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Thread: Currently On Clen.... Going in for a full blood panel.... QUESTION....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada

    Currently On Clen.... Going in for a full blood panel.... QUESTION....

    Ok, I posted this in the blood test section too. Sorry for the double post but I am in a bit of a hurry to get the answer and don't know if I'll get it in the other section by tonight.

    So I am 3 days into my clen cycle dosing was 50mcg/ed for days 1 and 2 then 75mcg for day 3. I went to the Doctor today, regarding my Naturally low test levels. They are refusing to treat or acknowledge the issue. I have had 5 blood tests done over the last year and a half and on all of them my test levels came in low.

    Long Story short, I freaked out went to a new doctor and he wants to do a full blood panel and a chest Xray on me before proceeding. I want to get the blood and xray out the way tomorrow morning. My question is, if I don't take the clen tomorrow will I be ok.... or is the dosing I have already done going to affect my blood results or my chest xray??



  2. #2
    You should be good to go....I have read that clen can be active in your system for up too 60 hours but it won't show up on a blood test unless they are testing for far as I know it won't have any other effect on any of your other blood levels...your blood-lipid levels may be slightly elevated but nothing that will be of concern

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Hoping for some help tonight, as I want to get the blood work done tomorrow... One opinion does not settle me

    Thanks for the input 1827

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    I agree but i'm a bette rsafe than sorry guy and would lay off the clen till after. Clen is a bronchial dialator so it opens up your lungs more if anything i think this would be bennificial durring a chest xray

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