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Thread: Opinions please..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Opinions please..

    Ok let's do stats first -

    Age: 37
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 96kg
    BF%: before this cycle 12%
    Cycle Exp: 3rd uneducated cycle
    PCT Knowledge: little
    Training Exp: 3 years
    Diet: good(ish) I try for 250-300 grams protien, with approximate 250 carbs.

    Currently running (4 weeks now) 750mg deca & 800mg tri-test. Initially started with 40mgs a day of d-Bol, to get things started. Using a phail a month (end of first bottle now) I intend to use another 2 bottles of both deca and tri-test. Gains in strength are very minimal, but mass gains are extreme. I couldn't be happier with my current gains. I am getting slightly sore nipples, and am getting the expected spots on shoulders. So why do I need opinions?
    Well I have a box of tamoxifen and a bottle of tri-tren. So opinions, when to use tamoxifen and should I introduce the tri-tren or not. Previous cycle involved trenbolone aceate, but found the sweats difficult to cope with, but the gains justify the means

    So opinions please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    you are already running a lot.. save the tren for another cycle.. strength kicks in in week 4-5 with these compounds (especially deca) since they are such long Esther compounds..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    alright so you are asking if you should start to run tren with deca when your nipples are slightly sore?

    i would say that you need to get some bromocriptine or cabergoline on hand immediately in case you begin to experience prolactin related sides, and NOT to run the tren with the deca. (two 19-nors, especially at the doses you are running, can REALLY up your body.. especially since you said that tren a gave you bad sweats)

    also, those doses are very high for only a third cycle. i would just stick with the test/deca.

    as for the nolvadex, keep that for PCT. do not take that on cycle. if you think you are getting estrogen realted sides, get some aromasin, letro, or arimidex to take care of that

    your pct should looks something like this (since you said you have little pct knowledge)
    (3 weeks after your last deca shot, 2 weeks after your tri-test shot)
    Week 1: Nolvadex:40mg, Clomid:100mg
    Week 2: Nolvadex:20mg, Clomid:50mg
    Week 3: Nolvadex:20mg, Clomid:50mg
    Week 4: Nolvadex:20mg, Clomid:50mg

    this is a pretty serious cycle and some pretty serious compounds.. try to do a little more research before you put that much AAS in your body at once lol (just trying to be helpful)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You need to re-evaluate the way your going about this. 3rd uneducated cycle means this will technically be your first. And even this cycle looks uneducated so basically you are at square 1 with no proper cycles under your belt.

    Dosages are too high
    Compound selections are unwise
    Your PCT knowledge is little so there is a good indication of a failed cycle.
    You aren't taking anything to counter the sides from the 19nor/Test.

    I say you stop immediately and get on a PCT similar to the above layout then get some blood work done. Come back when you are ready to do this the right way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ok.. Thanks for input. Doses too high.. Can anyone suggest some more suitable doses. Thanks for advice on PCT. I will follow that exactly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    You need to re-evaluate the way your going about this. 3rd uneducated cycle means this will technically be your first. And even this cycle looks uneducated so basically you are at square 1 with no proper cycles under your belt.

    Dosages are too high
    Compound selections are unwise
    Your PCT knowledge is little so there is a good indication of a failed cycle.
    You aren't taking anything to counter the sides from the 19nor/Test.

    I say you stop immediately and get on a PCT similar to the above layout then get some blood work done. Come back when you are ready to do this the right way.
    Quote Originally Posted by riQeh View Post
    Ok.. Thanks for input. Doses too high.. Can anyone suggest some more suitable doses. Thanks for advice on PCT. I will follow that exactly.

    I'm with HP on this one....

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