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Thread: constructing next cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    constructing next cycle

    23 yrs old
    195 lbs
    5-6 cycles

    All my cycles consist of test e or c. my last cycle was a doozie, it was test e, deca, and winnie.. i shut down real bad and had to do 2 pct's. Hopefully this time around I will be golden.
    I was thinking...
    500mg test e x12wks
    200mg deca x10 wks (sore joints)
    winnie or anavar either throughout cycle or last 4 wks.
    20mg ed nolvadex throughout cycle
    and hcg for sure while on cycle.. just how much and when?

    my goal is to reach 10-11%bf, keep 10-15 lbs, and drastically increase strength.
    pls critique cycle and fill in my blanks if you have good experience with the products.

    pct comid, nolva.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wow.... you are the poster boy for "I Give Steroids a Bad Name" Not trying to be rude, but you are extremely negligent! 23 Years old, and 6 cycles???

    You are way to young and have probably suffered serious damage at your age.... Just go see a Doctor and get blood work done.... Honestly, you should be scared for your health.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks brotha, but i already see a doctor and get blood work done routinely. a "poster boy" probably wouldnt be concerned with pct and other peoples advise. but thanks for replying to my thread without any information.

  4. #4
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    You're right, my mistake.... I can tell you have it all figure out.

    Good Luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    thanks brotha, but i already see a doctor and get blood work done routinely. a "poster boy" probably wouldnt be concerned with pct and other peoples advise. but thanks for replying to my thread without any information.
    It typically not smart to run cycles so young, I think theres a general concern and it probably would be smart to heed fair warning. I dont post a hole lot on the forum and give advise very much but I would say read, research, and listen to some or more experienced folks on here. You can make great gains still at a young age before ephyseal (sp) plates are completed closed and other natural things in your body start "shutting down" for example your post said it was a doozie and you had to PCT twice??? Probably not sumthin to brag about on this forum.

  6. #6
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    HRT know it, live it, or at least you soon will.That is crazy cycle experience for a 23 yr old I agree.. you better go get your bloodwork done before you start that next cycle IMO.

  7. #7
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    ok thanks for the advise, but i already heard all of that 3 years ago when i crossed over. I do listen, i do research, but i like to have others critique just as everybody else does. i could easily just start this cycle without asking for advise, but i would rather run it across the vets. it seems like to people who have replied so far have less experience than me and are robots and say what the see everybody else saying to people under 25. its straight forward, i just want advise on the cycle that i a going to do in about a month.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    HRT know it, live it, or at least you soon will.That is crazy cycle experience for a 23 yr old I agree.. you better go get your bloodwork done before you start that next cycle IMO.
    i do get blood work done and now my natty is back to where it was, which isn't that high to begin with. I was told when i was 19 (before any thought of cycle) that i would be on hrt by the age of 25 if i want to continue lifting. my test levels at 19 were 350. now after those cycles, oddly enough my natty test is 495

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    ok thanks for the advise, but i already heard all of that 3 years ago when i crossed over. I do listen, i do research, but i like to have others critique just as everybody else does. i could easily just start this cycle without asking for advise, but i would rather run it across the vets. it seems like to people who have replied so far have less experience than me and are robots and say what the see everybody else saying to people under 25. its straight forward, i just want advise on the cycle that i a going to do in about a month.

    You are correct in the fact that you have done more cycles than I have but I would bet all my worth I have done more research..... No Vet on this board is going to critique or advise you on your cycle, I know that much for sure.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    ok thanks for the advise, but i already heard all of that 3 years ago when i crossed over. I do listen, i do research, but i like to have others critique just as everybody else does. i could easily just start this cycle without asking for advise, but i would rather run it across the vets. it seems like to people who have replied so far have less experience than me and are robots and say what the see everybody else saying to people under 25. its straight forward, i just want advise on the cycle that i a going to do in about a month.
    Its not a pissing match with other people. If you post up a question for advise you get both good and bad advise, telling you that you are young and that it could do quite a bit of damage to your body should throw up a few red flags when more then one person is telling you. Oh and I have only done 4 cycles so I am not the expert on the matter, nor did I ever say I was, I was just simple relaying good information that has been passed on from others. I would definitely recommend that you be honest with your physcian at a bare minimum so he can at least continue to monitor your lab work (kidney and liver function) and remember you are probably going to want to be able to have sex when your 35 so all that Test your hitting yourself with now may come back to bite you in the arse in 12yrs.

  11. #11
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    my doctor is 100% on the same boat as me, all my pct's are done through him..

  12. #12
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    Your physician should have warned you about the use of these products as well??? Like I said you sound pretty set in your ways, if your not going to change your mind at least keep up with the labs. Good luck

  13. #13
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    thanks bro.. i'll def keep doing that.

  14. #14
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    lol your stats are the same as mine, but i have 6 cycles of steroids less but same weight age and height and BF though.....

  15. #15
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    yea, i was 10.5% memorial day weekend at about 200-205. trained hard this summer but just couldnt seem to keep the fat off. what have you cycled?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    yea, i was 10.5% memorial day weekend at about 200-205. trained hard this summer but just couldnt seem to keep the fat off. what have you cycled?
    have not cycled anythign yet, planning on doing a sustaplex 325 for 12 weeks at 500mg. Hoping to gain about 5-15 pounds while dropping 2-5% BF.

  17. #17
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    Just outta curiosity whats your diet like? Maybe check the diet forum, you could be gaining a lot more if your diet was right. 6 cycles is a pretty fair amount especially if you were blowing it up with all that Gear. I think most of the gains come free gym time and diet. The gear helps you along for sure but you could probably get more "bang for you buck" following some of the diet info they got.

  18. #18
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    my diet is on point. during the winter i up my cals 1500 over sustain/day. i hate to say i am a "hard gainer" buy i do have low testosterone at such a young age(has risen since first cycle). i also went through alot of depression and anxiety before i started cycling and now its all gone. so my dr isnt looking at me like what snookie would call a "juice head" but as somebody who wants to responsibly self medicate.

  19. #19
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    I am not in any position to offer cycle advice to you, I was simply shocked at your age and cycle experience
    Well good luck to you bro I defintely do not wish anything but a positive future for ya..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    my diet is on point. during the winter i up my cals 1500 over sustain/day. i hate to say i am a "hard gainer" buy i do have low testosterone at such a young age(has risen since first cycle). i also went through alot of depression and anxiety before i started cycling and now its all gone. so my dr isnt looking at me like what snookie would call a "juice head" but as somebody who wants to responsibly self medicate.
    on point? post it up for us.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxpower_sf1 View Post
    lol your stats are the same as mine, but i have 6 cycles of steroids less but same weight age and height and BF though.....
    Quote Originally Posted by ml87 View Post
    yea, i was 10.5% memorial day weekend at about 200-205. trained hard this summer but just couldnt seem to keep the fat off. what have you cycled?
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxpower_sf1 View Post
    have not cycled anythign yet, planning on doing a sustaplex 325 for 12 weeks at 500mg. Hoping to gain about 5-15 pounds while dropping 2-5% BF.
    ^^ I think he was poking fun at you based on your current shape after 6 cycles vs his current shape all natural.... Think maybe he is hinting you are doing something wrong..... Not sure........... I'll let you figure it out

    Oh and to the OP, if your doctor is assisting you with all this including PCT, why do you want advice from people on here.... it appears you have a lot of faith in your prescribing doctor.... So just do whatever he says.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    on point? post it up for us.
    ^^ X2..... Lets see the diet.

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