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  1. #1
    beingthebest is offline New Member
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    Please help with blood work...some bad results

    Hey people

    My friend just got his fasted bloods checked in the morning including cortisol... he is 22, 210 pounds and 11%bf at 5ft 8

    He had been running 800mg Test E for 19 weeks, and in the last 8 weeks added Tren A at 75mg EOD and Winstrol 80mg ED oral. Blood test was taken in Week 18 so after 5 or 6 weeks of tren and winstrol.

    His bloods are as follows with areas of concern bolded and in red with avg range of values in brackets.

    He also had a 24 hour creatinine clearance check done.


    Cortisol - 597 nmol/L (am 100 - 540) HIGH


    Haemoglobin - 161 (130-180)
    PCV - 0.53 (0.40-0.54)
    MCV - 6.0 (4.5-6.5)
    MCH - 27 (27-34) LOW
    MCHC - 304 (320-360) LOW
    RDW - 19 (11-15) HIGH
    Platelets - 341 (150-400)
    White cells - 11.0 (4.0-11.0)
    Neutrophils - 6.5 (2-7.50)
    Lymphocytes - 3.4 (1.0-4.00)
    Monocytes - 0.8 (0.2-1.0)
    Eosinophils - 0.2 (0.0-0.7)
    Basophils - 0.1 (0.0-0.2)
    ESR - 2mm/hr (0-20)


    C-Reactive Prot - <5 ml/L (<7)


    Sodium - 139 (137-145)
    Potassium - 5.0 (3.6-5.4)
    Chloride - 104 (98-111)
    Bicarbonate - 25 (22-31)
    Urea - 8.3 mmol/L (3.2-7.4) HIGH
    Creatinine - 99 umol/L (60-110)
    eGFR - 83 ml/min (>89) LOW
    Bilirubin - 9 (<21)
    ALP - 51 (50-130)
    GGT - 13 (<64)
    ALT - 88 (<45) HIGH
    AST - 48 (<34) HIGH
    Protein - 71 (63-82)
    Albumin - 47 (35-50)
    Globulin - 24 (22-39)


    Iron - 13 (10-30) LOW
    Transferrin - 4.3 (1.8-3.6) HIGH

    Tr Sat - 12 (12-45) LOW
    Ferritin - 70 (20-300)


    ACTH Level - 39.7 pmol/L (0.0-12.0) HIGH


    Insulin - 7 mU/L (No range)

    Glucose - 4.0 mmol/L (3.4-5.4)


    Urine Volume - 4.5 L/24hr
    Serum/Plasma Creatinine - 99 umol/L (60-110)
    Urine Creatinine - 6.1 mmol/L
    Urine Creatinine - 27 mmol/Day (>6.0)

    Creatinine Clearance - 191ml/min (85-125) HIGH

    Urinary Protein

    Urine Protein - 0.09 g/L
    Urine Protein - 0.41 g/24 hours (<0.15) HIGH

    So those are his levels.... since receiving his bloods he has dropped the Winstrol and Tren A.

    He has also reduced his Test E to 250mg and will taper off then start PCT.

    What other recommendations can you guys make?

    He has started Humanofort at 200mg x 3, 3g Vitamin C and Phosphatidyl Serine 100mg x 3 daily to reduce Cortisol and ACTH levels.

    I dont know what to recommend for him about the others however?

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    USA and many other places
    22?....that is the question...

  3. #3
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    800mg/week for 19 weeks? Yeesh. Hope he didn't dammage his still developing body. That's a lot of results in the red. Others may be able to give you better advice, but I would stop the cycle immediately, get your PCT going and see a doctor for additional bloodwork and guidance on getting everything back to normal.

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