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Thread: deadlifting 405!

  1. #1

    deadlifting 405!

    i just finished up a test prop cycle 7 weeks which was disapointing. Only gained 7 lbs and my deadlift did not move. i had done omnadren with WAY more power and results than this UGL prop.

    (everyone i lift with can deadlift 400-500) i can only do 385 for 1rm.

    HGH peptides GHRP-6? or anavar? I WANT 405.

    5'8 172 liftin 3 yrs.

  2. #2
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    perhaps poor diet bit you in tha a**
    what was your diet while on cycle pro/fat/carbs cals

  3. #3
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    Do you think gear is your only answer? How's your sleep? Training habits? Form? Diet? Judging by what you've gained from the cycle there are other issues here that need to be addressed other than the quality of your gear.

  4. #4
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    I have to suggest looking into your training. I chased 500 deadlift for a year. I did a 12 week program over the summer and nailed 515 with power to spare at the end of the program.

    The addition of AAS alone will not result in increased performance. You need, diet, rest, supplementation, etc.

  5. #5
    always had fast metabolism, weighed in at 105 4 yrs ago in HS wrestling. So ive made decent gains in 4 yrs lifitng to get to 172 with @ cycles.

    rather than bore u to death with my diet, i eat 6+ cans tuna a day. 12 wheat waffles. tons of 20 oz gatorades. cereal bars, protein bars, whey protein shakes.

    and i added 28 drive thru chicken nuggets (75 g protein over 1000cals) every lifting day 4 days a week for the whole prop cycle.

    training wise i lift with mutltiple partners and we do everything. bench, flat bench, decline, pullovers, mil press, clean and press, shrugs, box squats, deep squats, deadlift (naturally) partial deadlift, negative deadlift etc.

    just pi**ed becuase first ever test cycle my DL went up 60lbs and recent one it went up 20. poor!

    i blame gear. i lift wickedly hard and have visible 6 pack but strength wise im not naturally strong.

  6. #6
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    "and i added 28 drive thru chicken nuggets (75 g protein over 1000cals) every lifting day 4 days a week for the whole prop cycle."


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingjackedandtan View Post
    always had fast metabolism, weighed in at 105 4 yrs ago in HS wrestling. So ive made decent gains in 4 yrs lifitng to get to 172 with @ cycles.

    rather than bore u to death with my diet, i eat 6+ cans tuna a day. 12 wheat waffles. tons of 20 oz gatorades. cereal bars, protein bars, whey protein shakes.

    and i added 28 drive thru chicken nuggets (75 g protein over 1000cals) every lifting day 4 days a week for the whole prop cycle.

    training wise i lift with mutltiple partners and we do everything. bench, flat bench, decline, pullovers, mil press, clean and press, shrugs, box squats, deep squats, deadlift (naturally) partial deadlift, negative deadlift etc.

    just pi**ed becuase first ever test cycle my DL went up 60lbs and recent one it went up 20. poor!

    i blame gear. i lift wickedly hard and have visible 6 pack but strength wise im not naturally strong.
    Your diet is terrible and you are obviously too young to be running AAS if you were in High School 4 years ago.

  8. #8
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    On the barbell
    Drive thru chicken nuggets... 75g protein and 1000 cals +...

    So the remaining 700 calories is all saturated fat and shitty carbs?

    Don't blame the gear... blame yourself for not being ready to cycle.

    Get your eating habits in check.

  9. #9
    ya, on top of 100g protein from whey and 150 g proteim from 6 cans tuna ED. adding 1000 cals whether shitty sat far or not shld have added more than 6 lbs in 7 week cycle. im not saying 6 lbs of muscle im saying 6 lbs total. period.

    pharma grade omnadren + 12 lbs

    UGL prop + ~6 lbs.

    prop is supposed to be painful as #@## on inject site? NOTHING.

    pretty sure gear was shit. I could eat froot loops all day and have abs. eating too clean = no gains for skinny kids. ya i read MF mag diets too... dont work to add mass personally.

  10. #10
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    Disregard this post I look vvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Last edited by gymnerd; 10-16-2010 at 05:04 PM.

  11. #11
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    I am not sure of what kind of program you are on or if you dl conventional or sumo. I wont get into sumo yet.

