Can someone with experience explain symptons of a sterile abcess
The reason i ask is this; i am 2 weeks into a 75mg ED test p cycle, my m8 is also doing the exact same cycle with the exact same gear
My m8 can shoot this gear anywhere and not feel any pain at all the following days. Wherever i shoot it the area ends up swolen, hard lump, inflamed and extreemly painfull for a good 5 days
I shoot side delts and the next day i have added 5 yrs of side delt training to my delt but its all swelling
I shoot glutes and wake up with swelling going right up to my lower back, hard swelling if u kno what i mean
Chest is not so bad
It is not geting any better, i have tryd cutting the gear, no difference, its so bad ATM that im considering getting thru this cycle and running enth from then on since i kno i can take that no problems
Just a shame i have over 450ml of suposidly painless prop LOL
Anyone have any ideas other than; cut it, hot water bottle, masage the area, shoot slowly, heat gear
I have tryd everything i think but its almost like my body doesnt wanna take the prop, like i said my m8 is fine and no im not just being a pu**y