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Thread: Prop lumps common?

  1. #1

    Question Prop lumps common?

    Took first shot .75 cc test prop to the right quad sunday morning. Usual mild soreness that day then a hard leg workout. The right quad started hurtin like a beeyotch. No lumps though and pain has almost completely subsided as of now. Did .75 cc prop to the left quad Yesterday. Hurt like a beeyotch only a little sooner and no leg workout. Pain has slightly subsided today but there is a noticeable albeit slight lump on my left quad. It's not intolerable pain or red, but it's there and looks a little ominous. Is it common to see slight lumpage on quad prop injects? It's not getting worse or anything. But i've read abscesses can take weeks to materialize. Thoughts??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    It happens. Give it a couple days

  3. #3
    If you don't inject deep enough you can have excess fluid buildup just under the skin. Not very common but it does happen. Use 1 1/2" needles for the quad.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you don't inject deep enough you can have excess fluid buildup just under the skin. Not very common but it does happen. Use 1 1/2" needles for the quad.
    My quads are pretty lean and I went all the way in with a 1 inch 23g needle. It's worth noting this was my first true quad injection of test prop. I'd be surprised if my injection did not go deep enough for IM. I probably need to add some grape seed oil, warm the oil before injection, take it slower.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I shot prop for the first time in my right quad with a 25 guage 1" and it was totally painless. I think quads might be my favorite injection site now.

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