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Thread: Vial Size....Just noticed and i might need MORE to finish cycle. STUPID!

  1. #1

    Vial Size....Just noticed and i might need MORE to finish cycle. STUPID!

    So from my source i ordered 2 vials, i am just injecting right now (5th shot) and i look at the vial and see there is NOT that much there. i do some investigating and i see that these vials are 10ml each.
    therefor, each vial is good for 10 shots, probably 9 even being more realistic.

    soooo that's a 10 week cycle, NOT 12 weeks like i had planned. im sort of pissed, what do i do?

    i msg'd my source and i get the reply "thats why i told you to use half a cc for the first few weeks" and im thinking wtf, why? no need to slowly add more, it doesnt need a ramp up!

    anyways, just sort of venting here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Either order more, or if not then do a 9 week cycle and then proper PCT. Either way not a big deal, lesson learned.

  3. #3
    Yeah.....i dont know if i want to order more from this source, i'd like to find a cheaper place..i got a feeling i paid A LOT too much for this stuff..i know we arent allowed to state prices, so im not sure if i actually did or not?

  4. #4
    On a side note, i just injected my quad for the FIRST time, it went great...hopefully it doesnt bruise like my glutes have 2 ut o the 4 times i've done them....

  5. #5
    You can look up what average street prices are for test, just google it, although I find some of them to be inflated.

    As far as the size of your bottles, get used to it. Almost all gear comes in 10ml bottles unless it is amps, but we used to see some 40ml jugs of enanthate (mexican). They were COOL!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    just run it for 10 big deal

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    811 will lose about 1ml per 10ml vial due to the gear that is left in the needle that will never make it into your you need to account accordingly...UNLESS:

    Your source is cool and puts 11ml in the 10ml vial to make up for the gear lost in the needle...

  8. #8
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23 View Post will lose about 1ml per 10ml vial due to the gear that is left in the needle that will never make it into your you need to account accordingly...UNLESS:

    Your source is cool and puts 11ml in the 10ml vial to make up for the gear lost in the needle...
    it wont be that much, more like .5ml or less

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    it wont be that much, more like .5ml or less
    Depends on the guage of the pin.....a 23 guage 1.5" pin has a .1 ml after 9 shots you would only have .1 left in the vial.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    How did this basic math stuff elude you before you purchased the gear?
    Why don't you just drop the dose a little (400mg vs 500mg) if you really want to do 12 weeks for some reason?
    And you only lose like a drop of gear if you use the air bubble method, where you draw an extra .3cc of air into the syringe, then inject downward so that the air pushes out that last .15ml of oil in the hub of the syringe.

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