    Here are a couple tips though. Look up Mark ripptoe Deadlift set up on you tube, also butt down, head up (your body will go where you are looking) fill your BELLY with air, chest out sit back and PULL. Once the bar gets above your knees start pushing ur hips thru to lock out. Thats it just dont hitch OR use wraps cause they are gay lol.

    As far as progressive programs I would highly suggest Jim Wendlers 5 - 3 - 1 program and follow it to a T, I do westside and we do not hardly ever max on dl we do alot of glute, hamstring, lower back work thats what will really make your DL go through the roof. Well good luck and you do not need steroids for a 500 lb pull because thats what you will be looking for soon once you get started on what I suggested

  12. #12
    I'm not sure why they are bashing your diet. Your goals are just to gain weight and lift heavier which you can get from eating crappy as long as you get in enough protein, which you are. Most powerlifters just make sure to eat enough protein and don't give a crap otherwise and they are strong mofos. He said he stays lean anyways so it doesn't matter what he eats. You must have a sick metabolism if you aren't gaining weight eating all of that.

  13. #13
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    I agree, people on the forums live in a fantacy world especially with diet.. If you are tryin to get bigger stronger you cant eat clean all the time nor should you try.. Iv done the mcd's dollar menu diet and put on shit ton of muscle. You obviously cannot live on that but once in a while during bulking aint gonna kill ya..

    For about a 2 months I was training with a powerlifting gym and we would go out after training and kill close to a full pizza each once or twice a wk. Also I was drinking a gallon of whole milk every day BIG calories there. I am not shredded nor do I want to be I w2ant to be strong as possible and shit like this will get you there fast. Chicken breast and brown rice wont!!!

  14. #14
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    i would have to agree that your diet is not good....BUT....eating the way you described one would think your strength and weight would have gone up more...

  15. #15
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    if it makes you feel any better, i can bench pres more than i can dead lift (i bench 440lbs, and dead lift only 275lbs X 5).. i think it has more to do wit the fact that i get nervous/mentally fcked, trying to pick up weight that is underneath me compared to weight that is going to kill me if i don't press it off my chest.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    if it makes you feel any better, i can bench pres more than i can dead lift (i bench 440lbs, and dead lift only 275lbs X 5).. i think it has more to do wit the fact that i get nervous/mentally fcked, trying to pick up weight that is underneath me compared to weight that is going to kill me if i don't press it off my chest.
    Whaaaaaa?!?!?! I used to rep 500lbs deadlift every week way before steroids. Technically your deadlift can exceed your squat. Try getting low, squat as far as you can, toes 15 deg outward at about shoulder width, I prefer hands about centered on barbell rings, so slightly outside the legs. Bring bar close to your shins. Look up at a 45 degree angle, at the corner of the room's ceiling. Keep your shoulders neutral, not rounded. Remember, your arms are only hooks, they don't lift anything. Slam into the ground with quads, once you're above the knees, it's home free, pull it back and lock out. I'm by no means a good deadlifter. I can lock out 730 in the rack, but I can't deadlift it. It's because the bar is already above my knees. It takes explosive force at the bottom to get it off the ground, that's the hardest part. If you fail a deadlift, that's where you lose it, on the first few inches. Pick a day when you feel good to go heavy, where you've had a lot of sleep and good food. Oh, and don't f your back up. It sucks, and it's easy to do with deads. I've gotten 405 for 10, and 455 for 6. It's by no means good. I trained with guys who were natural, could pull 500x10, big dude could do 650x3.

  17. #17
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    Without passing judgement on your age or your diet (those are 2 things you alone have to deal with) a simple 6 week cycle of 50mg ED of anadrol will solve the problem. If it doesn't than the gear was fake

  18. #18
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    Yeah, cause thats more important than training and technique

