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Thread: when injecting and pull back to check uv not hit a vein or a vessel, what is it ?

  1. #1
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    when injecting and pull back to check uv not hit a vein or a vessel, what is it ?

    ok, so far iv done three pins of my test p cycle and just want to know if im doing it right, Shower, cleanse wipe, open ampule, draw up prop,aspirate, stretch injection site, insert, draw back and squeeze it in.

    But on the draw back are you actually pulling anything out, i mean so far its just clear which is good right? but its not air though is it ?

    Also when I aspirate i seem to lose too much of my gear trying to get all the little bubbles out and prop right to the tip of the needle.

    Im using 23gx1.25 and 2ml syringe.

    The syringe is also quite hard to push down in one go, can i keep pushing the syringe while drawing the pin out ie closer to the skin to get a better spread?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    keep going in same place till its all in...

    if you pull too hard on the draw back, you get a vacuum in the syringe.... or you just have a little bubble left in the needle that shows when pullig it back...
    nothing to worry about... as long as its not blood your g2g

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    You are aspirating after you stick the needle into yourself, right?

  5. #5
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    You're confused.
    First, you don't need to get all the air out of the syringe. It won't hurt you. I actually draw in .3ml of air on purpose to create an air pocket behind the plunger that will force the last drops of oil out (assuming you inject downward).
    Second, aspirating is when you pull back on the plunger ONCE IN THE MUSCLE to ensure that you aren't in a vein. As long as the syringe DOES NOT fill with blood, you're fine.
    Lastly, you want to get all the oil deep in the muscle, so pulling the syringe out as you inject would be retarded, and it would increase the chance of hitting a vein.

  6. #6
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    I thought the aspirate part was the to tap syringe to get all the air to the top and squeeze the stopper until all ( or as much as possible) of the air is out.

  7. #7
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    Right got it, Thanks

  8. #8
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    You need to inject all the air out, yes, but that's not aspirating. So just keep pulling and pushing the plunger until you have your 1cc. Then pull out. Change the needle.

    Then stick yourself (after you've alcohol swabbed the site).
    Once the needle is all the way in your skin, hold it.
    Pull the plunger back firmly.
    You should see a few air bubbles appear.
    Release the plunger and it will expel the bubble(s).
    Then proceed to SLOWLY inject the oil.
    (the whole time the needle is in you and doesn't move)
    Once all oil is gone, remove the syringe.
    Place an alcohol wipe on the site and massage it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post

    You need to inject all the air out, yes, but that's not aspirating.
    No, you don't. A small amount of air won't hurt you. You'd have to mainline like 10cc of air to cause an air embolism.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No, you don't. A small amount of air won't hurt you. You'd have to mainline like 10cc of air to cause an air embolism.
    I never mentioned an embolism. I never said he would die.

    I push all of the air out of the syringe cause it makes drawin the oil 100 times easier. And when I draw oil, each syringe usually has 2.5-3cc.... and I use 3cc syringes so I need all the space possible

  11. #11
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    But im drawing from glass ampules which i snap the lid off with my pen lid and draw the entire contents into my syringe, so end up with a fair few bubbles of air in there, so when pushing these out im losing a fair few drops of gear.

    So i push the needle the whole way in ? i was leaving maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch showing, but was finding it difficult keeping it in the same place with aspirate and injecting

  12. #12
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    You can lose a few drops of oil and be fine lol. trust me.

    Hell, every time I inject delts, oil leaks out until I hit it with manual pressure.

  13. #13
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    ok thanks bro

  14. #14
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    You also said you stretch the injection site. Are you talkin about "Z-Track"? If so, it is not a necessity. It is more like a precaution.... but it makes the process easier if you leave that step out.

    It is used to keep the oil in the muscle after injection. But if you're injecting deep into a large muscle group, it shouldn't be necessary.

    Just my opinion

  15. #15
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    One other thing to consider that was not mentioned, you are supposed to use one needle to draw the solution from the vial then suck air into the syringe with the needle pointing straight up, this will clear the oil from the needle now tap the syringe if needed to break up air bubbles remove the needle and slowly push in the plunger till the aas is just about to the end of the syringe. Now install you new injection needle and you are ready to go. If you only use one needle it will be coated with AAS and then if you go through a vein the oil etc on the outside of the needle will enter the vein, in addition if the bottle you draw from is rubber topped you may have small pieces of rubber hanging from the tip of the needle, if it is glass you may have scratches from the ampoule as well as small glass particles stuck to the needle by the oil in the AAS.

    Will you die if you don't change needles? NO of course you will not die from eating a hostess twinkie before your workouts either...PS another really good thing to do is to heat the substance to be injected to approx 120° then by the time you inject it will be around 105° if you work at a good pace, this will make it a lot easier to inject as well as aiding the absorption, don't forget to massage the site after injection to cause the AAS to be distributed throughout the muscle instead of just havin a pocket of oil, you will be amazed how much more effective AAS is when injected this way compared to shot cold and left as a pocket of oil.

    If you are new to this you can go to youtube and lookup intramuscular injection it will show you all the basics then add the heating and massage since you are dealing with an oil based AAS.

