Thread: First time user,help appreciated
10-21-2010, 09:53 AM #1New Member
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First time user,help appreciated
Hello all. Just joined, for a single reason(for now). I decided to do a first cycle. I'm far from being completely ignorant regarding AAS, but in reality, i still feel i know next to nothing about them(actually,this pertains more about PCT). Things i've read, lead to a decision of going with Test E, 500 a week, 10 weeks(which ,btw, where i live is the only compound i can get safely without being afraid of false products-Test E depot-Galenika).
Some background: No competition ambitions any more. I am 30 yo,training consistently for 12 years,with good results. Hovering between 200 and 220 lbs BW, 10-14% BF year round. 5'9". I am very confident in my diet and training, 'i know how to eat and train', so i wont talk about it in the OP. Now the 'problem': i had a lot of trouble with varicocele in the last decade( two surgeries), and low sperm count. After the last one, things are alright, sperm count is good, i am a father. That was the thing that kept me from ever thinking about AAS, until now. I'm almost back to where i wanna be now, aesthetics wise, and want to try to bypass the 'almost' with a first cycle.
I can get my hands on: clomid,nolvadex , Hcg . That's it. My only real fear is gyno,next one is testes shrinking.
This is the area i know virtually nothing about. I realize it may sound stupid, but is all this enough for a good, smart cycle? I keep reading about using this or that from the start, or not-only if necessary(Nolva mostly). I guess my questions are about how and when(and how much) to use everything else but E, the difference between taking Nolvadex from the start and not doing that and similar...For trying to maximize gains. Pros, cons, risks and differences... Reading more and more about it my self gets even more confusing. I just don't feel comfortable making my own PCT without at least providing some details like above, and hopefully getting some help.
Hopefully i wont get flamed, and hopefully i'd be given an opportunity to ask more questions if i get some replies. Also, if you see anything wrong with what's typed above,dosage,duration or anything else please say so.
Thank you.
10-21-2010, 09:58 AM #2
Welcome to AR, sounds like a safe enough 1st cycle. As far as the testes go your HCG will prevent them from shutting down and shrinking and for the gyno concern just monitor it and see what happens. I would get an AI to have on hand like Aromasin to combat estro should that become an issue and attacking estro should always be your 1st move when it comes to gyno regardless.
10-21-2010, 10:24 AM #3New Member
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Thanks for the fast reply. I'm sure all of you realize that as a virgin i could have a million 'what if...' , and 'if when..' questions..Of course,the best thing for me would be to get a very detailed schedule of taking each of the above, and the same should something of sides occur. I know that is impossible to type and i don't actually expect that.
A few things regarding all that would be good to know: HCG from the start or after E shooting is over?Dosage? Whet to start with Clomid and Nolvadex and dosages? And how do i treat gyno symptoms, with what i have, or in case i find Arimidex or Letro somehow (and dosages).
Hope it's not to much to ask, and once again, i apologize if all this sounds stupid..
10-21-2010, 10:37 AM #4
It is not stupid, we all had to start somewhere. However, I'm a firm believer in obtaining knowledge for yourself, being spoon fed specifics does not help you. With that being said I will simply say this, there are TONS of threads regarding HCG , AI's, PCT's and everything in between. Do a few searches and figure things out, if after searching you have a specific question about how something pertains to you then I and everyone else will be more than happy to help but I need to see some effort on your part...
10-21-2010, 10:45 AM #5New Member
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That is not a problem and i planned to do it anyway. Thanks Fuzz.
10-21-2010, 10:48 AM #6
look up swifto's pct regimen, and his protocall for hcg use during cycle. Remeber that hcg use can inflame gyno if you have it, so learn how to spot it (just to be carefull)
I would say run your cycle without the ai and serms to start, some guys dont need them until they reach a certain aas threshhold (if ever). If you start to get overly bloated, get itchy hot sensitive nipples, then follow the protocall for lowering estrogen. But i would run the cycle and see how you react. Your planned dosing is low enough where you can safely experament a little. I dont need an ai or serm at a higher dose than you are running, never have.
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