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  1. #1
    Patsfan073 is offline New Member
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    My first cycle of winstrol. Need advice!

    25 Years old.
    205 pounds
    5' 10
    Been working out for 3 years.

    I'm starting a winstrol oral cycle for about a month of 100 pills. I basically want to lose some body fat and also harden up. Im about 20% body fat. I just want more muscle defintion. Is this the cycle for me? What results will I see? Thanks!

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patsfan073 View Post
    25 Years old.
    205 pounds
    5' 10
    Been working out for 3 years.

    I'm starting a winstrol oral cycle for about a month of 100 pills. I basically want to lose some body fat and also harden up. Im about 20% body fat. I just want more muscle defintion. Is this the cycle for me? NO! What results will I see? not much depends on diet and cardio way more than gear, you'll probably expierience erectile dysfuntion Thanks!

    Winny is not a miracle fat remover, Winny is suppressive and will shut down your natural testosterone production. Whats your knowledge of PCT? I'm assuming this is a first cycle? Whatever you do PLEASE DON'T START A WINNI ONLY CYCLE!

  3. #3
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes mate thats not the best idea to start that cycle

    Here is a link with some info on what should be your 1st cycle assuming your ready -

    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Patsfan073 is offline New Member
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    Yes this is my first cycle. I will be taking some Sam E during cycle. Ive heard novladex isnt nessecary for a winny only cycle. Its only 100 pills 5 mg a pill. 20 mg a day. The sam e is 400 mg tablets. And why not a winny only cycle? I'm not looking for a career in AAS just a boost and a little hardening and defintiion.

  5. #5
    V8Assassin's Avatar
    V8Assassin is offline Junior Member
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    You should listen to what is being said, winny will shut down your natural test production. That is important, fatigue, loss of sex drive, joint dryness, stiffness, and other sides will come with the winny and a loss of test production. Also, and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but winny will not take you from 20%bf to 12%bf in one cycle. You should look at your diet very carefully and try to remove some of the bf% before jumping on a cycle. Also, if my math is correct you only have enough for a 25 day cycle at the proposed dosage. Not sure if you will get the results you want, if any, with that short of run. Last time I did a winny cycle it was a stano-test and I ran it for 12 weeks.

    I am by no means the expert, but there are some very knowledgable guys around here who are willing to help. All anyone ask is an open mind, you won't hear what you want all the time. However, you may hear some things that will help you in the long run.

  6. #6
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    do not run the winny alone....period.

    do way more research....

    complete stats please.

  7. #7
    OldManRiver's Avatar
    OldManRiver is offline Junior Member
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    Do not run that cycle, and if you did 20mg a day for 25 days with your stats will do little to nothing. 20% is on the high side for aas use. Ideal would be 15% or lower. Just start doing alot more intense cardio more frequently. Also address your diet.

  8. #8
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldManRiver View Post
    Do not run that cycle, and if you did 20mg a day for 25 days with your stats will do little to nothing. 20% is on the high side for aas use. Ideal would be 15% or lower. Just start doing alot more intense cardio more frequently. Also address your diet.
    bad advice brother.....way more reasons why to not run winny alone....don't give him ideas that are not correct.

  9. #9
    OldManRiver's Avatar
    OldManRiver is offline Junior Member
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    I was simply adding to everyone elses comments. I think he understands that winny alone is not a good idea, but everyone failed to mention his stats, and the dosage. I thought it was important to provide information on this site. Where did I go wrong? DON'T DO THAT CYCLE....means don't do that cycle...

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