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here's some very rough guidelines I've come across in the past, cheers.
Muscle bellies--works most of the time: flex your bicep and place fingers in between your elbow joint and biceps muscle belly. More than two fingers means you have high origin/insertions and probably have to work a very hard for mass. Two fingers tightly probably means a medium muscle build. One finger or less and you are pretty blessed with big, full muscle bellies.
Joints--In bodybuliding, it's always impressive when someone puts on a lot of mass with small joints. The bellies look huge. Unfortunatly, those with small joints tend to have a little more trouble building size. To test joint size, measure you wrist circumference. Grasp your wrist with your opposing thumb and middle finger. If your fingers overlap easily--small frame. If they barely touch--medium frame. If they don't touch at all--large frame. Usually larger frames have the capasity to hold more mass.
keep in mind these are very very rough estimates.