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  1. #1
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    20 years and back on the gear

    Hello to all, first post on here but definitely not a newbie to the good stuff. Things have certainly changed a bunch since my last injection 20 years ago. After a 2 year return to lifting, I have hit a sticking point with gains. Being 51 might have something to do with that. At any rate I have aquired some test c, deca and dbol . Something new for me is the purchase of arimidex . Back in the day it was hard to find any Nolvadex , so we just went without. I do however remember bloating up pretty bad from dbol and was wondering if taking the armidex in light doses would help this problem? Thanks in advance for any info.

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowblow View Post
    Hello to all, first post on here but definitely not a newbie to the good stuff. Things have certainly changed a bunch since my last injection 20 years ago. After a 2 year return to lifting, I have hit a sticking point with gains. Being 51 might have something to do with that. At any rate I have aquired some test c, deca and dbol. Something new for me is the purchase of arimidex. Back in the day it was hard to find any Nolvadex, so we just went without. I do however remember bloating up pretty bad from dbol and was wondering if taking the armidex in light doses would help this problem? Thanks in advance for any info.
    yes 1 to 2 mg of adex weekly will do

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    you might want to look into 10 mg of nolv. daily while cycling being 51/i know older guys cycling have a higher estrogen level, im 38 and about to hit my first and real gyno consious/nervous i dont no how often this occures .

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I can only speak to my own experience with my first cycle at 55, I did a Tren A/Test base homebrew ( dumb cycle.. but knew no better when starting) one month cycle and about 2 weeks in started developing tender nipples, thinking it was from aromtization of the TNE (not lactates from the Tren and hoping it was not Estro from TNE impurities, "scary") fortunately by that time I had some L-Dex and started on daily dosing starting at 20 mg and moving to 30mg, that seemed to control it fairly well without killing the gains. I am currently in my 4th day of PCT with both the L-Dex at 30mg a day as well as Torem at 60mg a day and feel like I am doing quite well, its been a week since my last Tren shot and 5 since my last TNE and I am having no problems with erectile function or sex drive, as an added bonus I have had either gyno or adipose tissue for about 7 years since being on several meds for HepC and gaining wieght and my gyno/psuedogyno seems to be shrinking every day.

  5. #5
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies. In my younger days I never had any gyno problems at all, but that was a long time ago. Think I may pick up some nolvadex just to be safe. I can't believe how much info is out there these days. We relied on a little pamphlet called the underground steroid handbook, which was more like our

  6. #6
    limo is offline New Member
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    Yeah it is amazing. The one thing I get a kick out of is everyone seems to be a chemical major or something. They seem to know a little to much about the PEDS and the PCTS and not enough about hardcore lifting. Remember when post cycle therapy meant you were out of stuff?? Thats why nobody ever wanted to come off, we weren't real sure if we were going to end up losing everything we had gained so the cycles kind of morphed into this one long road trip

  7. #7
    Cosmicdrifter is offline New Member
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    As you age, your body responds quite differently to just about everything the 20-40 year old guys talk about. And, with each passing year past after 40 you have different experiences.

    You typically have much less test and more estrogen as you get older so there is a tendency to retain water more readily than a 20 year old. PCT is more protracted - it may take you 4 months to recover from an 8 week cycle. Variance is wider for older people; I have a friend 65 who just did a 12 week cycle of Test, Tren , and Dbol . His Test level before the cycle was over 800, so his PCT has been very easy - rapid recovery of libido and natural production.

    Many older guys stick with steroids that do not create as much bloat - like Sustanon , Test Prop, Equipose, anavar , etc., and stay away from anything like Tren and Deca that create the prolactin libido dick death syndrome.

    As you get older, you are definitely flirting with killing your natural production for a long time. If you do a 12 week cycle when you are 65, it may take a year for natural production to return; again the variance is wide among individuals. At some point, if you want to look good until you are 80, you will just quit doing real PCT and just blast and cruise - lowering your weekly Test level to a point where your body can reestablish a homeostatic norm (and low enough to allow your cholesterol and lipids to go back to baseline).

    I like aromasin better than adex for controlling bloat, but I only took about 7mg EOD, kept salt to a minimum, and drank a good amount of water.

  8. #8
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    I think you will do fine , As long as you don't mind frequent walks to bathroom in the night . LOL
    Then again that happens whether I blast or not .

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  9. #9
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    it sounds like you could go for some TRT and throw in .25ml liquidex E.D. to prevent estrogen and it you feel that the bloat/gyno is staying away maybe move the liquidex to a EOD dosage just my .02 good luck and welcome back.

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