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Thread: True Newbie! Needs experienced advice on first cycle.

  1. #1

    True Newbie! Needs experienced advice on first cycle.

    Hello everyone...I am new to this site and am hoping to draw some advice from the experienced folks who frequent here.

    I recently received my first cycle through a colleague. Tren E 200 MG/ML.

    He has given me some advice...but like anything important, I am want to learn as much as possible prior to getting started.

    I am 6-3, 160 lbs, 32 years old and I have always had problems trying to gain muscle and gain weight. I don't work out as much as I would like...I am currently only getting a couple workouts per week in at the gym. I like to get out and run a few miles a few times a week. That being said, I have some questions. Im currently at 9% body fat (im thin). My ultimate goal is to gain 15-20 pounds and then be able to maintain that weight without the use of anything but hard work.

    1) Should I establish a better workout regimine for a certian period of time PRIOR to beginning my cycle? If so, for how long?

    2) Is Tren E what you suggest I start my steroid training with or is there something else or in addition that I should use with it?

    3) How often should I use this drug and in what quantities?

    4) What are the side effects I can expect to encounter and what are some options/advice on how to counteract those side effects?

    5) I have never used a needle for any drug ever...thus I am inexperienced in using a syringe to draw out and to inject??

    6) What should I expect to plan for my diet?

    7) Not sure if it is relative or not, but I also happen to relax at night with a joint or a blunt with some friends (not a fan of alcohol)....would this cause any problems with my training? (It doesnt effect my motivation)

    I apologize in advance for being so uninformed but, naturally, because of the potential problems if not used correctly, I would like to educate myself as much as possible before getting started. Please "dumb" things down as much as possible.


    Last edited by stick800; 10-18-2010 at 01:16 AM. Reason: Would like to add comments

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I want to help.... but you have not done any research at all. You know what questions to ask, so search the forums for the answers. I could help, but I would be here typing for an hour.

    But for starters, a Tren E cycle is a BAD idea, especially for your first cycle.

    Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate would be optimal. Actually, it would be suggested.

    Tren E will have side effects that will make your life miserable. That, and it is a dangerous steroid in terms of the damage done to your body.

    Ditch the Tren (or save it for later). Instead look into Testosterone, and PCT + on-cycle support (estro control, hcg, etc.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stick800 View Post
    Hello everyone...I am new to this site and am hoping to draw some advice from the experienced folks who frequent here.

    I recently received my first cycle through a colleague. Tren E 200 MG/ML.

    He has given me some advice...but like anything important, I am want to learn as much as possible prior to getting started.

    I am 6-3, 160 lbs, 32 years old and I have always had problems trying to gain muscle and gain weight. I don't work out as much as I would like...I am currently only getting a couple workouts per week in at the gym. I like to get out and run a few miles a few times a week. That being said, I have some questions. Im currently at 9% body fat (im thin). My ultimate goal is to gain 15-20 pounds and then be able to maintain that weight without the use of anything but hard work.

    1) Should I establish a better workout regimine for a certian period of time PRIOR to beginning my cycle? If so, for how long?

    You are a long long way from cycling.
    2) Is Tren E what you suggest I start my steroid training with or is there something else or in addition that I should use with it?
    I would never suggest tren in a first or 2nd cycle. Test only cycle for beginners.
    3) How often should I use this drug and in what quantities?

    4) What are the side effects I can expect to encounter and what are some options/advice on how to counteract those side effects?

    5) I have never used a needle for any drug ever...thus I am inexperienced in using a syringe to draw out and to inject??

    6) What should I expect to plan for my diet?

    7) Not sure if it is relative or not, but I also happen to relax at night with a joint or a blunt with some friends (not a fan of alcohol)....would this cause any problems with my training? (It doesnt effect my motivation)

    I apologize in advance for being so uninformed but, naturally, because of the potential problems if not used correctly, I would like to educate myself as much as possible before getting started. Please "dumb" things down as much as possible.


    Why Test for a First Cycle
    Written by jimmyinkedup
    contributed by jimmyinkedup

    Test Beginner Cycle Guide
    Written by Phate

    Diet Help
    Written by Phate, Diet written by PerfectBeast2001

    Nutritional Links
    Written by Pinnacle

    here is some reading for you. You have a lot to learn man. You are farrrrrr from cycling. At 6-3 once you got around 200 i would say thn maybe consider it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    In the gym
    very light...

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