i got this bottle. never used. i wanna start taking it. how should i cycle it??
once a week? ever day??? i dont know and want the best gains.. any advice??
i got this bottle. never used. i wanna start taking it. how should i cycle it??
once a week? ever day??? i dont know and want the best gains.. any advice??
Last edited by Pete710; 10-17-2010 at 08:01 PM.
pic isn't working.. make sure you remove the lab name from the pic
i hope you have test also? and I would do a fair amount of reading before you go poking yourself
there the pic.. what you think
is that from mexico?
DECA is best when running it at least 2mg per pound of bodyweight.
200lb man would need 400mg per wk.
yea it is. the words are in spanish. its a bit old. expired in dec 08. but should still be good
im 170. how many cc's do i take each shot. and how many days a week
Without any clue about how to do this stuff you should just put that bottle on a shelf until you have done some more research. Get to know the process first and don't be too anxious to get started or you'll just be wasting your time. Or worse, jacking up your health.
Pete, The answers you seek are here, and if i were you, I'd do some research on my own before just taking someones word for it. Unless you like having a flacid penis thats good for nothing but urinating, you shouldn't run deca by itself. Not only that 10ml of deca wouldn't be enough for a proper cycle IMHO. Read the profile on steroid.com of deca. If this is your first cycle put the deca away and do some research on beginner cycles. Also when posting asking for help be sure to include your stats age? height? weight? bodyfat? cycle expierience? training experience? Good news is you're in the best place on the www to find the answers you need. So how bout those stats to start?
expired,mexican no clue how to or how much and apparently no test this is recipe for disaster as stated above shelf the idea for a bit and read alot not being rude just trying to save you some frusteration
im 25. 5'11 weighin 170 pounds. prob like 5-7% bodyfat. im ripped. i want size. been liften for bout 6 years now
5% is what a lot of pro's walk on stage at. if thats your true bodyfat congrats. But 170 at 5'11 leaves a whole lot of room to grow naturally. You should be able to hit 185-190 eaisly no problem without gear. Doesn't matter what gear you run if you don't have a diet thats dialed in to your nutrition needs you're not going to keep your mass. Cycling at your current weight would more than likely result in yo yo type gains. Meaning you'd cycle be at 190 in 10 weeks then 6 weeks later be back to 170ish again since you're body isn't use to carring that much mass and you're not eating like a 190lb guy. Post up your diet in the diet section and myself or several others would be happy to help you with it. Give that a while to put mass on naturally. After that if you still want to cycle i'll personally sit down with you and help you plan a propper cycle!
thats me. yea i want to be 185. thats my goal... im pretty consistant with a routine on waht i eat. every morning i eat my 4 eggs. sometimes wis with brown rice and toast.
lunch is usually tuna fish or grilled chicken sandwich with some yogurt. dinner could be pasta or steak and potaotoes and spinach. or grilled chicken with potatoes or rice. or some shrimp. i try and eat protien allll day. i drink only water and gatorade. after every workout i take a protien shake.
...so you only eat 3 meals a day?
read all the stickies bro, they are quite helpful
You aren't 5% first off.
Secondly, by the mere title of this thread coupled by your initial question, you need some more research before going any further.
double post
you're over 7% Id say between 9-12% which is still good. Some others may chime in but my assessments are pretty accurate. Take a little time in the diet section and you'll see how much effort a lot of these guys put into planning a diet. A proper diet needs to look like this i'll post my cutting diet for example
TDEE 3100 calories
Meal 1 when i wake up
1 scoup whey 4 grams fish oil
Cal 130 Protien 26 carb 3 fat 6
Meal 2 approximately 1 hour later (however long it takes me to shower get dressed and prepare it)
1 cup egg beaters with 2 slices fat free cheese with 1/2 cup oats 5 g olive oil (in the egg beaters)
Meal 3 3-4 hours later
10 oz chicken breast 2/3 cup sweet potatoes 1 cup brocoli
Meal 4 Pre work out meal
2 oz (uncooked wieght) whole wheat pasta (penne)1 slice fat free cheese 1 can tuna 1 ozfrozen peas (makes something like a tuna caserole)
Meal 5 Post work out shake imediately after workout
2 scoups whey 1/2 cup oats/5g flaxseed oil
Meal 6 no more than 2 hours later usually 1 hour is a repeat of meal 3 the veg might change or it might be the equivelent in turkey breast or sirloin depending on how sick of chicken i get
Meal 7 usually before bed
3/4 cup fat free cottage cheese
2 tbsp natty peanutbutter.
total numbers for the day are
2460cal 306g protien 211g carb 56g fat
51% Protien
37% carb
12% fat
First off you need to figure your BMR (base metabolic rate) then your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) this will tell you your break even calories. If you want to add mass you'll have to plan to be around 500 calories above that. Google the numbers and let me know what you come up with. Also notice how i listed the macro's for each meal.
BMR is 1844.1
TDEE is 3202
i start my work day at 630 in the morning. so i usually get up at 5am which give me plenty of time to cook.
i get a lunch from 11-100.
get out of work at 430, usually go straight to the gym.
then go home and by 6-7 im eating dinner.
i wanna get bigger and wanna do what it takes
Growing is basically keeping your body anabolic instead of catabolic. You're best bet is to eat every 3 hours. Lots of guys in here have busy lives so we cook in bulk when we can and put it in tupperwear for later. Try starting your day with a scoop of whey in the morning. Then cook your breakfast and mid morning meal at the same time. Put your mid morning meal in a tupperwear and then eat your breakfast. Then eat lunch at regular time. You need a quick meal pre workout. Protien with complex carbs. You're Post work out shake needs to contain carbs as well as protien. After your post workout shake no more than 1 hour till you eat a balanced meal with complex carbs and animal protien. Also you need a slow digesting protien right before you go to bed to prevent going catabolic overnight. Cassien protien is good, Fatty sources like natural peanutbutter, or cottage cheese also do good. In order to get big you gotta eat big. Ask anyone here how much time they spend planning gear use in comparison to how much time they spend eating or planning meals and there's no comparison. Food is the most powerfull anabolic on the planet!
i can do that.. but one concern. how much should i eat for each meal.
you're gonna have to do the math bro. Some of us get paid to write diets for people. I already told you you need to eat 500 cals above your TDEE. You can look at the diet forum and look at more sample meals from other diets. If anything i'd say try to make your diet 40% protien 45% quality carbs and 10-15% healthy fats. I've gave you the tools you just have to do the work and do the math
Good to hear.
You have a good base, good genetics.
It has been stated a few times and you where given a good example above. What it takes 90% is Diet. You really do need to eat 6+ times a day and learn what, how much and when to eat it. It will make more difference than any gear.
That being said you are not far off from being ready for AAS but you need to take the time to get the diet 100%, workout routine 100% and up the knoledge a LOT before thinking about using any AAS.
When you do, when you are ready you will be MUCH more happy with your results.
BTW I would guesstimate your body fat around 10% or just under.
i love the saying......Gaining is 85% diet.....15% working out and 35% AAS....people read that and then say....that is 135%.....CORRECT.
AAS is above and beyond what it takes to grow and gain....the 35% above is the AAS adder......so gaining and growing is 100% diet and exercise.
I think it's a cool saying.
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