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  1. #1
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Correlation between Orals and Acne?

    I've had acne since I was a teen, I've seen it flare up really bad, then subside and I would be clear for months.

    Well my first cycle which was earlier this year I ran test prop 150mg eod, and I didn't break out at all, was pretty much clear all cycle. I then broke out a bit on my face towards the end of my pct, but nothing to severe.

    Anyways, I'm about 5 weeks into my second cycle, which is test prop 150mg eod, and TBol 50mg every day. I know TBol isn't even that androgenic , but I've broke out on my chest and shoulders, I've never really had to bad of acne on my chest or shoulders, but it's fairly bad now.

    I'm just wondering if it's possible the Oral has something to do with this, or if because I'm running two compounds I'm more anabolic /androgenic then I was the first cycle, and that's causing the acne on my upper trunk.

    Face is clear, haven't had a pimple or whitehead there for a while, so I just find this fairly odd.

    Anyone else notice increased acne from any type of oral?

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with my liver?

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    You sure you've got Tbol not Dbol ? I'm very prone to estrogenic sides, specifically acne and I can run Tbol at 80mg/ED without a pimple (almost).

    You using an AI?

  3. #3
    JBarron's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure it's Tbol, the packs they came in said Oral Turanabol, and they haven't shown Dbol like properties (no bloat, not as fast acting as Dbol, strength didn't shoot up like crazy, gains have been slow and steady.)

    I'm not running an AI, I strictly avoided Dbol because of the ersers.

    I have about 3-4 days left on my tbol, after I'm done with it I'm going to start taking a good dose of milk thistle, kinda like a pct for my liver. I think this may help with the acne.

    I've been reading alot about folliculitis and staphylococcus and different types of it. I almost think I got some type of it mixed with acne.

    Started wearing t shirts while working out to absorb sweat, etc. I've also started using Dial Antibacterial Body Wash, and it seems to be helping a bit, you can tell my pores and follicles on my chest aren't plugged up anymore.
    Last edited by JBarron; 10-15-2010 at 12:11 PM.

  4. #4
    JBarron's Avatar
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  5. #5
    gettingjackedandtan's Avatar
    gettingjackedandtan is offline Junior Member
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    tbol= no acne.

    lies, makes me breakout badly.

    guess everyones dif. tried it 2x, 2 brands, one liquid and one pill. both were "respectable"

  6. #6
    JBarron's Avatar
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    YOu saying tbol did make you break out? Or it didn't?

    Your wording and structure has me confused.

  7. #7
    JBarron's Avatar
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    After doing research all day, I really think it's something to do with the Liver. I've dropped the 3 days that were left of my tbol, and will start milk thistle tomorrow for a liver detox.

  8. #8
    Affliction357's Avatar
    Affliction357 is offline New Member
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    D-Bol makes me break out.My back is covered with scars from all my D-bol cycles.

  9. #9
    EatingMyWheaties is offline New Member
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    Dbol and EQ have givin me small pimples on my back and shoulders. I dont believe the first pass of an oral over a injectable IM would cause you to be more prone to breaking out.

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    You should always control estrogen when prone to acne, that almost totally cured my breakouts.

  11. #11
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You should always control estrogen when prone to acne, that almost totally cured my breakouts.
    Control it with an AI? I just thought I'd be alright seeing as I didn't get any sides from first cycle of just prop, if anything it made my acne slightly better.

    I will report back at the end of next week after running the milk thistle and adding a tblspoon of olive oil before bed each night. Because right now, I just can't seem to stop getting little tiny clusters of white heads on my shoulders.

  12. #12
    gettingjackedandtan's Avatar
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    tbol did make me breakout. i am prone to it. using Nolva helps kinda but not enough.

  13. #13
    JBarron's Avatar
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    Well for an update I've dropped the tbol a few days ago, I've been taking two capsules of milk thistle, dandelion, licorice, and some other ingredient 2 times daily. Quite amazingly, my chest and shoulders are already clearing up.

  14. #14
    tjax03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBarron View Post
    Well for an update I've dropped the tbol a few days ago, I've been taking two capsules of milk thistle, dandelion, licorice, and some other ingredient 2 times daily. Quite amazingly, my chest and shoulders are already clearing up.
    I would lean towards it being the tbol causing the acne, not something with your liver. Especially with it clearing up after you stopped taking it. IMO messing with hormones trumps liver metabolites in terms of causing acne. Just be glad its winter right now so things shouldn't be too visible.

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