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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1

    First Cycle

    Thinking of starting my first cycle.
    Im 21 years old 6'3" and weigh around 170lbs, quite skinny, ive been training on and off for around a year.
    I wanted to first of all try a Anavar only cycle only reason being that i know it isnt a harsh steroid. Dont want to jump into the deep end. But being quite skinny i know that var isnt known for its bulking abilitys! I would run this course for about 8 weeks and take 60mg everyday and have a proper PCT. My diet is quite good, try keep as clean as possible and taking around 3000calories every day. i want to get a good weight gainer and creatine while on var
    i have attached a few photos of how i am at the moment.

    let me know what you guys think

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	111698   Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I think you're too young, and you could do some serious damage if you ate more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    first off you are to young to consider useing aas.and second if you know var isnt really for bulking if that is your goal, then why use it.
    you have a good base to work off naturally why mess it up with and training will get you were you need to be. you have only been training a year hardly enough time to build connective tissue and tendons you risk injury if you cycle because your increas in strength will promt use to use heavier weight which you body wont be able to handel.
    post your diet in the diet section so we can take a look at how you are getting 3000 cals, its probably not as clean as you might think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

  5. #5
    Right this is my current diet

    meal 1. Oats, peanut butter on wholemeal bread, whey protein,

    Meal 2.either one and half chicken breast or one pot tuna, pasta, vegetables, salad cream

    Meal 3. Same as above

    Meal 4. fruit smoothie, 4 scrambled eggs on wholemeal bread

    Meal 5. Some sort or fish or red meat with rice

    Meal 6. whey protein. Cottage cheese

    I aslo take multivitamins and cod liver oil

  6. #6
    i also have cheat meals once or twice a week. i know i shouldnt but would cut these out if i started a cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Give it time bro, you got plenty of natural growth left. You have a good frame to build solid gains. At that height you could easily get to over 200lb naturally. it just me, or has there been a surge in sub-25 year olds wanting to cycle?

  8. #8
    Thanks guys. I was obviously just looking for a quick fix. To be honest i have been training a year but not contant, i will just be more consistant and keep training hard and stay away from the gear!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    you eat that good every day and aren't putting on any weight at 170? holy! If i put that clean of food down daily I'd be cut, lol.

    I'm 22, 6'0 - 195 bro and I've been working out consistently for roughly 4 years. I only really cleaned up my diet in the last year, and it's worked wonders. The development you have for only working out a year is crazy good dude, you look a lot better then most of my friends your size who have been going hard for 2 years +(no homo). Maybe try a weight gainer to help you add some mass this winter, and try a low rep + heavy weight (3x6) program for a couple months, guarantee you can make noticeable results by beach season!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    what is your workout program look like?

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