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    Whaaaaaa?!?!?! I used to rep 500lbs deadlift every week way before steroids. Technically your deadlift can exceed your squat. Try getting low, squat as far as you can, toes 15 deg outward at about shoulder width, I prefer hands about centered on barbell rings, so slightly outside the legs. Bring bar close to your shins. Look up at a 45 degree angle, at the corner of the room's ceiling. Keep your shoulders neutral, not rounded. Remember, your arms are only hooks, they don't lift anything. Slam into the ground with quads, once you're above the knees, it's home free, pull it back and lock out. I'm by no means a good deadlifter. I can lock out 730 in the rack, but I can't deadlift it. It's because the bar is already above my knees. It takes explosive force at the bottom to get it off the ground, that's the hardest part. If you fail a deadlift, that's where you lose it, on the first few inches. Pick a day when you feel good to go heavy, where you've had a lot of sleep and good food. Oh, and don't f your back up. It sucks, and it's easy to do with deads. I've gotten 405 for 10, and 455 for 6. It's by no means good. I trained with guys who were natural, could pull 500x10, big dude could do 650x3.
    funny how everytime someone posts their lift, its peanuts to you and you can do way more, i think your full of shit mate TBH

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by limo View Post
    Without passing judgement on your age or your diet (those are 2 things you alone have to deal with) a simple 6 week cycle of 50mg ED of anadrol will solve the problem. If it doesn't than the gear was fake
    hmmmm.... wtf???

  21. #21
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    OP, your diet is not good, but that aside id reckon your gear was bunk/underdosed, personaly i wouldnt touch another UGL with a barge pole, most are sh1t. aim for pharma if you can. above all educate yourself a bit more in diet etc

  22. #22
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    I guess you're a little slow dec11 so I'll spell it out for you. I opened up saying in a nice way that his diet sucks and hes to young to touch AAS but appearantly your to dumb to read between the lines. Hes to young to cycle but hes already tried a couple and without knowing all the facts I'd be willing to bet he didn't do that right either. He wants to blast thru a sticking point not get in shape for the next cover of musclemag so what do you suggest he do hire a diet guru like yourself to come over to his house and prepare all of his meals for him?? Anyone whos ever taken Anadrol has gotten stronger and larger its the best hands down-even for stupid people. I didn't say it was the correct way because theres not enough room here to get into that its just the strongest there is. And he wants to get thru his sticking point without the long winded lectures from those who think they have a clue, 6 weeks 50mg ED end of story

  23. #23
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    Terrible advise bro, Im tryin to help the kid learn how to get 405 legit and you spew out just pop some anadrol??? for a 405 dl?? His training and technique are OBviously not there or he would have it. Whats adding drol gonna do?? Use the same technique with more power likely ending in a injury.

    You dont have to agree with anyone else but what you said was bad advice no other way to slice that... Right now Im working on a 1700 raw total at 242 soo I kinda know how to DL alittle bit you know what Im on?? 250 mg of test thats it. I know an elite PL with a 900lb squat he never uses more than 750 mg of test and 40 mg of dbol here and there.

    The only way to get strong long term is a good training program, simple as that, guys who juice there balls off will get a nice little boost initially but because there training is shit and there form as well, they get hurt and progress ends there. You want to move big weights rely on training and technique and not drugs. Yes, I use them but I use as little as I can.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by limo View Post
    I guess you're a little slow dec11 so I'll spell it out for you. I opened up saying in a nice way that his diet sucks and hes to young to touch AAS but appearantly your to dumb to read between the lines. Hes to young to cycle but hes already tried a couple and without knowing all the facts I'd be willing to bet he didn't do that right either. He wants to blast thru a sticking point not get in shape for the next cover of musclemag so what do you suggest he do hire a diet guru like yourself to come over to his house and prepare all of his meals for him?? Anyone whos ever taken Anadrol has gotten stronger and larger its the best hands down-even for stupid people. I didn't say it was the correct way because theres not enough room here to get into that its just the strongest there is. And he wants to get thru his sticking point without the long winded lectures from those who think they have a clue, 6 weeks 50mg ED end of story
    Listen superstar... comments like this are unnecessary and will not be tolerated around here. Calling someone stupid like you did is called flaming and just uncalled for. Please keep your comments to a positive level and don't act like you know everything when you are so new to the board. You may be very experienced and probably much more so than me, but get to know the board and members before thinking you can act like God.

    Oh, and if you're going to make fun off someones intelligents please use proper English and learn the difference between "To" and Too" and "Your" and "You're" (just a few examples of your poor English) It really is hard to be convincing that you may be smarter than another when you have trouble with the simplest of English.
    Last edited by Bertuzzi; 10-17-2010 at 12:01 PM.