  16. #16
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    just like pull the skin tight where im gonna stick it in so the pin pierces straight through the skin easily. I think i might have read a post on z track but didn't fully understand it anyway.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    One other thing to consider that was not mentioned, you are supposed to use one needle to draw the solution from the vial then suck air into the syringe with the needle pointing straight up, this will clear the oil from the needle now tap the syringe if needed to break up air bubbles remove the needle and slowly push in the plunger till the aas is just about to the end of the syringe. Now install you new injection needle and you are ready to go. If you only use one needle it will be coated with AAS and then if you go through a vein the oil etc on the outside of the needle will enter the vein, in addition if the bottle you draw from is rubber topped you may have small pieces of rubber hanging from the tip of the needle, if it is glass you may have scratches from the ampoule as well as small glass particles stuck to the needle by the oil in the AAS.

    Will you die if you don't change needles? NO of course you will not die from eating a hostess twinkie before your workouts either...PS another really good thing to do is to heat the substance to be injected to approx 120° then by the time you inject it will be around 105° if you work at a good pace, this will make it a lot easier to inject as well as aiding the absorption, don't forget to massage the site after injection to cause the AAS to be distributed throughout the muscle instead of just havin a pocket of oil, you will be amazed how much more effective AAS is when injected this way compared to shot cold and left as a pocket of oil.

    If you are new to this you can go to youtube and lookup intramuscular injection it will show you all the basics then add the heating and massage since you are dealing with an oil based AAS.
    I did mention changing the needle.
    Also, if the needle is coated with AAS oil, it is not a big deal. Some people do it to lubricate the pin. Besides, a small residual amount as such would not have any impact on your cardivascular system.

    Heating the oil is easy with amps, but not necessary. I never notice a major difference. I used to throw an amp into a glass of hot water for 10 minutes, but now I just do it at room temperature. No difference at all. Absorbtion is not a problem provided you massage the area firmly after each injection. Besides, your body will bring the oil up in temperature in no time.

    And the 'microscopic' glass shards from an ampule are not going to hurt you. If you are nervous about it, AR-R has Titan filters.

  18. #18
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    Drawing more air in makes sense, when swapping needles do you have to push more air out ?

    Purchased enough needles to use 2 per injection but could not see the point when drawing from glass, i read that a drop of oil would lubricate it and ease entry, i'll swap from now on though.

  19. #19
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    i was putting the ampule under my armpit for 5 mins or so first to give it a bit of heat

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    But im drawing from glass ampules which i snap the lid off with my pen lid and draw the entire contents into my syringe, so end up with a fair few bubbles of air in there, so when pushing these out im losing a fair few drops of gear.
    I haven't perfected the removing of air either yet, but a few things i do that help are:

    First if I get air in the syringe while drawing i dont try and push the air out until all the oil is out of the needled. So for example im going to push the air out, but i know i have oil in the needle what i do is i pull more air in to get that oil inside of the syringe then push all the air out. that has saved me a few small beads of gear.

    Secondly I have come the the realization that a very small amount of air inside of the syringe isnt going to do any harm so when i push the air out i only get rid of about 99% of it and it keeps any gear from leaking that way. Plus when I go to inject the gear im positive i get it all inside my quad because i can see that that tiny lil bit of air is the only thing left in the syringe.

    hope this helps a bit.

  21. #21
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    Hey to each his own, If you wanna contradict the entire medical community and use the same needle or a needle lubed with AAS by all means do so, myself I would like to have the injection hole heal as quickly as possible and in addition to the other problems AAS in the wound cavity slow that process. But I certainly agree its not gonna be an end of the world deal, I just prefer to use a new needle as it come out of the cover.

    PS sorry I missed where you said to use a 2nd needle.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-16-2010 at 05:15 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    But im drawing from glass ampules which i snap the lid off with my pen lid and draw the entire contents into my syringe, so end up with a fair few bubbles of air in there, so when pushing these out im losing a fair few drops of gear.
    I was having this problem as well. Once you have drawn the oil into the syringe, cap your needle and rest the syringe against a corner for a few minutes (I usually do for an hour or so)...the air bubbles will converge to the top and disappear. That way you don't have to waste any oil

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    myself I would like to have the injection hole heal as quickly as possible and in addition to the other problems AAS in the wound cavity slow that process..
    that's rediculous... the purpose of using 2 needles is to have a larger gauge (18 works great) to draw up, then swap to a 23g or smaller to inject. And also because the needle will dull considerably going through the rubber stopper, when your using vials.

    Every single time I've been to the doctor to get a shot, they let a few drops go down the pin to lubricate it. I would never stick it dry either.... and having any residual oil on the pin isn't going to effect healing time LMFDO!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoagie View Post
    that's rediculous... the purpose of using 2 needles is to have a larger gauge (18 works great) to draw up, then swap to a 23g or smaller to inject. And also because the needle will dull considerably going through the rubber stopper, when your using vials.

    Every single time I've been to the doctor to get a shot, they let a few drops go down the pin to lubricate it. I would never stick it dry either.... and having any residual oil on the pin isn't going to effect healing time LMFDO!!
    Even if it did affect healing, it would not be from using a pin coated with AAS. When you remove the pin, the oil will try to escape the new cavity anyway....which is why you can see oil slowly seep out if you give it time. Z-track would prevent it.....but that get's tricky

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