done some looking around on clen dosing...
saw this recommended
Day 1 60mcg
Day 2 60mcg
Day 3 60mcg
Day 4 80mcg
Day 5 80mcg
Day 6 80mcg
Day 7 100mcg
Day 8 100mcg
Day 9 100mcg
Day 10 120mcg
Day 11 120mcg
Day 12 120mcg
Day 13 140mcg
Day 14 140mcg
in the chemical profiles section, i read that the author suggests 20mcg doses 3x a day, instead of a 60mcg dose all at once.
anyone have experience with bad side-effects from a one time dose
trying to decide between a 2week on 2week off cycle... or to use benadryl to prevent downregulation of the beta-2's and use it straight for ~6weeks
height 5'10
weight 165
BF 10-11%
first cycle