  25. #25
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    Keep the flaming down to zero or I will have this thread locked and flamers banned.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by limo View Post
    I guess you're a little slow dec11 so I'll spell it out for you. I opened up saying in a nice way that his diet sucks and hes to young to touch AAS but appearantly your to dumb to read between the lines. Hes to young to cycle but hes already tried a couple and without knowing all the facts I'd be willing to bet he didn't do that right either. He wants to blast thru a sticking point not get in shape for the next cover of musclemag so what do you suggest he do hire a diet guru like yourself to come over to his house and prepare all of his meals for him?? Anyone whos ever taken Anadrol has gotten stronger and larger its the best hands down-even for stupid people. I didn't say it was the correct way because theres not enough room here to get into that its just the strongest there is. And he wants to get thru his sticking point without the long winded lectures from those who think they have a clue, 6 weeks 50mg ED end of story
    And this is crap advice, please refrain from posting if you continue to hand on advice that could otherwise be detrimental to members health.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by limo View Post
    I guess you're a little slow dec11 so I'll spell it out for you. I opened up saying in a nice way that his diet sucks and hes to young to touch AAS but appearantly your to dumb to read between the lines. Hes to young to cycle but hes already tried a couple and without knowing all the facts I'd be willing to bet he didn't do that right either. He wants to blast thru a sticking point not get in shape for the next cover of musclemag so what do you suggest he do hire a diet guru like yourself to come over to his house and prepare all of his meals for him?? Anyone whos ever taken Anadrol has gotten stronger and larger its the best hands down-even for stupid people. I didn't say it was the correct way because theres not enough room here to get into that its just the strongest there is. And he wants to get thru his sticking point without the long winded lectures from those who think they have a clue, 6 weeks 50mg ED end of story
    lol, who's feeling slow now?

  28. #28
    How much were you using?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    funny how everytime someone posts their lift, its peanuts to you and you can do way more, i think your full of shit mate TBH
    Lolz, I don't care what you think, I really have nothing to prove on a message board or anywhere else. Regardless of what I can or cannot do, 405 is not hard for a deadlift. It is very, very easy. It should not require any gear to achieve. And if you're on gear, I would expect numbers far greater.

    Oh and btw; it is peanuts and I can do way more . Well not way more, but at least 100lbs more. OK fine, I'll take some videos.
    Last edited by SomeRandomGuy; 10-17-2010 at 10:07 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingjackedandtan View Post
    i just finished up a test prop cycle 7 weeks which was disapointing. Only gained 7 lbs and my deadlift did not move. i had done omnadren with WAY more power and results than this UGL prop.

    (everyone i lift with can deadlift 400-500) i can only do 385 for 1rm.

    HGH peptides GHRP-6? or anavar? I WANT 405.

    5'8 172 liftin 3 yrs.

    This is my problem with this board, as soon as a problem comes up ANYWHERE they always start talking shit about your workout routine or diet or whatever.

    Run anavar at 60mgs a day for 6 weeks and you will be lifting much more than 405 that much I can promise you.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    This is my problem with this board, as soon as a problem comes up ANYWHERE they always start talking shit about your workout routine or diet or whatever.

    Run anavar at 60mgs a day for 6 weeks and you will be lifting much more than 405 that much I can promise you.
    No.... people like you are the problem and if you don't like the way things go down here.... stop logging in.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    Lolz, I don't care what you think, I really have nothing to prove on a message board or anywhere else. Regardless of what I can or cannot do, 405 is not hard for a deadlift. It is very, very easy. It should not require any gear to achieve. And if you're on gear, I would expect numbers far greater.

    Oh and btw; it is peanuts and I can do way more . Well not way more, but at least 100lbs more. OK fine, I'll take some videos.
    im not saying it is a massive dlift, theres just no need for the 'i can do better than everyone attitude' some ppl are at diff levels of achievement and can easily be discouraged or swayed in2 stupid doses of gear, hell i was pulling 270kg when i was competing plifting, naturally. i dont need to boast about it.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    This is my problem with this board, as soon as a problem comes up ANYWHERE they always start talking shit about your workout routine or diet or whatever.

