone receptors, which raises the possibility for a nipple tumor growth. i dont think many people are aware of this too,
if you want to do pct after test/deca, use vitamin b6 200mgs ed or bromo 2.5mg ed or pramipexole 0.5mg ed.. along with AI like adex or exemestane , if u can get HCG that would be even better 500iu 2x week , do this 2 weeks after your last shot of test/deca for 3 weeks and ur golden,
just my 2c
To me it seems like this guys may be a little misinformed due to the "if you want to do pct after test/deca" and also the suggestion to add HCG after the cycle which from what i have read is not the best way to utilize HCG, but i would like some opinions