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  1. #1
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    Talking Winstrol only cycle = increased anxiety?

    hey guys,

    first things first I'm a new member on the site. (although i did alot of research about winstrol on here before i started this cycle).

    Anyway, I've been running Winstrol orals 40mg a day for the past 3 weeks or so, and I've noticed in the past 24 hours a big increase in anxiety/had a panic attack.

    I take Milk thistle (double the suggested dose on the bottle) and natural fishoils,
    and before my morning workout i take 1.5 scoops of superpump mixed with 2 scoops of 'concret' creatine.

    when i first started the winstrol, i did notice an increase in anxiety a small bit, but not that much. I did do some stimulants on saturday night (today is tuesday) and I'm hoping that's it and it will go away.. because I'm really enjoying the gains and would hate to have to stop the winny.

    anyway, just a noob looking for some advice!

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    You did a lot of research on Winny before you started huh? Did any of this research tell you that winny only can suppress your natural test production? After 3 or 4 weeks of winny solo you might have very low free testosterone in your blood. Could be what your anxiety is related to. I'd stop what i was doing right now and do more research on a propper beginner cycle

  3. #3
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    im on winny 50mg a day right now and i noticed a pretty big increase in anxiety also

  4. #4
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    I've seen great gains (5lbs pure muscle) and clear losses in water weight, is there any way i could add test into my cycle now?

    I'm apposed to poking (just because I'm scared Sh**less of needles) so i don't want to put any extra strain on my liver if orals are also liver toxic.

    you're advice is greatly appreciated... my sources of info are clearly B.s

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    You could add test but it would take a while to get your levels up. The only way you're really gonna get the test you need is through injections. Unless you are eligible for TRT from your doctor. I'd just do a PCT and go back to the drawing board. What are you stats? age? height? weight? bodyfat? training experience? Generally if you buy AAS from someone they're not the person you want to listen to on how to take it. Remember to most of them its about money so if you dont' wanna inject ofcourse he'll tell you an oral only cycle is ok.

  6. #6
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    20 years old
    210 pounds (not sure on BF% but about 10 pounds overweight according to my doc)

    lifting since 15, didnt get serious about it until 18-19, right now doing 1 hour cardio a day (15 mile bike) and 1 hour lifting a day.

    I was looking at zues supplements as a quick source of test, but they wouldnt really do sh*tall in my situation eh.

    What kind of PCT do i need for a winny only cycle? I've heard nolvadex from one buddy, but from many others nothing because winny doesnt increase estrogen levels?

  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    at 20 years old your endochrine system hasn't fully matured yet. By adding AAS to your developing system of hormones you run the risk of doing permenant damage to yourself and possibly setting yourself up for testosterone replacement therapy for life. The human endochrine system matures around the age of 25. You should take two weeks of nolva at 20mg a day IMO and stay away from the AAS for a while. Plenty of natural ways to achieve your goal

  8. #8
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    i would use clomid, and if your gonna use a test injection i would use prop cuz it will kick in faster than E or C

  9. #9
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    thanks for all your advice, i guess ill be back on the site in 5 years or so :P

    as far as fat burning supps go... I've always beleived them to be B.S, (hense the winny cycle) any thoughts on this?

    and just stick to the creatine/protein for muscle gains?

  10. #10
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Cardio, and diet. Those are your two best friends.

  11. #11
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    Im running a super low carb high protein diet, and the hour of cardio a day is already killer, adding another 30 minutes of running as of tomorrow.

    do i have to order nolvadex online? or is there somewhere local i can get it so i can drop this winny asap

  12. #12
    scotty51312's Avatar
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  13. #13
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    checking out the clomid and nolva on this site, looks like injectables?

    any other options (was trying to stay away from the needles haha)


  14. #14
    Stay Solid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HugeGuns View Post
    checking out the clomid and nolva on this site, looks like injectables?

    any other options (was trying to stay away from the needles haha)

    Its Not injectables bro its simply in liquid oral form, read up in the AR-R section for the proper doses. Theres no need for other options AR-R Is legit

  15. #15
    amostofi1999 is offline Associate Member
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    winstrol only cyles are associated with low iq lol

  16. #16
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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    should i remain on the winny until iget my hands on some clomid or nolva?

  17. #17
    HugeGuns is offline New Member
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  18. #18
    codeegee's Avatar
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    Get off it ASAP and order clomid nolva or arr! You'll have it at your door in a few days if you're in the US, and hopefully you can negate any sort of damage you may have done to your body. Buddy did the same thing as you but with dbol , messed him up good but good news is i have some clomid in the mail for him

  19. #19
    codeegee's Avatar
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    off arr*

    and yeah, you can go to your nearest drug store and buy an oral syringe. (don't worry its not a needle). Measure and mix a ml or 2 with some sweet juice (my buddy uses sunny d) and it goes down alright.

  20. #20
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    ar-r send oral syringes with thier products

  21. #21
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    lol wait i got a question, how in any way is an oral only cycle gonna do more harm then good? i mean yeah oral only cycles SUCK compared to injectables, but my first time doing roids i did oral only and i gained and kept around 10 pounds there just like prohormone cycles lol, its pretty much the same thing as a very short injectable cycle right? i mean your gonna gain less cuz your on it for a way less of a time plus your blood levels arent as stable but i dont see how winny only can be more bad than good if your someone whos unwilling to do injectables or who cant get ahold of some decent test.

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