    Run anavar at 60mgs a day for 6 weeks and you will be lifting much more than 405 that much I can promise you.
    I fail to see anyone talking crap about his workout or diet in this thread. Only constructive assumptions. You have to take into consideration all other variables before you think that steroids are your only solution. Without knowing his diet and training program in depth, you have no right to hand him steroid advice and think this is will solve all of his problems. I've seen you post some good shit, and I've also seen you post stuff like this. So I know you understand where I'm coming from in regards to having everything else in check before recommending steroids. Take a look outside of the box for once, and see if you can help the guy out without having to resort to drugs. This should apply to anyone here looking for help like this.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    This is my problem with this board, as soon as a problem comes up ANYWHERE they always start talking shit about your workout routine or diet or whatever.

    Run anavar at 60mgs a day for 6 weeks and you will be lifting much more than 405 that much I can promise you.
    rubbish, AAS are a tool in conjunction with training and diet, they are NOT magic beans

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    rubbish, AAS are a tool in conjunction with training and diet, they are NOT magic beans
    Not saying there aren't, but 20 pounds can be acheived EASILY by anyone regardless of diet with 60mgs of var. What am I stating that is incorrect? This guy is asking for steroid advice, NOT diet and workout advice. I'm simply trying to give him the answer to the question he asked unlike you who just likes to parrot every other person on this board. If the OP wants a diet please pm me we can get started on creating one for you no problem. But for now, ill just advise the question at hand.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Not saying there aren't, but 20 pounds can be acheived EASILY by anyone regardless of diet with 60mgs of var. What am I stating that is incorrect? This guy is asking for steroid advice, NOT diet and workout advice. I'm simply trying to give him the answer to the question he asked unlike you who just likes to parrot every other person on this board. If the OP wants a diet please pm me we can get started on creating one for you no problem. But for now, ill just advise the question at hand.
    You sound like the parrot..... Have you ever tried Var only.... or are you simply "parroting" what you think is right? 20lbs on 60mg of Var????? I'd love to see that!!!

    You obviously did not read HP's post... because you still ignore the fact that we here at this board do not resort to giving advice on AAS unless it is in need. If the guys diet is not in check or his training is bad, we try to assess and fix that issue, not go start the use of compounds hoping to just overcome the issue.... As stated by HP, think outside the box.

    This thread is turning into a shit show and I am now removing myself from it, because I know we are fighting a loosing battle.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Not saying there aren't, but 20 pounds can be acheived EASILY by anyone regardless of diet with 60mgs of var. What am I stating that is incorrect? This guy is asking for steroid advice, NOT diet and workout advice. I'm simply trying to give him the answer to the question he asked unlike you who just likes to parrot every other person on this board. If the OP wants a diet please pm me we can get started on creating one for you no problem. But for now, ill just advise the question at hand.
    Wrong again.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    You sound like the parrot..... Have you ever tried Var only.... or are you simply "parroting" what you think is right? 20lbs on 60mg of Var????? I'd love to see that!!!

    You obviously did not read HP's post... because you still ignore the fact that we here at this board do not resort to giving advice on AAS unless it is in need. If the guys diet is not in check or his training is bad, we try to assess and fix that issue, not go start the use of compounds hoping to just overcome the issue.... As stated by HP, think outside the box.

    This thread is turning into a shit show and I am now removing myself from it, because I know we are fighting a loosing battle.
    Than you my friend have never ran var have you? Its one of my favorite steroids and I more familiar with it than just about anything else so I'm not here talking out of my ass. 20lbs would be conservative I wouldn't be suprised if a steroid virgin got 100lbs with 60mgs for 6 weeks.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Wrong again.
    Where? What part of my statement is incorrect? Can you tell me that?

    Please I'm not aggravated or flaming here just trying to see everyone else's point of view?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Than you my friend have never ran var have you? Its one of my favorite steroids and I more familiar with it than just about anything else so I'm not here talking out of my ass. 20lbs would be conservative I wouldn't be suprised if a steroid virgin got 100lbs with 60mgs for 6 weeks.
    I have ran Var only. I think you need to read what you wrote.

    Please produce a medical study where an individual gains 20lbs of Lean mass while on Anavar for 6 weeks. I however can produce medical studies where they gain 5 to 8lbs in 12 weeks.... which is more realistic.

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