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  1. #1
    mg17 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010

    Question Newbie questions! Help!

    alright so im 21 6 feet and about 160-165 im going to start a cycle in november..since i havnt done it before what would you recommend, should i stack and if so what? im basically looking for the safest combo that will give me the most gains (strength/size) long as the stack wont kill me give me the best combo you think i should be taking with a bit of info on them...keep in mind i dont want to spend a crazy amount of $...ive bin working out for over a year..and its extremely hard for me to gain pretty lean about 7 percent body fat...i can eat like a cow and still not let me know what would be the best for a hard gainer..trying to get arnold size! without killing themself or shrinking there dick lol...keep in mind i dont really no shit...ive bin thinking about dbol or something i dont know..just help me out! il take some before and after pics also

  2. #2
    mg17 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    also im ony looking to take oral! not injectable even though i heard the hard on the liver bullshit..i just dont have time to inject myself and shit i rather oral

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome! You came to a great place to learn. At 21, it will be very hard to get stack advice here. Diet and cardio is the way to go for now....hang around and read and study. Post your diet in the Diet Forum to help you get great food advice to help you gain the weight you want. There are guys there who will really help you out!

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg17 View Post
    alright so im 21 6 feet and about 160-165 im going to start a cycle in november..since i havnt done it before what would you recommend, should i stack and if so what? im basically looking for the safest combo that will give me the most gains (strength/size) long as the stack wont kill me give me the best combo you think i should be taking with a bit of info on them...keep in mind i dont want to spend a crazy amount of $...ive bin working out for over a year..and its extremely hard for me to gain pretty lean about 7 percent body fat...i can eat like a cow and still not let me know what would be the best for a hard gainer..trying to get arnold size! without killing themself or shrinking there dick lol...keep in mind i dont really no shit...ive bin thinking about dbol or something i dont know..just help me out! il take some before and after pics also
    1. You're endochrine system hasn't matured yet and wont' until the age of 25. You risk permanantly damaging your body and relying on Testosterone injections for the rest of your life.

    2. Working out for only a year still won't give your body the foundation to handle AAS. You're tendons havent' grown strong enough to handle the strenght increase and you'd probably just end up hurting yourself and setting yourself back further.

    3 Not wanting to spend a crazy amout of cash tells me that your budget is more important than your health.

    4. FOOD is the best for making gains. You may eat a lot but you more than likely don't eat right. I'd be happy to help you with your diet.

    5 Oral only cycles are not recommended for anyone. With the exception of couple no one should ever think about running any oral solo. Running orals solo is going to increase the chance of shutting down your own testosterone production and then suffering erectile dysfunction. Thats right you're dick wont' work. Would suck to be a big musclular guy who had to turn down any offers cause of an embarrassing problem.

    6. The fact that you think steroids will make your dick shrink tells me you havent' researched and shouldn't even think about AAS yet. Post your diet and we'll get you straight. Hard gainers need to become hard eaters to make gains

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